To the staff at

Yea, I'm glad that site is back up and running. Mad props to Jon and Rukas for doing all this work for the members of this board. I would also like to thank ATI for informing everyone during the days when the board was hacked, thanks. Thanks to him I got to spam to hell :)
Thanks to the staff at for investing their time and money and dedicating their every second of free time to this great site and community.

It really felt like some small part of myself was missing these last couple days as i use this site - this board especially as personal entertainment.

I wish all of you the best and good luck with sueing whoever did this.
Start calling out names too.

As for the donation thing: i´m still a little bit insecure about money transfers in connection with but will donate once thing have settled down and a lawsuit is filed officially.

BTW make sure to claim the losses of not sold vip accounts during that time span and losses caused by people not signing up in the future due to worries about money transfer security.

"today the people from tha popular website were in court"..."with swift words they defeated tha bitch i'm sorry this is live they defeated tha kid that tried ta take them down"...."congratulations to all of tha staff for taking down these bitches"
Honestly speaking, I've just got off of urine tests recently so I've been pretty stoned for the past couple weeks n shit.......All I know is I was BLOWN when I found out the site was fuckin hacked n shit......I don't quite understand exactly WHAT happened, but, I'm definately glad to have the site back......This is my fuckin homepage at my home and work comp and to have it down for so long SUCKED......WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED???? Either way, GOOD WORK ON GETTHIN THE SITE UP AND RUNNING AGAIN!!! I'M BOOSTED!

One more thing........I AM SOON APPROACHING THE 2,000 POST MARK........HURTS, I'm down for that pacgroupie bashing or whatever, count me in.

tHuG $TyLe

Well-Known Member
Staff member
yea great to be back, thinkin of closin this but seein as its such a great thing to be back il keep it open.

Ps lol i realised im not a mod


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Staff member
Dameon said:
I would just like to say as a long time fan of and think it captures the image 2Pac had for his legacy and memory.

With that said.. I just wanted to say


Words can't express the meaning of what you have created and no one can ever destory the hard-work and dedication you have put into what has become to me and many others and more then another website.

You Have my full support in The Next Era of

Eric Soriano (dameon)

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Any donations will be used to help pay for the site costs, and anything donated above will be donated to C-Dub's son on behalf of this community.

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