This Weeks Album Sales, 50 Is Double Plat

wtf that daddy yankee dude is selling?? ...... fuckin annoying mother fucker.

and well 50 ...... ill give it up to him hes all business...... pure genius beef before the album comes out and than stir up some more media attention by kickin game out a week or so before the album comes.

oh and the album was and is surprisingly not bad at al.
OxyContin said:
Benzino is not in the top 200? how the hell did that happen? What happened to all you fans that said his album was "fire", and that it would outsell Eminem?
i dunno who said it would outsell eminem, but in truth his album was tight, even tho it flopped n sold only 10k. quality wise it was good tho.
Hostile Apostle said:

I look foward to the weekly record sales, thanks again Unique. Pac is soooooo close to going plat it hurts.
according to, the pac album has already gone platinum.

anyone care to explain....?

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