This is my thread

I have a boomer neighbor that lights up his piece of shit American flag with a spotlight. Typical old white entitled fat boomer American with an excessively large RV in this tiny driveway. When the power goes out, I hear his generator kick-in so he can continue to light up his piece of shit American flag.

Independence Day is the worst fucking holiday in this country. Sorry to keep saying it but it's 2-3 days of complete fucking American morons setting off explosives until midnight. A bunch of fucking morons. OD or blowup, help out the depopulation agenda so the deep state wouldn't be so hard on the rest of us trying to live.
Heard a few pops at around 12:44 but I think the explosion addicts went to bed. Finally. I'm sure they saved a few for tomorrow because they just can't get enough of explosions everyday.

Don't call them cavemen, that would be offensive to cavemen.
Don't judge me on this post. Look at what I've done in the last 3 years.

Actually Joe, this post is a great representation of how crappy I am.

it's "touchy" - in other words, they don't want you to talk about it and instead set off explosives.

"It's complicated" "It's touchy""It has a long history" -- yeah whatever, it seems pretty fucking simple to me.

Took the dog to the park this morning and sure enough the explosion addicts had left their garbage behind. Such lovely people.

Lincoln was a bad man!

It's touchy!

Make room! Giant eggplants coming through!

No real surprise for me to see the la la landers being shocked at how demented Biden is. It's been clear to see for 3 years. The reason I'm not surprised is because we've already seen this illusion with Obama and Biden is just an extension of that crazy white female liberal Administration.

Here's a little not-so-secret secret I've learned --- it's supposed to divide us.

Oh, I'm on a fucking roll today.

No matter where I go, bitches be complaining about how political posts ruins their lunch break at work or some fucking bullshit like that. Try working bitch. Talk to co-workers bitch. Pay attention to your food, be intimate with what you consume, bitch. Go make some memes, bitch.

Okay, I'm done. Ready to go polish some tarnished brass ornaments I picked up at the thrift shop.

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Here we go again

What's with these old white men and their passion for these fairy tales? All wars are bankers wars except American ones? I wish those modern day rapey US soldiers would pack-up and and go home so the natives can have their independence. Unfortunately, as long as moron celebrate these fairy tales, things won't change.

Sorry, it's my fault for reading an article at a can-kickers-united website.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
My sister being in Japan has awakened a desire to explore more of Asia than just India. With family in HK and SG, I'd like to visit them there, instead of them always coming to us. Japan and Taiwan and then family after that. I have to make plans.

A cousin of mine who grew up in HK but has been in the US for 20+ years said going to Japan and SG and such make the US look like a third world country in terms of tech and just socially, in general.
You should go while the rhythm is good. They used to say back in the 80s Japan would takeover the US but yaddi yadda ghost of MacArthur wouldn't allow it. The amazing post world war 2 recovery in Japan was by no accident and how they didn't "takeover the US" is by no accident.


I love photosynthesis.



"Just like in Japanese anime, the real Japan had everything. But unlike anime, there is no love in real life. My home country wasn't as convenient as Japan, but the communication between people was overflowing with love. Have Japanese people forgotten the kind of love depicted in anime?"

Stick to Universal Studio or Disney if you want anime. LOL Whenever my Japanese nationalism pops out of me, the American nationalists tries to trap my by asking but my answer is there is no such thing as "greatest country". Ha haaaa!

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