This is my thread


Well-Known Member
I don't get it either tbh.

I have grown peppers from the seeds and potatoes from the sprouts so they cost nothing (also got killed off by green fly) so I am unsure how it works out cheaper as well.

I know lots of people who keep chickens and ducks for the eggs, but again there is the cost of feeding them too
As someone who has grown veggies in the past, you have to do it because you enjoy it, not to save money.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I'm seeing more and more celebs get in to the alcohol game. Rukas included.

Until recently, I just knew Diddy's affiliation with Ciroc. Was he part owner? The face of the product? I don't know. I tried it in 2008 with a group of friends and we liked it but...we were also 19 years old and didn't know Smirnoff from Aristocrat from Grey Goose.

50 Cent had Effen vodka. Not sure if he's still affiliated with them, but I follow him on IG and he heavily promotes his cognac with hash tags and such.

Shannon Sharpe, ex-NFLer, has his own podcast that's pretty damn successful. He has a bottle of his cognac on the table which he sips on and offers to his guest as well.

The Rock has tequila, I think? He has other stuff too, like a men's skincare line, a sugar free energy drink, etc.

James May has his own gin, possibly making it himself? Or having a hand in making it. Something like that.

So have any of you tried and liked alcohol that has a celeb tied to it? I'm not talking about a brand ambassador that simply pops up in an ad for 5 seconds for a few million bucks and fucks off. I'm talking about products, specifically alcohol, that you tried and liked and, maybe, continue to purchase by the bottle or at the bar.

Spare me the speech on ads and media and influencers. I'm at the point now where I'm pretty sure Google Ads and other ad agencies know me better than myself. They've turned us humans into 0's and 1's and crunched the data and know what we want or would like.

I'm interested in trying all the stuff I mentioned above. I'm not a big drinker but I am at least curious. All I've tried is Ciroc, and Diddy...well..Diddy.

A few months back, I did try The Rock's body wash (only at Target!) which was called Papatui. It was OK. It was less product for a little more money and I decided the artificial smell of Old Spice was just fine for me once I finished the bottle.

And then, aside from alcohol, any other products that allegedly were developed in conjunction with icons of an industry that you've tried and liked?

I have yet to see a Mr Beast video but had seen ads and some YTers mention his chocolate. So I bought one of those Feastables, or whatever they were called, and they were OK. Didn't buy em again but I tried most of the flavors and they were OK. The buzz around his chocolate was it had just a few ingredients in it, possibly nothing "artificial." Whatever. It was OK chocolate but I'm going back to buying Twix and Kit Kats like a fat.


Well-Known Member
Ryan Reynolds has a stake in Aviation Gin, and it's one of my gotos gin for cocktails, like gin & tonic. Dwayne Johnson's tequila is pretty good, as is George Striat's Codigo 1530 tequila. But neither is my favorite, so I've just tried them. Michael Jordan has a tequila but it costs a fortune and I never tried. LeBron's got a tequila too. I hear it's so-so. Matthew McConaughey has a decent bourbon I tried, but I'm not a big bourbon drinker. I tried Bruno Mars's Rum, not bad. Jason Derulo's got Bedlam Vodka, no thanks. Ciroc didn't impress me. My fav vodkas for cocktails are Belvedere, Grey Goose, and Absolut for their flavored vodkas. Favorite tequilas: Patron, Don Julios. Don't have a taste for Scotch or whiskey. More into wines now, but not as a wine snob. If I like the taste, it's a good wine, no matter how cheap or expensive or region grown or harvest year.
Chumlee from Pawn Stars has/had his own chocolate brand. I'm guessing it's just like any other merch, there are companies specializing in putting your name on generic material. That means Chumlee gets the piece of the pie so no thank you for me. I'll stick to Kit Kat as well. In other markets, they have countless flavors of Kit Kats, like banana or matcha. I never find these here. Makes me think that marketers here just don't care about enjoyment of consumers.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Ryan Reynolds has a stake in Aviation Gin, and it's one of my gotos gin for cocktails, like gin & tonic. Dwayne Johnson's tequila is pretty good, as is George Striat's Codigo 1530 tequila. But neither is my favorite, so I've just tried them. Michael Jordan has a tequila but it costs a fortune and I never tried. LeBron's got a tequila too. I hear it's so-so. Matthew McConaughey has a decent bourbon I tried, but I'm not a big bourbon drinker. I tried Bruno Mars's Rum, not bad. Jason Derulo's got Bedlam Vodka, no thanks. Ciroc didn't impress me. My fav vodkas for cocktails are Belvedere, Grey Goose, and Absolut for their flavored vodkas. Favorite tequilas: Patron, Don Julios. Don't have a taste for Scotch or whiskey. More into wines now, but not as a wine snob. If I like the taste, it's a good wine, no matter how cheap or expensive or region grown or harvest year.
My sister is going to Japan soon. She told me about Japanese whiskey, specifically a plum whiskey, I think? I told her to bring me some back if she can. Not a big whiskey drinker either but it'd be nice to try.

We do have a myriad of different Asian food markets in the Chicagoland area. Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and of course Indian. But the East Asian markets do stock a wide variety of stuff from their respective countries and I meant to check at Mitsuwa if they kept rare Japanese whiskeys there. I know they have an alcohol section in general and people get Japanese beer and wine from there. Probably have whiskey too. I'd feel real dumb if I got her to bring me back something I could've gotten here, even if it was at a premium.
It's 2024, you can get anything here in the states including flavored Kit Kats. But that's not the point is it?
I had a friend that asked me for a samurai sward - I was like "really? wtf". I got him a dollar store magnetic car sticker for old drivers.

I went to one of the Asian stores in suburban Chicago one time. They do have everything - like shampoo. The American stuff just don't cut it for some people I guess. Me, I haven't used shampoo in over a decade and my scalp thanks me.


I'd say, in Japan, Beyonce is way more popular than T Swift and most people don't know Olivia.

I don't read Famitsu but I think Nintendo is way more popular than SqaureEnix. The Japanese video game industry is dead so who cares anyway.

I have never watch a single Hikakin videos. That shit is for 6 year olds.

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Well-Known Member
My sister is going to Japan soon. She told me about Japanese whiskey, specifically a plum whiskey, I think?
Yeah, there are cheap or expensive ones. Never tried. They're aged in wood barrels like Scotch. The plum part sounds good but the whiskey part says malt, oak, and smoke flavors to me, so, no thanks.



Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
My sister is going to Japan soon. She told me about Japanese whiskey, specifically a plum whiskey, I think? I told her to bring me some back if she can. Not a big whiskey drinker either but it'd be nice to try.
Ive had Japanese plum wine, but never plum whiskey. Im not a massive whiskey drinker.

I do loooove a warm Japanese sake.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
I'm seeing more and more celebs get in to the alcohol game. Rukas included.

Until recently, I just knew Diddy's affiliation with Ciroc. Was he part owner? The face of the product? I don't know. I tried it in 2008 with a group of friends and we liked it but...we were also 19 years old and didn't know Smirnoff from Aristocrat from Grey Goose.

50 Cent had Effen vodka. Not sure if he's still affiliated with them, but I follow him on IG and he heavily promotes his cognac with hash tags and such.

Shannon Sharpe, ex-NFLer, has his own podcast that's pretty damn successful. He has a bottle of his cognac on the table which he sips on and offers to his guest as well.

The Rock has tequila, I think? He has other stuff too, like a men's skincare line, a sugar free energy drink, etc.

James May has his own gin, possibly making it himself? Or having a hand in making it. Something like that.

So have any of you tried and liked alcohol that has a celeb tied to it? I'm not talking about a brand ambassador that simply pops up in an ad for 5 seconds for a few million bucks and fucks off. I'm talking about products, specifically alcohol, that you tried and liked and, maybe, continue to purchase by the bottle or at the bar.

Spare me the speech on ads and media and influencers. I'm at the point now where I'm pretty sure Google Ads and other ad agencies know me better than myself. They've turned us humans into 0's and 1's and crunched the data and know what we want or would like.

I'm interested in trying all the stuff I mentioned above. I'm not a big drinker but I am at least curious. All I've tried is Ciroc, and Diddy...well..Diddy.

A few months back, I did try The Rock's body wash (only at Target!) which was called Papatui. It was OK. It was less product for a little more money and I decided the artificial smell of Old Spice was just fine for me once I finished the bottle.

And then, aside from alcohol, any other products that allegedly were developed in conjunction with icons of an industry that you've tried and liked?

I have yet to see a Mr Beast video but had seen ads and some YTers mention his chocolate. So I bought one of those Feastables, or whatever they were called, and they were OK. Didn't buy em again but I tried most of the flavors and they were OK. The buzz around his chocolate was it had just a few ingredients in it, possibly nothing "artificial." Whatever. It was OK chocolate but I'm going back to buying Twix and Kit Kats like a fat.
Ha. I think for a lot of celebs it's just an easy marketing exercise but things will shift.

I actually had a chat with an east coast rapper turned entrepreneur who had a liquor company who sold it to Bacardi last year because his team wants to get into coffee instead.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Yeah, there are cheap or expensive ones. Never tried. They're aged in wood barrels like Scotch. The plum part sounds good but the whiskey part says malt, oak, and smoke flavors to me, so, no thanks.

Fav: View attachment 764
I'm not a big mint-chocolate fan. My sister loves those Andes bars they give at Olive Garden, though lol.

I have tried the Peach? and a Strawberry Kit Kat I got at my local H Mart last year. They were OK. I probably couldn't eat more than one or two since they feel like a novelty. In moderation, compared to me eating a King size, original Kit Kat if I'm craving one.

We're not drinkers in our house. My dad doesn't drink at all and my sister and I would drink a few times a year, that also with our mom. The two of them loved frozen margaritas so they'd make them at home and I'd have one. I don't know if getting a bottle of whiskey is a good idea since it'll I'd just have a glass once in a blue moon. But it also feels like something I should at least try.

Ha. I think for a lot of celebs it's just an easy marketing exercise but things will shift.

I actually had a chat with an east coast rapper turned entrepreneur who had a liquor company who sold it to Bacardi last year because his team wants to get into coffee instead.
I have seen some YouTubers go the coffee route. They tend to be right wingers and the coffee name/theme was something along the lines of Freedom or Patriot or something like that lol. I wondered why coffee but...hey, we got influencers doing chocolate, makeup, and screwdrivers, so why not?

You guys hear of that one YouTuber that took yeast from her vag and brewed beer from it and sold it?

She was also the one doing the Hot Tub Streams on Twitch, so she's all about the lowest common denominator.

Pokimane sells her own branded cookies which, allegedly, can be bought at Costco under a different label lol


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I used to be into Japanese whiskeys. There was a company that would sell samples. I think it was called drinks by the dram or something, based in the UK. They stopped shipping to the states. I’m not a big drinker at all but I do love sake. I feel like absolute shit when I drink but never with sake.
Strawberry Kit Kats? Yes please.

The original; it even looks delicious.


I usually settle for the Dove strawberry swirl but there's too much chocolate to each bite. Little at a time.

I have seen some YouTubers go the coffee route. They tend to be right wingers and the coffee name/theme was something along the lines of Freedom or Patriot or something like that lol.
Imported from Bolivia lawl. I'm fine with cheap stuff instead of premium.

You guys hear of that one YouTuber that took yeast from her vag and brewed beer from it and sold it?
I've heard vagina probiotic yogurt. I dunno.. if my partner really wanted me to eat it, I guess I would. I'd grind up Kit Kats and throw em in there.
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Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
I have seen some YouTubers go the coffee route. They tend to be right wingers and the coffee name/theme was something along the lines of Freedom or Patriot or something like that lol. I wondered why coffee but...hey, we got influencers doing chocolate, makeup, and screwdrivers, so why not?

You guys hear of that one YouTuber that took yeast from her vag and brewed beer from it and sold it?

She was also the one doing the Hot Tub Streams on Twitch, so she's all about the lowest common denominator.

Pokimane sells her own branded cookies which, allegedly, can be bought at Costco under a different label lol
I dont want to give away too many details but this will be a very 80s NYC vibe, not right wing. I think he will do well, not that he needs any more money.


Well-Known Member
I don't drink anymore but used to be a big scotch guy. I was flatting with my mate at the time who was also into scotch.. I went through duty free and bought a six hundred dollar bottle. We were saving it for a special occasion, and well we had a party one weekend and we brought it out when we were all blasted at like 2am. Poured a glass for one of my buddies from Canada whod just arrived and he downed the whole thing in one swig like it was a shot. Good times.

Anyways, if you have a good scotch, put an ice cube in it and let it melt. It really helps open the scotch up.

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