This is my thread


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Yeah I have one. I hope you like it and don't think you should've got the aeron instead, I remember you saying you liked the aeron better. My mom and sister sat on mine and were not impressed. They wanted it to be like a couch or something I feel like. I'm like mom I can sit here for 12 hours today and play games and not feel sore afterwards, so she liked that of course. Only thing that sucks is I sit more now when I work instead of standing up but that's some first world problems

Yeah I don't know how tall you are but I'm certainly wider and being tall and wide can be an issue with the Aeron's edges. It's probably good for people who only sit to do work, which would be my dad in the office in front of a computer and doing patient notes. But my chair will be used at home and would be a mix of working, gaming, and fucking around and I sit in weird positions when doing either of those things. Sounds like the Embody would be more forgiving in those situations. For my dad, the ergonomics would be more important and the Aeron feels like a chair that forces you to sit with good posture and it helps you maintain it so you don't ache afterwards. While the Embody does most of that, it still feels like a chair you can relax in and avoid most of the pains from sitting improperly at the same time.

I'll see how it goes with the Embody; I bought it from HM so it has a return policy vs an authorized dealer which has the better prices. If it's not for me after a few weeks, I'll send it back but I'm hoping it works out so I can replace this old, Office Depot chair I've had for a long minute.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
The problem is that they (or and algo) banned decorated, educated people. It got to be so bad, they(msm) started censoring themselves!!! I can find many instances where the narrative pushers lied, straight up, but they remain untouched. It's very easy to see the problem.

It backfired. Seems to be the pattern for them (the powers)

A short outline of stories absent from the MSM coverage

  1. Shanghai/Chinese Lockdown. (Never about prosecuting domestic covid mafia)
  2. Hunter Biden Laptop (Possible contents of which would make Anthony Weiner look like Mother Teresa)
  3. Nazi in Ukraine and anything a Russian politician says (unless if it's apologizing for Hitler was a J*w remarks)
  4. Rumors of vaccine adverse reaction censorship/data manipulation and its official documented proof.
  5. Apparently manufactured food crisis
  6. How the sanctions are backfiring and Biden will go down as the worst president in history!!!@ (but we're fine with that because he's officially not-trump.)
any I missed?


I'm going to get ahead of myself here; if people are really serious about digitizing humanity through all the Hollywood indoctrination, they must realize the thick barrier of human nature (especially about the sociopaths that rule) when we face the possibility of putting Twitter and Facebook into our brains. The dead Neuralink monkey was given mercy!!

An analogy would be the destruction of Earth - it's so bad down here dreamers like Musk wants to start over on Mars. At what cost? Losing the only home we have? The best place we have that the eyes can see?

Insanity. Ignoring the problem and hastily digitizing everything around us, swiping away inconvenience, is playing into the hands of the oppressor in my big picture.

Oh shit, there I go again advocating! :)


Borrowed words

Notable US Supreme Court decisions

Compagnie Francaise de Navigation a Vapeur v. Louisiana Board of Health, 186 U.S. 380 (1902) A state's police power to enforce quarantine laws extends to restricting the movements of uninfected individuals.

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905) Individual liberty is not absolute, and a state's police power must be held to embrace at least such reasonable regulations established directly by legislative enactment to protect public health and safety, which extends to compulsory vaccination laws.

Zucht v. King, 260 U.S. 174 (1922) School districts can constitutionally exclude unvaccinated students.

Prince v. Massachusetts, 321 U.S. 158 (1944) States have broad authority to regulate the actions and treatment of children. Parental authority is not absolute and can be permissibly restricted if doing so is in the interests of a child's welfare. While children share many of the rights of adults, they face different potential harms from similar activities. Compulsory vaccination is an example of a fundamental police power.

Buck v. Bell 274 U.S. 200 (1927) State statutes permitting compulsory sterilization of the unfit, including the intellectually disabled, "for the protection and health of the state" did not violate the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. (partially overruled by Skinner v. Oklahoma (1942) and fully by the American with Disabilities Act of 1990). The case is often cited as one of the worst ever Supreme Court decisions.

Happy persons who bear children day!

Those in powerful positions have lied, cheated and covered up indiscretions forever. Why would it be any different today?

Also, why pick a specific side. Whether it's Trump or Biden, both are part of the ruling elite and therefore don't give many shits about the people they are supposed to represent. We have Boris Johnson, who doesn't even hide the fact he doesn't care about the common people. He is considered ring wing in the UK, but probably still sits left of your democratic party. Anyway, my point is that all the people complaining the 'left' and cover ups are the ones who are most blind to what's going on within the parties and people they support....

I hate all politicians equally. It's the easiest way....

Also ... The world isn't all that bad today. But people are easily brainwashed by a few words on social media. They then go around with this nonsense in their heads calling everyone else sheep. Sounds familiar to you?


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
So it came sooner than expected. I'm liking it so far. I definitely can't sit cross legged on this thing but that's OK. That lumbar support, though....

One thing was underwhelming was the material and color. I got bamboozled by the cyan color. I know it's a bright blue but the images on the site gave me the impression that it was on the darker side. It's pretty bright lol.

I have half a mind to keep the chair for another week or two and then "downgrade" to the regular Embody in all-black. The dealer had it for $1200 before taxes and this gaming one was $1500 after taxes and I think $300 saved just for the sake of the color is money well saved. Blue is my favorite color so I was suckered by that in the pictures.

Or I just make sure the chair fits me and keep the chair after the return period. It's nice but I am on the lookout for things that might be a deal breaker. There wasn't a manual in the box for all the controls so I'm figuring them out on my own but I might have to look at a video/tutorial on YouTube to make sure I know what I'm doing.
Those in powerful positions have lied, cheated and covered up indiscretions forever. Why would it be any different today?
Some key points on my mind

-Globalization -- which is a watered-down way of saying One World Government.
-Internet. Technological progress and the push for brain-machine interface.
-Economy time-bomb. Bigger the bubble, bigger the burst. More people, more suffering.
-Death of Imperial USA
-Geoengineering. Climate disturbance - like of which humans have not seen in thousands of years.

In the context of WW2 taking a long intermission - it's been a good intermission but it's back on with huge variables that are likely outside the realm of human control.

I don't expect these powerful criminals to sit down next to us and enjoy fried crickets!! Their track record paints a grim outlook for the powerless.


Well-Known Member
Some key points on my mind

-Globalization -- which is a watered-down way of saying One World Government.
-Internet. Technological progress and the push for brain-machine interface.
-Economy time-bomb. Bigger the bubble, bigger the burst. More people, more suffering.
-Death of Imperial USA
-Geoengineering. Climate disturbance - like of which humans have not seen in thousands of years.

In the context of WW2 taking a long intermission - it's been a good intermission but it's back on with huge variables that are likely outside the realm of human control.

I don't expect these powerful criminals to sit down next to us and enjoy fried crickets!! Their track record paints a grim outlook for the powerless.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Yeah I have one. I hope you like it and don't think you should've got the aeron instead, I remember you saying you liked the aeron better. My mom and sister sat on mine and were not impressed. They wanted it to be like a couch or something I feel like. I'm like mom I can sit here for 12 hours today and play games and not feel sore afterwards, so she liked that of course. Only thing that sucks is I sit more now when I work instead of standing up but that's some first world problems

Do you have the standard Embody or the "gaming" version from Logitech?

My body has gotten used to the chair now and doesn't hurt in odd places. I've definitely improved my posture when sitting but I still probably have a ways to go to get to a proper posture without slouching.

The Aeron I ordered from the Dealer is set to come in tomorrow. I'm ready to see how he likes it. I'll have to emphasize that he needs to sit properly and can't just slouch and expect it to feel comfortable.

On to more serious shit, Sandy Hook 2.0 today in Texas. Fucking degen took out 12 kids, a teacher, and shot his grandma on the way there. Then the cum stain himself died. Not sure by suicide or if the cops took him out.

Conservatives in Texas are probably unsure how to feel about this. On the one hand, they're all about "the kids" and on the other hand they love their guns.


Well-Known Member
Now it's 19 elementary children killed and 2 adults. This will happen on a regular basis in the US for the indefinite future. At any given time, there are any number of broken, angry, lonely and socially maladjusted young men who are losing touch with reality and not wanting to live. Guys like this used to just take their own lives. Now, two things have happened in the US. Mass shootings beget mass shootings, especially with the availability of guns. Angry suicidal guy thinks, others are the reason I want to die, so let me hurt others or society before I go, and I have good examples to follow. That's what this guy in Texas looks like. Secondly, they are radicalizing in one way or another because that’s what social media and the GOP are enabling right now. They will latch onto fascistic, hateful, racist conspiracy theories because they’re the perfect audience for them. They’ll find it or it’ll find them. And when someone as prominent as Tucker Carlson gives it purchase, that means it’s everywhere. If you pump enough filth into the air, over and over, there are enough broke people who will follow your argument to its violent conclusion. We saw that type in Buffalo last week and El Paso in 2019.
Sandy Hook 2.0 today in Texas.
Did the port-a-pottys show up before the mass casualty event>

DNC so desperate to cover up their covid crimes. Maybe, I haven't read into this yet and only found out when Biden's dumbass came on TV.

It's true that white mass killers get more media attention.

In 2020, 54% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides (24,292), while 43% were murders (19,384), according to the CDC. The remaining gun deaths that year were unintentional (535), involved law enforcement (611) or had undetermined circumstances (400). - Pew Research

Mass Casualty events are the media's favorite but mental health. domestic violence and urban poverty is more of a concern.

Mass casualty events have only increased the number of American gun ownership. I'm keeping my guns no matter how many times they pull this off because 1)wackos. 2)it takes 5 minutes to get a 911 operator on the phone.

Welcome to collapsing America - Food riots on the way.
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Initial findings. updated

Salvador Ramos, shooter 18 years old.
Shot Grandma, BOLO, police chase that ended by the school (?),
"gunman rammed into a nearby railing, which spurred a 911 call from a resident"
"a 911 call from a resident who added that the driver apparently had a rifle"
School police officer was shot and injured
Runs into school with body armor tactical vest, kills kids, shoot out with police
"went to a fourth-grade classroom, barricaded himself and carried out 'most, if not all, of his damage,'”
Taken out by "Elite" Border Patrol agent
"side entrance to the school should have been locked, but it was unclear whether it was or if Ramos forced it open."
"police waited 90 mins before entering" :rolleyes:

Waiting on somebody else to do the research on this wacko. I don't know about this great replacement stuff & why it's leading to murders but "Whitesupremecy" on this shooting is a hard sell, so "why we must get rid of military-style assault weapons" it is --- whatever that is.

Do they mean ban NATO rounds? Red Flagging? Hero vs Villain?

Fuck that - Let's cancel indoctrination schools and the federal government.
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Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I'm confused why America has such as infatuation with guns. The rest of the world can't understand it. It is solely an American mentality....

Also, what sane person thinks Joe Public should be able to buy an AR15 or similar?
I'm confused why America has such as infatuation with guns. The rest of the world can't understand it. It is solely an American mentality....

Also, what sane person thinks Joe Public should be able to buy an AR15 or similar?
Good question - It's the wild wild west mate! I used to be anti-gun, scared of them. I'm still scared of them but there are way too many of them around these parts to not have one.

Assault rifles: Pros- accurate and durable. Cons- accurate and durable.

Where does the ban end? I think it's logistically impossible to confiscate the existing guns. I could taken down a grizzly bear with my .22LR.

It's big business for both enforcement and ownership - cases like the one in Texas seems to give the industry a new business cycle.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Good question - It's the wild wild west mate! I used to be anti-gun, scared of them. I'm still scared of them but there are way too many of them around these parts to not have one.

Assault rifles: Pros- accurate and durable. Cons- accurate and durable.

Where does the ban end? I think it's logistically impossible to confiscate the existing guns. I could taken down a grizzly bear with my .22LR.

It's big business for both enforcement and ownership - cases like the one in Texas seems to give the industry a new business cycle.

It's simple. You stop selling assault rifles and make possession illegal. Yes there will be people who keep hold of them. Yes there will be people who use them for crime. But ownership will become more difficult and surely that's a good thing....

We had a shooting massacre when I was a kid. It was in Scotland. Very quickly guns became illegal. Whilst criminals still have guns, I can't remember a second school shooting...!
It's simple. You stop selling assault rifles and make possession illegal. Yes there will be people who keep hold of them. Yes there will be people who use them for crime. But ownership will become more difficult and surely that's a good thing....

We had a shooting massacre when I was a kid. It was in Scotland. Very quickly guns became illegal. Whilst criminals still have guns, I can't remember a second school shooting...!
"AR" is such a hop topic word and not based on reality, handguns account for most gun murders here!

America is not Scotland!! :p It wouldn't matter much to ban them. Criminals and wackos that shoot grandmas and kids aren't stopping with the ban.

The bitch that killed Eli Hart - shot him 9 times with a shotgun and she drove around with the mess in her car trunk!!!!! I think the problem goes beyond guns.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I'm confused why America has such as infatuation with guns. The rest of the world can't understand it. It is solely an American mentality....

Also, what sane person thinks Joe Public should be able to buy an AR15 or similar?

Religion. Christianity in particular in the US. I used to parrot that a lot of these churches were cults but I didn't actually see or hear it. Recently, a YouTuber I watch a good bit has been live streaming other YouTube videos that compile the bullshit these evangelicals spew. They dupe these people in to buying unnecessary things by instilling fear in them. Fear of God mostly but there are others. Armageddon/The Rapture. Other races or political ideologies.

Here is one of the videos of one of the most infamous leaders of these cults:

They tie politics in to their twisted version of religion and scare these people in to giving money. It's nothing new but I had just heard about it for the longest time. But you get people coming to church for whatever, benign reason there is and because they've tainted their sermons with politics, many of those people start infusing politics and spirituality/religion in to one thing.

I'm sure other religions do it too but it's peculiar that most of the gun-toting, lib-hating, abortion-hating people in the US are white Christians. They've always been around but since 2016, or so, a new thread has been woven in to the fabric of bullshit and that is that Trump has a divine aura to him and has been chosen by God to lead America to greatness.

I always wondered how that nugget of BS got implanted in to so many Americans' heads but now it makes sense. There are religious heads all over the place that leading these cults. And if a God-fearing person sticks around long enough, they believe these people to be speaking the truth and a means for salvation, etc. Then they get brainwashed.

Again, this may happen in other countries with other religions too but maybe the history of the US, which is very different from most other countries, has lead to a divide that just grows bigger and bigger.

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