The most important work in creating the computer and the internet we have today were made by English guys actually. Alan Turing was English, IBM and such companies merely made use of the ideas to monetize on them. The US defense department barely connected a few computers together. The WWW was created by an English guy.
Most of the IT inventions that "started something new" were not made in America and a lot if not most of those made in America were not made by Americans.
People from places all over Europe took the biggest part in inventing most tech that we use today. They often started companies or started working for American companies in America because it was cool back in the days, and those companies now create great working environments for working on new tech.
However those Americans who do cool things aren't the same guys who are targeted by American politicians as potential electorate. It's the case in most countries actually. You want to aim at those who are the easiest to obtain with a few sentences, and if a minority of smarter guys see through or point out how ridiculous it is who cares? It's democracy. It's always easier to aim at the silly and backward people because it's easier too fool them too.