the next eminem?

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Shot 21

Active Member
I can guarantee 99% of yall in here hatin on Cena, havent even listend to the album. Have you? No? Well shut the fuck up then. I got the album a couple of weeks ago and was suprised by how good it was. Better than Encore. But just because John Cena is a white wrestler no-one will even give him a chance. I admit the case looks corny with the WWE slogan all over it, but get past that and there are some great songs on there. And no there not about who he has defeated in the ring. Right Now and Just Another Day are deep songs with some feeling to it, Keep Frontin is a sample of On The Mic and features Big L on the chorus. The album is a colaboration with Tha Trademarc if anyone has heard of him. Even Chain Gang Is The Clicc is a song worth listening to, and that sounds like some corny wrestling song. But it aint. Other samples used are M.O.P - Ante Up and some KRS-One song which I cant remember. Also some sicc lyrics and punchlines like:

"She called my dick Frank White cuz its Notoriously Big." (not a diss)
"And like a proctologist, you feelin my shit"
"Yall are small time suckers like a knee-high ho"

For any of you that dont know, Bumpy Knuckles is Freddie Foxxx.
If yall listen to this album and forget completely than Cena is a WWE wrestler, I bet you will all be suprised.

Shot 21 said:
I can guarantee 99% of yall in here hatin on Cena, havent even listend to the album. Have you? No? Well shut the fuck up then. I got the album a couple of weeks ago and was suprised by how good it was. Better than Encore. But just because John Cena is a white wrestler no-one will even give him a chance. I admit the case looks corny with the WWE slogan all over it, but get past that and there are some great songs on there. And no there not about who he has defeated in the ring. Right Now and Just Another Day are deep songs with some feeling to it, Keep Frontin is a sample of On The Mic and features Big L on the chorus. The album is a colaboration with Tha Trademarc if anyone has heard of him. Even Chain Gang Is The Clicc is a song worth listening to, and that sounds like some corny wrestling song. But it aint. Other samples used are M.O.P - Ante Up and some KRS-One song which I cant remember. Also some sicc lyrics and punchlines like:

"She called my dick Frank White cuz its Notoriously Big." (not a diss)
"And like a proctologist, you feelin my shit"
"Yall are small time suckers like a knee-high ho"

For any of you that dont know, Bumpy Knuckles is Freddie Foxxx.
If yall listen to this album and forget completely than Cena is a WWE wrestler, I bet you will all be suprised.

Shot 21 said:
I can guarantee 99% of yall in here hatin on Cena, havent even listend to the album.

For any of you that dont know, Bumpy Knuckles is Freddie Foxxx.
If yall listen to this album and forget completely than Cena is a WWE wrestler, I bet you will all be suprised.

Exactly. They probably see the logo and turn back, even though a lot of people on here moan about the current state of hip hop, yet when they get offered alternatives that are better than 99% of things u get on ur TV and radio they find reasons not to like it.
And the album isnt just Cena. Trademarc is on every song (dude is tight as hell, if u heard his verse on " The Untouchables" You'd know what I mean) and Bumpy Knucks aka Freddie Foxxx is on about 4 or 5.

...Your rhymes are general, played, minimal, blank
Your eyes are blinded by the signs of federal banks
… You lost your focus on function
Remember back when MCs would spit and say some shit that meant something
The mainstream remained clean, then the corporate industry became the same dream
And I lean back below the scene, mapping out the future warfare schemes
Sweep through the streets lethal to meet you, that lead to editorial restrictions
Cos labels need candy ass rappers so the populars can listen
Fuck the cash system
The last talented cats have lost they status, real raps end up gratis tracks on mixtapes that never sell
Cos executives and marketin schemes decide that rims hoes and music can better gel
I know the veterans can tell, I see through the image, Mainstream acts is timid
I want hard beats, base lines and lyrics thats vivid
A voice within it, telling me that real rap is coming back and boy its livid
- Trademarc

I dont know about comparing Cena and Eminem cos they are both different. Besides i think Trademarc is better than Cena. Cena knows that theres doubters and critics just cos he a wrestler, but the dude had the balls to call out the entire rap industry. And if hes so shit whys he get cred from rappers like Fred Foxxx, Method Man and Murs (listen to the Hustle remix)

This album is so far removed from wrestling so (unlike what u think) u wont hear rhymes about suplexes and near pinfalls.

If u doubt this CD then i challenge u to listen to "Keep Frontin" where all three of them spit different but tight flows. You need to hear the song to get how Cenas verse flows with the beat.

[Intro/Chorus: Big L sample]
I shoulda been out, I'm de-de-deadly
when I pu-pu-pull the pin out, keep frontin
I'ma try-try-try ya chin out
I knocked a lot-lot-lot-lot out of men out
Keep frontin, I'ma try-try-try ya chin out
I knocked a lot-lot
I knocked a lot-lot-lot out of men out
Keep frontin, keep frontin, keep frontin, keep frontin

[Freddie Foxxx a.k.a. Bumpy Knuckles]
Do y'all know what time it is when everybody game
is everybody else's hustle and everybody's shame
is somebody else's blame, whatever I became
I did it with hot rhymes and a lung full of flame
I never refrain, from loadin up and takin aim
Like chicks flows are different, I never come the same
My mic will be the dame, written or off the brain
I show up with my chest pumpin hard like Notre Dame
I lose then I regain, hustle is in the vein
I'm drinkin protein shakes to muscle up the brain
In the black Chevy Suburban sippin champagne
with champagne, dick out doin the damn thang
We movin in the fast lane, with them black thangs
On the way to the Bronx, to do the ski-mask thang
I don't know what's so funny cause I ain't laughing
The part is for a dead body, guess who's casting

[John Cena]
Cena spittin with the Bump Bump Bump for the Knux
Your whole crew gettin dumped dumped dumped with the chumps
We rollin like Donald Trump Trump Trump with the bucks
Your bitch-ass gettin jump jump jumped cause you suck
Follow me, you stick around round round when it's hot
You claimin that you down down down but you not
You try to offer me a pound pound pound you get got
I can't wait to hear the sound sound sound of you shot
You hearin me, it's time to show show show I got plans
That's all you brought you bettter go go go get your mans
A legal hustle, ain't no no fuckin with grams
Stash the heat cause I can throw throw throw with my hands
I'm tellin you, on screen screen screen with these flicks
Catch me on the scene scene scene with three chicks
I fuck like a fiend fiend fiend with three dicks
Fuck a sixteen teen teen I'm just sick

[Tha Trademarc]
My camou' colors dog they be beige and brown
That shit was all love 'til you cowards came around
With the same ol' sound that's why your payroll down
That's how the game go now that's why you ain't gain ground
Cause you stuck on then dog, you ain't on now
And that's how it's been baby cause you ain't know how
You move your pen lazy maybe or your beats don't pound
I move quicker than the word on the street go 'round
I write down every lesson that my peeps hold down
You let your heat go blaow if you ain't speak profound
I write sixteens down 'til I hit green now
Makin up slang, ain't know what shit mean now
Trademarc, Marc Predka, jot the real name down
You can catch it on every marquee in town
Sayin Trademarc, ain't nobody like you now
Probably sweatin this track dog, go wipe your brow


Well-Known Member
Lol I've seen this guy on wrestling sometimes when Im flipping through channels and he talks/acts like a fucking clown. So yeah I'd say he's the next wigger rapper. Also to the guy saying wigger is a racist statement, your a fuckin idiot :(
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