Stan Tookie Williams executed

Dave D

Active Member
Stan "Tookie" Williams has been executed — after California Governor Arnold "Terminator" Schwarzenegger rejected pleas for mercy.

The 51-year-old was given a lethal injection just after midnight.

Schwarzenegger was not swayed by appeals for clemency from stars including Oscar-winner Jamie Foxx, who portrayed Williams in a 2004 movie, and rapper Snoop Dogg.

Williams founded Los Angeles’ notorious Crips street gang and murdered four people in 1979.

Hollywood stars and capital punishment foes argued that Williams’ sentence should be commuted to life in prison because he had made amends by writing children’s books about the dangers of gangs and violence.

The case became the state’s highest-profile execution in decades.

Schwarzenegger, who deliberated for three days, could have commuted the death sentence to life in prison without parole.
But he said last night: "I could find no justification for granting clemency."

Williams was condemned in 1981 for gunning down convenience store clerk Albert Owens, 26, at a 7-Eleven in Whittier and killing Yen-I Yang, 76, Tsai-Shai Chen Yang, 63, and the couple’s daughter Yu-Chin Yang Lin, 43, at the Los Angeles motel they owned.

He denies the murders but has apologised for founding the gang blamed for thousands of killings.

Witnesses at the trial said Williams boasted about the killings, stating "You should have heard the way he sounded when I shot him."

Williams then made a growling noise and laughed for five to six minutes, according to the transcript that the governor referenced in his denial of clemency.

Fifty witnesses attended the execution at San Quentin State Prison — against Williams’ wishes.

About 1,000 death penalty supporters and opponents gathered outside the prison awaiting the execution along with singer Joan Baez, actor Mike Farrell and the Rev. Jesse Jackson.

"Tonight is planned, efficient, calculated, antiseptic, cold-blooded murder and I think everyone who is here is here to try to enlist the morality and soul of this country," said Baez who sang Swing Low, Sweet Chariot; on a small plywood stage set up just outside the gates.

A contingent of 40 people who had walked approximately 25 miles from San Francisco held signs calling for an end to "state-sponsored murder."

Others said they wanted to honour the memory of Williams’ victims.

During Williams’ 24 years on death row, a Swiss legislator, college professors and others nominated him for the Nobel Prizes in peace and literature.

"There is no part of me that existed then that exists now," Williams said recently during an interview.

"I haven’t had a lot of joy in my life. But in here," he said, pointing to his heart, "I’m happy. I am peaceful in here. I am joyful in here."

Williams was the 12th person executed in California since lawmakers reinstated the death penalty in 1977.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Stan "Tookie" Williams executed

^^ Doesn't seem to me that there was enough evidence to suggest he 100% commited the crime. If there's any doubt should we kill someone?

Also his contribution to society after he started his sentence has been a lot greater than most peoples. If prison is supposed to rehabilitate surely it succeeded. Therefore why is there a need to kill him?

And 1 more. If the punishment really is fitting of the crime then surely anyone who has killed should be killed. Not just a small minority. And we shouldn't stop there either, rape the rapists, rob the robbers, and beat the violent criminals.
Stan "Tookie" Williams executed

I agree with pittsey,
I just find it amazing that they couldn't commute the sentence to life for a fucking nobel peace prize nominee...

regardless of the certainty of the crimes he committed, his potential impact to further educate against gang violence is something that should have demonstrated him as an exception to the circumstance. There would be no further negitives to society having him remain in prision for the rest of his life, there are clear negitives to ending his life nearly two and a half decades after his accused crimes.

I've never been a huge fan of the death penalty. Maybe it's because I live in a state (Michigan) that doesn't have it. In many extreme cases where murders apprear more animal than human I can let it slide, but not in this case. The man had too much to give to society... but then again, maybe he didn't have enough to give to the "right" part of society.

either way, it's very sad what happened today.


New Member
Stan "Tookie" Williams executed

... SHAME! That show us dat the world have no mercy n dat doesn't exist thing like forgive, why shoul we change then? F**k this world n white america.
R.I.P King Tookie


Well-Known Member
Stan "Tookie" Williams executed

i agree that he should have life in prison for the murders he committed and the thousands he created with the Crips... but how are you going to say RIP Tookie??? how bout RIP the victims he killed... how u gonna bring race into this??? if a white man was in tookie's position the same thing would happen... U R ignorant


New Member
Stan "Tookie" Williams executed

December 13th, 2005 - by Hituup Some of you here are real ignorant. You guys are saying he started the crips and whatnot. He was not on trial for starting the crips. He was on trial for killing 4 people. His defense team had new evidence that could prove he was not linked to the murders if the case was reopened.
(understand this dat Hituup said)

usa is a racist country, from the beginning. He's case was not even fair, dat happens too much often with case's dat involve Afro-americans. It's just to much 4 coincidence isn't? Do I need to post examples? I think not.
I can say R.I.P to the victims too, they deserve as well, but i really don't know if he's guilty, u cant say 4 certain he is.
Now, who's the IGNORANT one?

Again, R.I.P King Tookie. In God u will find forgiveness.
Stan "Tookie" Williams executed

<< i agree that he should have life in prison for the murders he committed and the thousands he created with the Crips... but how are you going to say RIP Tookie??? how bout RIP the victims he killed... how u gonna bring race into this??? if a white man was in tookie's position the same thing would happen... U R ignorant >>

Yang should've probably said "RIP Tookie" AND "RIP to everyone who was lost in this situation" but you can't blame him for forgetting to mention the murder victims. Nobody thinks of them because everything is focused on Tookie and his struggle.

As for the race issue, I don't think he meant "fuck all white people" when he said "fuck white america." I say that shit too and I'm a white American. That's directed at the politicians, beaurecrats and all the other old white men that run this country and shit on everyone that doesn't fit into their category.

So I can see why you took offense, but don't take it the wrong way. "Fuck white America" isn't directed at all white americans, just that top 10% that runs shit.

It's a sad situation overall but unfortunately there isn't much that can be done about it, especially now that Tookie is already gone.
damn ya'll really make me sick.. who gives you the right to judge anyone..... even if he did kill people a truly civilized society shouldnt kill in return.. im a have to quote gandhi on this one.. haha.. 'an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind!' .. i think if we were truly as civilized as we like to think we are.. we should be bigger than this.. bigger than taking revenge and taking lives even in response to the loss of life.
Posted by pittsey..

"And 1 more. If the punishment really is fitting of the crime then surely anyone who has killed should be killed. Not just a small minority. And we shouldn't stop there either, rape the rapists, rob the robbers, and beat the violent criminals."

This is the straw man fallacy of logic. You take Pellas original, legitimate argument of "the punishment fit the crime" and sensationalize it, hang it up for everyone to see and easily knock it down.

I believe a line has 2 be drawn somewhere. If you kill your wife and three kids, you will be put to sleep. You give up your human rights the moment you take anothers life IMO.

Beatings heal, there's no coming back from dying. I don't think it would be appropriate to house and feed tookie for 25 more years and let him write his story-books. 4 people aren't breathing, living, and enjoying the company of their family right now because of this man. I don't feel an ounce of sadness at the news of his death. I say goodbye Tookie! See ya Timothy Mcvey, and I'm looking forward to kissing Scott Peterson goodbye in a good 10 years when his time is up.

According to a newspaper, the doctors who were putting the needles in Tookie, fucked up pretty bad, and couldn't get the needles in without a hassle. The newspaper says that Tookie became very nervous, lift his head off the pillow, looked around and shook his head saying "can't you do it right?"

The execution was witnessed by 50 people, against Tookies wishes, who wanted to die in peace.

They even had to fuck up his last minutes on this earth...nyce work...
im glad they fucked up his last seconds on earth, he sure didnt care about the people he killed he actually laughed at them. thats why im laughing at his ass now:laugh:

i also disagree with gandees opinion about the eye for an eye and I have living proof that he is wrong. Saudi arabia goes by the eye for an eye kind of laws and go see the percent of merders or rapes and compare them with the USA you will be very surprised becouse over there if you decide to rape you know your going to see the stones and if you kill you know your going to see the sword, unlike here where you know for a fact that the worst that will happen is that you will be chilling in preson for a wile watching TV and working out.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
@ hassan - Yeah Saudi Arabia that free country where you are at liberty to live like to the fullest. Without coming off as a racist, there are a lot more problems in the middle east than in the states. I know where I'd rather live.

And @ MakaveliPrime01 - I didn't fuck with it. You are saying kill the killers. By that rule shouldn't we govern others by the same. Beatings may heal physically, but there is a lot more damage from rape and other crimes that don't result in death. Why do people commit suicide? Because living isn't always the best option. So you can't say it isn't that bad because you are still breathing. I personally would rather be murdered than raped.

And look up the person who commited the son of sam murders. He is still living, he killed six. He also wasn't a product of his environment. People are entiltled to their opinions but I think some live sheltered lives and look at the world in black and white as the media and television teaches us. Once you've lived the hardships you start to see why people react to certain things the way they do.

There is no excuse for killing a man, but is there conclusive evidence? And why kill a rehabilitated man? There's only 1 answer; Politics.
Yes typical_cat , u r right, i do not pretend to offend all white ppl in usa! It's nothing like that, only some white ppl in command, dat make all this injustice. Ppl like bush n the so called “terminator” arnold...

I think they killed Tookie cause they feared dat his defence could set him free with the new evidences, maybe yes maybe not... Whatever was the case we'll never know. But i agree with Pittsey when he said:
There is no excuse for killing a man, but is there conclusive evidence? And why kill a rehabilitated man? There's only 1 answer; Politics.

R.I.P. King Tookie
R.I.P. The other victims, whatever the killed was...

P.S: I see dat this topic will never end...
Just 1 more thing dat i forgot. Hassan (if u r from arabia) aren't u a bit fanatic in arabia? Democracy is a shit true, but in all political systems it's the best shit. Better than the political system in your country, u really have a great sense of justice there, i see it by the way u treat women, childs n all dat. U said u dont have a lot of murders there? In there the most fashionably way to get to the power is killing the concurrence. Of course usa is 1 of the guilts 4 what happens in the midle east.
pittsey you have no idea how life is in saudi i have lived there and lived here, let me tell you that i never saw a homeles person tell i came here i also never saw a gun tell a came here so lets not talk about who has more problems the only big problem that we have in saudi is the terrorists wich are a very very small persent of the community, all the other problems are problems that everybody else has.

going back to the toppic you never said anything about my first reply
do you agre with me that the punishments should be harsher in the states so people wouldint take life so carlessly?
i hate getting of the subject but yang you really think saudi is not dimocratic becouse the people want it that way, its not becouse britain didnt want it to be they gave AL Saud the weapons so they would have somebody that obays them and would give them what they want.

please make your self more clear on the coment you made about women and children if you really know what your talking about if your just talking and you dont know alot about it let me tell you that my mom is a teacher and so is my aunt, my other aunt OWNS and runs her own business, my naghbers wife is a heart docter, my cusin is an artists and her best freind is a banker how many more examples do you need. man Saudi is not afganistan or the Saudi that the meadia wants you to beleive its totaly diffrent if you beat your wife she can take you to court.
i believe the islamic law is the best solution to most the problems of the american community wether its racism, poverty, alcoholism, divorse, merder or rape.

oh ya yang when i talk about merder i mean merder as in tookie killing a seven eleven werker not as bush killing Iraqis.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I don't believe the US needs harsher punishments. But I do believe the punishments are designed to keep those in poverty down and struggling. The laws are not as harsh as they shouldbe for white collar crimes. etc.

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