Spend a day with a rapper.


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Tony Yayo: I'd go over to his place (Lloyd Banks's couch) and wake him up at 3:00 PM. We'd eat golden grahams and watch Spike TV, then take a few hits off of the crack pipe. We'd let out the prostitute he'd locked in his trunk the night before, and he'd try to choke her. We'd then go driving around the suburbs of Connecticut, selling crack and smoking it. Towards the evening, we'd join 50 Cent's entourage for some awards show. During the show, we'd convince the leading actress of a UPN show to go to the bathroom with us. We'd both get head while smoking some more crack. We'd then hit the studio, and Yayo would record a few verses. We'd come back in time to see 50 accept his award. On our way to the afterparty, we'd stop by ODB's grave. We'd exhume part of the body, incinerate it, and smoke it with the rest of our crack. Then we'd go to the afterparty. Yayo would talk Tara Reid into giving him a rim job, and I would film. Then he'd accidentally shoot me in the leg.

Lil Kim: At 2:00 AM, she gets into a shootout outside of my house, and hides in my garage. I'm drunk already, and can't see anything except that she's top-heavy. I agree to hide her in my house. She'd trip over my bench and fall unconscious. Her bag would spill open, revealing nothing but condom wrappers, EPTs, and bad weed. I'd nurse her back to alertness, whereupon we would start talking. Eventually, I'd ask her about the skits off of Ready to Die. She's disappoint me by demonstrating that you can make those noises without really fucking or sucking. Being a nice guy, and realizing that I have Lil Kim in my house, I'd offer to drive her home. I'd try to make small talk, but she'd make a point of diverting I have to say into something about sex. Finally, she'll have an emotional breakdown while discussing how Biggie would beat her. I'd take her to her place. The interior is disturbingly Mrs. Potato Head-themed. She'd thank me for driving her from Virginia to New York, and offer me sex. I'd politely decline, and she'd ravenously start humping my knee. I'd kick her away, and leave. On the way back, I'd notice that she hadn't been wearing panties and had defiled the passenger seat of my Tercel.

Sean Price: He'd call me over to smoke, and ask me to bring drank. I'd bring 40s and some codeine. We'd sit on his stoop and smoke blunts and drink while yelling at passing strangers. He'd get into a loud argument with his girlfriend from the stoop, then go inside and start beating her. He'd stop eventually, come inside, and we'd both agree that sometimes you gotta show a bitch what's up. Then we'd rob a pizza delivery guy and go to the laundromat to steal new clothes. On the way out, we'd run into, say, Necro. We'd go into an alleyway to get dusted and then Sean would rob me. Necro would stab us both.

Bizzy Bone: We'd listen to gospel records at 78 rpm for several hours while drinking communion wine and bulk liquor. Then we'd go digging through trash cans for a meal, and go to the park where Bizzy Bone would start preaching to a group of children. Eventually, Swizz Beats would call him and we'd take the bus over to the studio. We'd get arrested after Bizzy would choke the bus driver to death, convinced that he was the devil. Bizzy would make threatening phone calls to Omarion from the holding cell, and would sell me for some wet cigarettes and a Bible.

You go next!
That is the single greatest post I've ever read on this board.

I went through every emotion, laughs, surprise, total agreement, dissapointment, mad.

That was amazing


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Redman: I'd meet him through a friend and we would agree to kick it for a while. Red being the hardcore weed smoker that he is, he would offer to supply the weed. I would bring the 40's of Olde English and some Munchos, Kool-Aide, Hot Pockets and some other shit to eat. I'd walk to the store to purchase all of this and on the way out i'd see Redman driving bye on a motorized scooter. He'd say how he was on his way to my house to pick me up and I would hop on the scooter. From there, we'd head to the liquor store to purchase the 40's. On the way in, we would bump into some fans of his and they'd ask to smoke with Redman. So we'd go to smoke with them and when we're done we hop back on the scooter only to realize that it doesn't work anymore. Redman would notice a kid driving bye on a BMX bike and he would dropkick the kid, hop on the bike and tell me to hop on the handlebars. We'd eventually make our way to his 1 story house with 3 rooms and a small studio. We'd walk into the house and make our way to the basement where i'd trip over his cousin Sugar Bear, who is sleeping on the floor. From there we would watch cartoons, smoke a few hundred blunts and drink Kool-Aide (realizing we forgot to buy the mothafucking 40's) until we passed the fuck out. :thumb:
Lil Jon: I'd show up at his crib with Robotussin, a plastic bottle of Vodka, and a bag of jolly ranchers. He'd hand me a spare plastic gas container with 'CRUNK' on the side and I'd make my sizzurp while LJ pulled up the 'Yeah' ADAT, pulled an instrument off it, and put some fucked up other instrument on it instead to make the song for his next album: 'No'. I agree to go find the Eastside Boyz, and I find Big Sam on the back lawn drawing Sharpie penises on passed out Lil Bo's forehead. I convince him he needs to lay down vocals, and he makes me take a picture before we go back inside. At this point I'm fucked up enough to spit, according to LJ, and I freestyle a duet with Sam about pissing on bitches in the club. The last thing I remember is Lil Jon taking 35 takes to get the right 'OK' on the track after my 'make that bitch yellow' line.
Eminem: I would offer him a drink, but little does he know there is a pound of sleeping pills in it, so as he takes his nap, I run to his studio and hope to god I can find some exclusive 2Pac shit! :):thumb:


New Member
Eminem: I would offer him a drink, but little does he know there is a pound of sleeping pills in it, so as he takes his nap, I run to his studio and hope to god I can find some exclusive 2Pac shit! :):thumb:
Better yet, take it off him so we don't have to put up with his shonky producing anymore.
LinX` said:
Redman: I'd meet him through a friend and we would agree to kick it for a while. Red being the hardcore weed smoker that he is, he would offer to supply the weed. I would bring the 40's of Olde English and some Munchos, Kool-Aide, Hot Pockets and some other shit to eat. I'd walk to the store to purchase all of this and on the way out i'd see Redman driving bye on a motorized scooter. He'd say how he was on his way to my house to pick me up and I would hop on the scooter. From there, we'd head to the liquor store to purchase the 40's. On the way in, we would bump into some fans of his and they'd ask to smoke with Redman. So we'd go to smoke with them and when we're done we hop back on the scooter only to realize that it doesn't work anymore. Redman would notice a kid driving bye on a BMX bike and he would dropkick the kid, hop on the bike and tell me to hop on the handlebars. We'd eventually make our way to his 1 story house with 3 rooms and a small studio. We'd walk into the house and make our way to the basement where i'd trip over his cousin Sugar Bear, who is sleeping on the floor. From there we would watch cartoons, smoke a few hundred blunts and drink Kool-Aide (realizing we forgot to buy the mothafucking 40's) until we passed the fuck out. :thumb:

that sounds incredably beilveable :D his house was like a mouse hunt compared 2 everyone else on cribs :D
Tech n9ne: I would go chill out with him maybe play a few video games, seems like the type who's into them. Then we would go eat somewhere, go to a bar and later ooohhh later hmmm, this is rated R so I can't mention it to some underage members here.

Game: think I would have a lot of questions to ask him, I would probably just chill and talk with the dude, maybe he'll confess 50's demise....anyways yup.

DMX: seems like a cool guy to get high with and he certainly knows how to please a girl but in general I would hang out with his dogs of his, he likes pets so its a point in my book.

Talib Kweli: a lot of things I would discuss with him from politcs, to rap, to deline of it and music...he is a very intelligent man and I would actually love to conduct a conversation with him about the serious stuff.

BTNH:I would watch T.V with them and ask them to sing me Tha Crossroads, and we would go on an eating binge.

Dre: we would compile some beats together along with Alchamest cause its almost like a life's mission.

there's probably more but I just can't think of them at the moment.

roaches lil kim story was great!

would prob add more comments or ppl but afraid I'll get my head ripped off for it so thats it really.
50Cent:I'd knock on his door, there would be no reply, i would then be greeted by a butler who would say "50cent says he is to important for u, please leave the premises", i would then hear 50 laughing at me from a window in his million dollar mansion, upon leaving, i would be charged 100 bucks for steppin in his soil and breathin the air in his garden, after leaving his gates, i would shout "fuck u nigga, your cd sucked, young buck shits on u", after hearing this, 50cent would fire young buck becuz of jealousy, standin outside with me would be dre and eminem, they too were told "50Cent was too important for them".
Immortal Technique: I would meet him outside the City hall of some 3rd word country in south america craving liberation. After the "peaceful protest" phase ended we could resort to using molitov cocktails and firebombing as many windows as possible. Hearing the sirens approach, booking it down a back alley and running into a homeless woman begging for change. "You see her?" He would ask me "This is what is wrong with society, this is what is wrong with the government, this is what is wrong with the world, this beautiful caring single mother thrown on the street addicted to crack and got caught up in the system, shes a victim, we're all victims, we need to rise above the social oppression and predijuce (sp) that has been targeted against us. We need to destroy corporate america using hip-hop music as our tool for awakening. We need to send a message that pulls the wool off the heads of all these teenagers. We need to bombard mainstream hiphop with socially political rap, and feed the nation what they have been hungry for for years." Then we would proceed to go shopping, IM picking out a few camo shirts with Che Guevara prints on them. Leaving the shop proceeding back to his crib, a bomb shelter with one of those submarine streering cranks on the door. Blueprints for the revolution carelessly laid out on the table from the night before.
Fat Joe: I would meet him at his crib, the fat farm located just 2 miles east of New Jersey. Upon meeting him, he would suggest we jump in his brand new whip (a Ford Explorer XXXXXL) and check out the new Kentucky Fried Chicken that just opened. I would order the two piece meal and Fat Joe would clean out the fast food joint's entire supply. After getting sick of all this food, Fat Joe would then go on to regurgitate everything he had eaten that day and lo and behold, Biggie Smalls would also come out of him! After being dumbfounded by this, Fat Joe would reply that he "got a little hungry" during the Source awards in New York in 1997.

Biggie Smalls: Meeting Biggie was a thrill and I immediately complemented him on losing some weight. He told me that he limited himself to just 350 calories a day while residing in Fat Joe's stomach. Biggie then proceeded to let me know his scheme to be eaten in 1997, stating that he took a bath in a tub full of bacon grease prior to his arrival at the awards ceremony in the hopes that someone would eat him (Skinny Joe ended up accomplishing this feat). After asking why he did such an eccentric act, Biggie replied "Mo money, mo problems." It all came together now, Biggie simply could no longer endure the hardships that came along with fame and fortune and decided to go into hibernation for a period of eight years.

2Pac: Possessing the ability to see the future, Tupac descended from Thugz Mansion after receiving a vision of Biggie's comeback. His spirit entered the venue and rapidly made his way towards Biggie while screaming "WESTSYDE MUTHAFUCKA!" Pac then unloaded 5 mind bullets into Biggie's dome, putting a quick end to his short-lived resurrection. (At this point, Fat Joe had already transformed back into Skinny Joe and ran out of the back door, fearing for his life). It was apparent that Tupac was a little bit tipsy as he had been "sippin peppermint Schnapps with Jackie Wilson and Sam Cooke" prior to his arrival. I was in awe of Tupac's presence and asked him if he would record a song with me through the handy Sony minidisc recorder in my pocket. Pac agreed and began dropping some of the most heated rhymes since Hit Em Up. This track (entitled Two Emcees at KFC a.k.a. Fat Boy Killaz) will be released under 2Pac's final posthumous album next year. The album will once again be a double album and will feature many of the og rappers and producers that had previously worked with Pac. Though there is no title for this album yet, Amaru Records is leaning towards "Pullin Triggaz On Dem Niggaz." Feel free to make any other suggestions for potential titles. Thanks.


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Cheeseyphily16 said:
After getting sick of all this food, Fat Joe would then go on to regurgitate everything he had eaten that day and lo and behold, Biggie Smalls would also come out of him! After being dumbfounded by this, Fat Joe would reply that he "got a little hungry" during the Source awards in New York in 1997. What a day...

Ahahahahahaha, good one homes. lmao @ hurts and roaches as well. great thread :D
Cheesyphily16 said:
Fat Joe: I would meet him at his crib, the fat farm located just 2 miles east of New Jersey. Upon meeting him, he would suggest we jump in his brand new whip (a Ford Explorer XXXXXL) and check out the new Kentucky Fried Chicken that just opened. I would order the two piece meal and Fat Joe would clean out the fast food joint's entire supply. After getting sick of all this food, Fat Joe would then go on to regurgitate everything he had eaten that day and lo and behold, Biggie Smalls would also come out of him! After being dumbfounded by this, Fat Joe would reply that he "got a little hungry" during the Source awards in New York in 1997. What a day...
ROFL nice
Cheesyphily16 said:
Fat Joe: I would meet him at his crib, the fat farm located just 2 miles east of New Jersey. Upon meeting him, he would suggest we jump in his brand new whip (a Ford Explorer XXXXXL) and check out the new Kentucky Fried Chicken that just opened. I would order the two piece meal and Fat Joe would clean out the fast food joint's entire supply. After getting sick of all this food, Fat Joe would then go on to regurgitate everything he had eaten that day and lo and behold, Biggie Smalls would also come out of him! After being dumbfounded by this, Fat Joe would reply that he "got a little hungry" during the Source awards in New York in 1997. What a day...

had 2 laugh at this

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