So called "beefs"

Honestly , I'm seeing people discuss rappers & who they're beefing with saying

"they aint got shit on them cuz they real thugs , can't nobody fuck with 50cent , he'll kill'em all"

or wait , even better :

"Yo , dEez NiccAs Cain''yt PhaDe JaY Z , Cuz Dat Catt From da HoOd & NoboDy knOws More aBoutT kIllINHG dan Dat Cat"

:rolleyes: ... please !

Is it that you people want to be "in the hood" , 'gangsta' , a "thug" or whatever the fuck they come up with next ( nizzle , wanksta , blablabla ) that they just admire & even downright admire the people that talk like that in their records?

Don't get me wrong , I like alot of songs where things like this are stated , but I don't take it that serious!


They know themselves that the only reason they can get away with the trashtalk is becuz it makes MONEY , hard CASH ...
Come on now , even 'Pac realised that ...

sorry , I just HAD to get that off of my chest :)
go on , ActInG AlL Hard Lak Rill Niccuz Doo!

Pain Of Depth said:
Honestly , I'm seeing people discuss rappers & who they're beefing with saying

"they aint got shit on them cuz they real thugs , can't nobody fuck with 50cent , he'll kill'em all"

or wait , even better :

"Yo , dEez NiccAs Cain''yt PhaDe JaY Z , Cuz Dat Catt From da HoOd & NoboDy knOws More aBoutT kIllINHG dan Dat Cat"

:rolleyes: ... please !

Is it that you people want to be "in the hood" , 'gangsta' , a "thug" or whatever the fuck they come up with next ( nizzle , wanksta , blablabla ) that they just admire & even downright admire the people that talk like that in their records?

Don't get me wrong , I like alot of songs where things like this are stated , but I don't take it that serious!


They know themselves that the only reason they can get away with the trashtalk is becuz it makes MONEY , hard CASH ...
Come on now , even 'Pac realised that ...

sorry , I just HAD to get that off of my chest :)
go on , ActInG AlL Hard Lak Rill Niccuz Doo!


well, on this board it tends to be the otherway around. "50 aint shit, hes got no skills and it sounds like that niggas always mumbling when he raps. (insert name here) will murder him on the mic"

atleast from what ive been reading.
actually i always tried to talk black now that i can i tell everyone im white haha...

i kinda liked that one LOL!! but uhh I usually dont reply on topic i reply to other ppl so that is my excuse 4 the bullshit i post up
It's all well & good telling these idiots that they have the IQ of a retarded chimp but there are some of us who discuss these 'beefs' with regards to skills & with knowledge & reference to Hip Hop history.
Sorry, I never realized I was fucking with a gangster.

I wasn't talking shit, I was talking truth.

What, France don't have gangsters? Next you'll be telling me Italy don't - read up, every country has gangsters & I'm not talking about dumbass gangbangers, I'm talking about real gangsters.

You appear to be a faggot & illiterate to boot.

I'm sure Pain Of Depth now realizes you are to be feared.

Get 'rolled on', yeah now who's talking shit?

Dumb fuck....
HellRazor05 said:
Did the words "I'm gangster" appear in anything I posted? Dont think so, but good try though buddy. You were talking truth? Do you live where 50 or any other rapper came from? Doesnt sound like it, because if you did you'd be speaking differently. I never said France didnt have gangsters.....I ain't gonna lie, white people were the original gangsters....big fuckin deal. What is the definition of a "real gangster" in your opinion? Anyone who's a killer and is involved in illegal activity is considered a gangster. Just cause black people or people in america do it all of a sudden they aint really gangsters, they're just pretending. Never heard of such a thing, someone does what gangsters do but hes not a gangster. Makes a lot of sense Einstein . I appear to be a faggot to someone who also cant see me also, that part made me laugh. You must be the class clown. I will argue with the fact that I'm not illiterate, I can read and write....I just choose not to make every word perfect because I'm lazy. I also don't know what the "to boot" part means, but you appear to be canadian to me. And as for the gettin rolled on part, I was being sarcastic, maybe something you dont know about? You should read up on that. I aint gonna roll up on nobody, I made a joke out of him "rolling" his eyes at me. So, how many times must I say suck my dick before it sinks in? Stupid ass motherfucker..
You never claimed to be a gangster, just said that as we ('we' being myself & Pain Of Depth) aren't where you are, we can't understand 'beef', thus implying you were involved in one of the 'games'.

It doesn't matter if we're from Queens, we talk intelligently on 'beefs' with regards to Hip Hop. Tell me you've never had a conversation about the current Iraq situation - well you ain't in Iraq.

A 'real gangster' - one who participates in organised crime in an organised crime family.
While gangbangers are known to some as 'gangsters/gangstas', most are not true to the term.

'to boot' means 'as well'.

Sarcasm does not fare well in text, particularly when it comes from the mind of a fool.

You continue to ask me to perform oral sex on you & yet you can't see why I called you a faggot? Oh well, you must've been blinded by your lover's misguided aim......
HellRazor05 said:
to the part about me not being a gangster. the reason i called Pain Of Depth out is because he posted the same thing in an older post of mine and it seemed like it was directed toward me. you, however, decided to call me a cocksucker so i felt you wanted in. i never said you couldnt understand beef...once again, nothing i ever posted. what you guys cant understand is that not every rapper is acting or pretending to be what they talk about in their rhymes. a lot of rappers use their real life. i dont know what 'games' your speaking of but ive met and seen some rappers in my time and i know what goes down. "You know how shit flow in New York, walls have ears...buldings heard, supposed to be shhh but spill the word." -DMX
Never disputed that some rappers are 'real', but like I said, we talk about 'beefs' in terms skills & Hip Hop histroy - not who's willing to shoot the other.

The 'games' being any criminal business such as the drug game, racketeering etc.

HellRazor05 said:
First off, I aint from Queens. I'm from Mount Vernon (right next to Yonkers). I didnt speak unintelligently as far as I'm concerned, I gave my feelings toward Pain's ignorant comments. I have had conversations about the situation in Iraq, but no one's challenging that whats going on in Iraq is fake...correct me if I'm wrong. I have been to France and Italy and I know how it is over there and yes you're right I'm not in Iraq and I don't plan on ever bein there either.
First off, I never said you were from Queens. You mentioned 50, I replied by saying that while we ain't from Queens, we can still talk on his 'beefs' if we want even though we would be discussing it in regards to battling.

So you can talk about the Iraq situation? That's funny, you told myself & Pain Of Depth that we were in no position to talk about particular rapper's 'beefs' since we don't reside where they do & yet you can speak on Iraq while you don't live there. Either you're a hypocrite or just stupid. And what are you talking about 'fake'? I wasn't asking you to tell me your thoughts on Iraq.

HellRazor05 said:
I dont know where you got the definition of 'real gangster' cause that doesnt seem to be in my dictionary. However my dictionary gives the following definition of the word 'gangster'....
Gangster - (Noun): A criminal who is a member of a gang.
Just because "gangbangers" aren't in the mafia doesnt mean they're not true to the term like you say.
So you can read a dictionary - well done. Pity I wasn't using gangster in regards to the dictionary definition. Since we were talking about France & the like, I thought I'd tell you that these countries have gangsters, mafia-style. Not some disorganised band of criminals.

HellRazor05 said:
never heard it used that way before, but where i "boot" means to kick someone
Yes a boot is a piece of footwear. And yes, to boot does mean to kick someone. Where I'm from 'to boot' can also mean 'as well' if used in a certain context.

HellRazor05 said:
No, I didnt continue to ask you to perform oral sex on me, I asked you to suck my dick.....once. But since you're such a wise ass I'll say suck my dick again. I also never said I cant see why you called me a faggot......I guess retards cant really think of any other "intelligent" words to use when insulting someone. Ha ha. As for my lovers, I probably get more pussy than you AND an animal shelter put you know I aint gotta rely on you to get my dick sucked, but if you feel its necessary the offer still remains. Biatch
To suck dick is to perform oral sex, bitch. Don't question my intelligence, you may make yourself out to be even more foolsih.

When I spoke of your 'lover's misguided aim' I see you weren't intuitive enough to devise that I was speaking of your male lover.

And as for my use of the word 'faggot', why complicate things when I can get straight to the point.

And I still won't suck your dick, faggot.

Edit: Have to edit the post seeing as you can't quote right.

HellRazor05 said:
No one else seemed to challenge my statement that it was sarcastic so apparently you're wrong big guy. I dont think "fool" would be the proper word to call me after how many times I've just proven you wrong.......very well, in text might i add.
I am not comfortable with a faggot calling me 'big guy' - so stop.

You have not proven me wrong, you just imagine you have. Fools tend to think their foolishness is far from foolish - they are wrong.

Also, I doubt anyone decided to read what you said....
HellRazor05 said:
In case you havent clearly read the 1st post on this thread.....I didnt see one example of talking about beefs in terms of skills. Pain Of Depth flat out used hip hop history against rappers of today saying that they aren't gangsta and wouldn't be sayin that shit if Pac was alive. He challenged every rapper of today and accused them of being fake, once again...correct me if I'm wrong. And there you go again puttin words in my mouth....better yet my text.....I never claimed to be affiliated with any such "games" but yes I am around these types of things.....cant help it. "Thats just the way it is" to quote another artist

I believe I used the words 'like I said', & there are no instances of me talking about rappers ain't gangsta anymore. If I'm wrong, provide me with an example.....

HellRazor05 said:
SORRY, my mistake. You are right, I shouldnt have assumed you thought I was from Queens....the crazy things people think of these days right? If you want to discuss beefs, discuss it in regards to battling like you said...but your defending a man who did the complete opposite of what you think is the proper way to discuss them. Once again, read the 1st post over.
Honest mistake on your part & maybe I should've been more elaborate with my post. As for me defending Pain Of Depth, look at my 1st post. When I am defending him I am not defending his 1st post but I'm defending the right we have to comment on whatever we wish, & stating that, as I mentioned in my 1st post, we would be discussing 'beefs' with regards to skills & history.

HellRazor05 said:
I said you guys aint in no position to talk about how real anybody from here is when you aint here to see for yourself. I never questioned people in Iraq's realness. I've talked about the situation because everyone in the fuckin world is talkin about it.......I cant help it, the shit is like a broken record. I'm sick of hearin about Iraq, I'd stop talkin about it if I could......but, thats just the way it is like I said. I've contradicted things I've said in the past but not in this thread, you just need to get better reading glasses thats all. Now: I said Pain Of Depth shouldnt talk about how real someone is in New York when he lives in challenged it by saying how I shouldnt be able to talk about the situation in Iraq cause I'm not there.........but I never went against anything that happened in Iraq, thats completely irrelevant to what were talking about.
I was challenging your attitude of 'if you're not here, don't comment on how real it is' & as an example I used the Iraq situation which would be totally irrelevant had you not disputed someone's right to question a situation just because of where they live.

I have no need for glasses - I have 20/20 vision.

HellRazor05 said:
You decided to give your own original definition while I decided to prove you wrong with the DICTIONARY'S definition of the word. And there you go insulting people from America.....can I just kindly ask where you live? Like I said, I never assumed about things that are happening in Iraq like you just did about America by saying we have a "disorganised band of criminals" the fuck do you know?
I never insulted anybody from America except you apparently. When did I say I was talking about Americans? You ASSUMED that I was talking about Americans when in fact I ws making the point that I don't consider 'disorganised criminals' real gangsters. As for you using the dictionary in your defence, that's fine but as you & I know the dictionary doesn't always cater for everyone's perception of words, for example slang.

I live in Britain.

HellRazor05 said:
I didnt question your intelligence, nor do I plan on it. The fact is, I never said "Perform oral sex on me"......I said "Suck my dick". You talk about complicating things and getting straight to the point, oh I got straight to the point but you made it complicated. And yes, I know you were talking about a male lover. I dont have a male lover for the record, but however you may be delusional so I'll let ya slide on that one. If you can describe to me how I cant quote right I'd appreciate it greatly and if not, you can get straight to the point of my dick. You seem to like to get into detail on homosexual relationships....maybe you just wish I was gay and having sex with men so you could pleasure yourself to it and not have to suck my dick.
You never questioned my intelligence? Hmmm.... what were you doing here then,
HellRazor05 said:
I guess retards cant really think of any other "intelligent" words to use when insulting someone
Using 'to perform oral sex' rather than 'suck my dick' ain't really complicating nothing for nobody unless that person is easily confused.

As for your quoting abilities, check your post before last.

HellRazor05 said:
Oh, my mistake........I know as well as everyone else on the board that I should've called you "Small Guy" instead, if you catch my drift. You may not be comfortable with a faggot callin you names like that because of your haunting past but I'm not gay so theres nothing to be uncomfortable about. Damn, I could've sworn I proved you wrong...better luck next time then I guess? I guess I imagined that I proved you wrong once again too. Aw, shucks. 'Notorious Thugs' gave me props last time I checked and out of all the people on this board, I'm sure others have read it. You cant fool me with your talk about fools, you're just a closet fag with a belgian dick stuck up your ass and the only way to get it out is for me "to boot" you in your dick suckin lips.

"You shat on this nigga two times Dr. Dre?" "Oh, for sure.."
Constructive as ever eh? I can't really comment much as you said nothing here.

Notorious Thugs - yep, another poster who I see dropping knowledge on a regular basis. (Sorry, I know we've already established that sarcasm doesn't fare well on the internet)

I have never seen Pain Of Depth, never mind had physical contact with him or any other Belgian I might add.

I do wish you better luck next time.......

Oh & stop quoting artists - 2Pac, Bruce Hornsby, Snoop & Dre - it is irrelevant.
man beefs are played out. the way i see it is if u have beef lyrically why not say yo lets get together battle rap and see whats what. beefs in the main stream rap game dont mean shit anymore commercial shit to sell rcords

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