Snoop Wants To Help Suge

freshprince said:
Not only do I not buy this shit, but I don't get it either.

You know, it's really quite funny. Everytime I tell people "yeah, I don't like Snoop anymore because he fell off" they ask me why he fell off? So I explain...

Doggystyle is Snoop's ONLY ALBUM that ranks in with 4 mics or more. Listeners could sense the Dogg was falling off on a very sub-par "Tha Doggfather", which showcased many good songs, but the beats weren't as good (they weren't bad, but they weren't Doggystyle material).

On top of that, dude can't even make up his mind as to what he as a person is. One minute he's "crippin through LA" with "a blue flag in the leftside, yeah that's the crip side", and the next he's a "family man who doesn't mess with drugs or gangs or any of that (probably a lie). On top of that, he's made it almost his life's obsession since parting from Tha Row to diss Suge every chance he got, downtalk him like crazy. Snoop's hatred for Suge in the past 5 years has gotten so intense that he's putting out diss tracks on Suge, someone who isn't even a rapper like "Pimp Slapp'd".

Now he suddenly wants to make up with Suge? Snoop is a fucking idiot and I don't know what kind of stunt this is, but man, shit like this, actions like this that Snoop does are the things that make him just look like a complete fool. This dude has no loyalty. He don't give a fuck about anyone but him.

I hope Snoop burns in hell and Suge pops him.
Meyer Lansky said:
I guess hes smoking a little to much weed these days. What an idiot.
I am surprised Will Smith smokes at all :eek:
and really this isnt directed just at you but anyone who hates snoop cause hes "changed" so much, what type of man is he now? im not sayin he hasnt changed but why are you flaming him for that? do you have the right to call him a bitch cause hes changed his style of music? is there a rule that says once you rap about gangsta shit and crip shit then you cant turn to pop/hip hop? if you were once a gangsta rapper you cant turn into a chillin pimp? so a gangsta rapper cant change his persona? please explain to me why hes such a sell out/bitch/piece of shit
Do I have the right to say that you ask? I have the right to say any fucking thing I want, this is America. I say what I want, you like it or you don't and you respond or you don't.

Snoop Dogg is a chillin' pimp? Yeah...apparently you haven't heard the stories of doping girls up just to get them to do things with him. And I've heard that many times, not just once or twice. You call that a pimp?

and um...the last hting you said about snoop talkign about pac before his death....whats wrong with him saying that? is there a behind meaning to what he said? did he disrespect pac in any way?
I have no clue what you're talking about here.
I ain't riding Snoop's dick and I don't see how you get that idea. Maybe you're just sayin that cause you're upset now. Dont try to say ain't either, I know you are.
Unless you got cameras hidded in my house boy, you don't know shit. only being in this board a few days I've already realized everyone thinks that they know the truth around here and the other person is wrong.

I'm already about to leave this place becacuse it's fucking ridiculous. 90% of this board are people who act 12 fucking years old. Grow up y'all.

But anyway, you talkin about Suge ordered a driveby on Snoop, and I let you know that Daz confirmed it wasn't ordered by Suge
And I let you know that I don't give a fuck what Daz said. Why is Daz's word so fucking golden? You're talking about the same guy who called 2pac's mother a crackhead because she took Daz off a 2pac song that was released posthumously...6 months later he was praising her for something.

Daz is a fucking idiot just like his cousin.

(btw, Daz wasn't "defending" Suge, he was making sure that Suge tryna get any cred for it), now you're questioning why I would believe Daz. Okay, who should I believe? Daz (someone who's more legit) or you (just some fool on internet of all people). Since when did you become a more reliable source than someone's who's acutally in Snoop's camp?
Look man, I don't care if you believe me. I ain't here for that. I'm here to tell you what I know about the situation. TAke it or leave it becase it's water off my back. I don't give a fuck who you believe.

And yeah, I saw your other thread, which was really gay cause you were ALL ON MY DICK over there. But I was saying, you should've just made your own thread in the first place instead of posting.
HAHa! I'm "all on your dick" after you were the one that suggested I make another thread about it. Man...y'all people must just stare in the mirror for like an hour every morning and convince yourself the world revolves around you.

But once again, this topic aint about you losing your respect for Snoop. In fact, nobody gives a fuck what you think. Most of the shit you're talkin about is irrelevant anyway.
For nobody caring what I thought, the thread got a shitload of replies. But I know...people waste their time all day on stuff they don't care about. :rolleyes:

Thats probably because you dont know how to read...which would further explain why you would bitch about something that aint got nothing to do with the topic.
If I was able to create an account here, I think that qualifies me as being able to read. More personal attacks, which means you have nothing.
freshprince said:
Unless you got cameras hidded in my house boy, you don't know shit. only being in this board a few days I've already realized everyone thinks that they know the truth around here and the other person is wrong.

I'm already about to leave this place becacuse it's fucking ridiculous. 90% of this board are people who act 12 fucking years old. Grow up y'all.

And I let you know that I don't give a fuck what Daz said. Why is Daz's word so fucking golden? You're talking about the same guy who called 2pac's mother a crackhead because she took Daz off a 2pac song that was released posthumously...6 months later he was praising her for something.

Daz is a fucking idiot just like his cousin.

Look man, I don't care if you believe me. I ain't here for that. I'm here to tell you what I know about the situation. TAke it or leave it becase it's water off my back. I don't give a fuck who you believe.

HAHa! I'm "all on your dick" after you were the one that suggested I make another thread about it. Man...y'all people must just stare in the mirror for like an hour every morning and convince yourself the world revolves around you.

For nobody caring what I thought, the thread got a shitload of replies. But I know...people waste their time all day on stuff they don't care about. :rolleyes:

If I was able to create an account here, I think that qualifies me as being able to read. More personal attacks, which means you have nothing.
Listen, I finna be argument back and forth with your lil ass.

Okay, first of all, can you read? I dunno but lets look at the facts: 1) you come on this thread rantin and bitchin about something that ain't got nothing to do with the topic, I merely bring it to your attention, but then you completely get it twisted and make another thread (sayin I "inspired" you) about something I wasn't even talkin about. And then you said earlier you couldn't understand 3/4 of a certain paragraph, which was acutally just one sentence....which wasn't even hard to read at all. And now you're breaking each post up and responding in sections. After all that, who wouldnt think you're illiterate??? And you're right, I don't have camera in your house, so for all I know you probably got ol' momma dukes proof-reading for you.

But once again, who should I believe Daz Dillinger (someone's who legit and in Snoop's camp) or you (just some lil kid on the internet who making assumptions and dont know shit about the situation)? What you think and believe is not legit and has no factual weight, so nobody gives a fuck about you think or believe.

And yeah, maybe you should leave this board and then we'll have 89.999% of 12 year olds who need to grow the fuck up. What kind of muthafucka makes another thread all on somebody else's dick? Tell me who really needs to grow up. You, of course.

Look, quit complaing about how you don't like whatshisface for whateever reasons, and just LOOK AT THE BIGGER PICTURE! He's tryna do something good and restore westcoast. Damn...
freshprince said:
Do I have the right to say that you ask? I have the right to say any fucking thing I want, this is America. I say what I want, you like it or you don't and you respond or you don't.
This here is in fact the internet &, more specifically, 2PacBoard so there are rules here.

freshprince said:
Snoop Dogg is a chillin' pimp? Yeah...apparently you haven't heard the stories of doping girls up just to get them to do things with him. And I've heard that many times, not just once or twice. You call that a pimp?
Doping girls is a method a lot of pimps employ so if Snoop done that, then it isn't out of line with the works of a pimp.
This here is in fact the internet &, more specifically, 2PacBoard so there are rules here.
Like I said, I can say what I want within civility. Of course If I go around calling people assholes, creating beef and other stuff, I'll be banned. But, WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CIVILITY, I can say any fucking thing I want. You can agree or disagree, and if you're an adult, you'll disagree in a civilized manner. NOt just spewing "shut up you idiot".

Doping girls is a method a lot of pimps employ so if Snoop done that, then it isn't out of line with the works of a pimp.
ANYBODY who needs drugs to get a girl to do sex acts, isn't a pimp. Plain and simple. The whole point to being a pimp is that you can get girls to do virtually anything at anytime because you're that smooth. Not because you drug them up. People go to jail for drugging girls up and fucking them.
freshprince said:
Like I said, I can say what I want within civility. Of course If I go around calling people assholes, creating beef and other stuff, I'll be banned. But, WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CIVILITY, I can say any fucking thing I want. You can agree or disagree, and if you're an adult, you'll disagree in a civilized manner. NOt just spewing "shut up you idiot".
Yeah, within limits.

freshprince said:
ANYBODY who needs drugs to get a girl to do sex acts, isn't a pimp. Plain and simple. The whole point to being a pimp is that you can get girls to do virtually anything at anytime because you're that smooth.
I don't want to turn this into, what's a pimp & what's not, so I'll keep it brief: The whole point of being a pimp is to earn money - this is done by having women earn you money as prostitutes.

There is nothing 'smooth' about beating a woman until she's half dead when she steps out of line.

freshprince said:
Not because you drug them up. People go to jail for drugging girls up and fucking them.
So, pimps don't go to jail?

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