it's not about the music. if amy winehouse sung this i'd probably think "hey, that's a catchy song", but since it's snoop who on his last album talked about everything from drugs and weapons to gangs and fucking people up. now he's singing about sensual seduction? it's so fucking typical anyway. had he been innovative he'd flipped shit and make like a real cool, deep, non-abstract, personal, in-your-face song that was like a rap track being sung. instead, he made a cliche A-B-C learn it in 1-2-3 pop song about something so simple, over-used and boring as "sensual seduction".
i am ashamed of a grown man having desires to make this. i am ashamed that he probably considers himself ambitions when this is like taking five steps backwards from a professional musician point of view (where you normally start out doing shit for the label. then your third album is praised as being new and innovative for being you, with a deeper, more intellectual feel to it). militant is probably gonna disagree, but i'm gonna say that this has nothing to do with "selling out", it has nothing to with this not being rap, it has everything to do with snoop trying to be something that doesn't fit his name and reputation. not to mention, appearance.