Snoop Doggy Dogg's "Quotables"

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
jason_g_718 said:
People get specific about things all the time. You've been a real dick to me about EVERYTHING I do or say for the past week. For what, I have no clue. But the point was just to list Snoop's quotables from HIS OWN MATERIAL. I don't understand what's so bad about that. If you wanna make a thread listing his favorite quotables period, go for it.

Pfff...that's a laugh since I was only PMing you in response to you PMing me. If you have a beef with me, take it up in PM, the open forum is not the place to do it. And the beef ends here.
Sorry Jason, it's a misunderstanding. And I haven't been a dick, I've been asking you, for the past 3 DAYS since the time you PM'd me about The Funeral thread, to change the way you post because you ruin threads. It was my duty as a mod to fix problems.
saltynuts said:
Sorry Jason, it's a misunderstanding. And I haven't been a dick, I've been asking you, for the past 3 DAYS since the time you PM'd me about The Funeral thread, to change the way you post because you ruin threads. It was my duty as a mod to fix problems.
I don't ruin anything. And one person out of 22,000 asks me to do something and I should just jump to do it? :rolleyes:

How come you're so special?
I say we ban him for disrespecting salty...LOL make that a guideline..

Do not disrespect Saltynuts or you WILL get banned...^

This is your last warning...

I repeat this is your last warning...

1 2 3 4 BAN...wouldn't it be so dope if there was a robot like that..

ayo gimme some props here...I tried to tell this guy to change in a normal way but he doesn't want to... :eek:


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Stick to the topic or this will be closed.

Hurts, we know how you feel. You don't need to keep stating it.

Don't ask for reps, cheeky, rep me beeeyaatch.
Pittsey said:
Stick to the topic or this will be closed.

Hurts, we know how you feel. You don't need to keep stating it.

Don't ask for reps, cheeky, rep me beeeyaatch.
You know what makes that kid pathetic, Pittsey? Is that he knows I have him on ignore yet he continues to respond to my posts and I know that because I see posts like yours where people tell him to stop mentioning me and shit.

The dude's obsessed with me. He has never entered one thread I'm in and not been able to not mention me. Shit's sad.
fuck man, all this bitches still´bitchin about shit !

fuck you, take it to the pm shit,man !

a nice thread and some bitch had to fuck it up !!!
"I said you cant have me im too young for you bitch
She says no ur not then starts crying
I says im 19
She says Stop lying.
I am, go asks my mother
and wit your wrinkled pussy i cant be your looveeeeer"

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