Snoop Dogg Supports Crips Co-Founder Tookie Williams

Hituup said:
How do you know if the guy didn't feel guilty after "Allegedly" partaking in negative things. Were you in his shoes? Were you in his mind? Are you psychic enough to know that he only felt redemption in prison?

[I]One part of redemption is feeling sorry for the actions you have done and as such not wanting to repeat them, but tookie did right up until he was caught and as such did not show redemption until he was in a postion where he physically could not repeat his actions (prison)[/I]

Show me where there is proof that Stanley Williams killed 4 men. This guy until this day maintains his innocence. And what are you saying??!! Are you trying to tell me you believe in the philosophy of tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye. Basically you believe that two negatives makes a right.

A trial found him guilty and America has a very good justice system, wheres youre proof hes innocent? cos he said so? yes i do agree with an eye for an eye just as the bible states, but no i don't think two wrongs make a right but in tookies case i don't see anything "wrong" with implementing the justice system (in this case the death penalty) on a guilty man so the only wrong was tookies actions

Like you said, those 4 men will never comeback. So what good is it to take the life of a man that is a nobel peace prize winner and can possibly reverse the negativity he help bring into society. If this guy is powerful enough to spark an organization that has turned into gangs all over, then this very same man can stop future killings of millions of future gangbangers and prevent thousands to million more males from going to jail and seeing the casket. What good will killing this man do for society if the four young men, he "allegedly" killed will not come back.

The presence of justice to an offender has been funbdamentally shown to help the grieving process of the victim or their family thats one way it will help, also it will stop a dangerous and violent man being free on the streets again.

You seem to believe in the punishment theory rather than reformation. Prison should not be a place of punishment, it should be a place of therapy and reformation. Tookie deserves a second chance at life because I see the potential in this man. Who else do you know, besides the co-founder of the crips that can actually talk to these gang leaders and persuade them to change their life?

As i stated earlier i believe in redemption up to a point, tookies case is beyond this, imagine society if prison was not punishment at all, as you apppear to be promoting would you want to live there if the only repercussions for killing someone were councilling?? As for tookie helping end gang violence come on, you can't really believe one old mans story books will end gang violence?? if so youre very ignorant or naive.

George Bush has killed thousands & thousands of innocent people for free and has gained no cause or probably no regrets from it, but he has been given a second chance as president, so why the hell can't Tookie Williams, who maintains his innocence be granted his freedom and help save the youths from destruction.

Thats a good point but im not american, and if i was i sure wouldn't vote republican so what can i say??

And yes, if Tookie didn't start the crips as an organization, it would've been something else in place of the crips. That was not his basis. "If I don't start a gang someone else will, so I should start one." If that's what you are thinking, you are mistaken. And no that's not what I implied.

i think you misunderstood me here, i never said tookie excuses his actions because if the crips were not there some other gang would be, thats how you excused the crips in a earlier post.

For the last time, the organization wasn't created on the back of negativity. What you need to understand is that the crips were trying to be another offshoot of the panthers. If C.R.I.P didn't come into place, something else would've. What I mean by this is if there weren't Latin Kings, then there probably would be the Hispanic mafia or somthing like that. At the time period of this formation, there was a hunger for some type of leadership to emerge, so eventually someone would've probably tried to gather up all the local gangs and form some type of black revolution in Cali. Incase, you don't know, after the panthers were dismantled, their were plenty of guys with guns on the streets. It just so happened that crip emerged. The formation of it becoming a was probably meant to happen, that's why it's here. If Stanley didn't exist, I'm pretty sure there would be another major gang in it's place as we speak.

Again you excuse the crips with the arguement that if it wasn't them than someone else would start a gang, so what?? that doesn't make it any better. As i said before: so its okay if you see a wallet on the floor and you pick it up cos heh someone else was bound to do its later anyways?? do you agree with this??

Yet you want to comment on the crips organization, but from the way you sound, you don't even seem to have any true knowledge on it. You are trying to tell me that the crips was founded to slang drugs, shoot dice, show off their pistols, and killing other black men. Are you telling me that was to be the foundation of this organization when it was being formed. C'mon man. Do research. Most movements, if not all created in the 60's by blacks were to help uplift blacks in the community and put an end to their oppression. No way in hell can you compare, the crip foundation to the Nazi organization, whose purpose was to destroy an ethnicity of people.
The crips were started as a protection agency despite what snoop or their defendants say, there is nothing political about what the crips do now or have ever done. yeh selling drugs can "uplift blacks" but it also kills them i guess people like you are willing to take that chance. I admitted that Hitler and the crips was a bad example so why ridicule it?? but Hitler tryed to wipe out one ehtnic group (jews) and gang culture has wiped out almost whole generastions of young blacks in many areas?? see the comparison.

Again just my thoughts peace.


On probation, please report any break in the guidl
fair play to snoop, although i would expect him to do so any way,

nobody in this world 'deserves' to be killed. no man should not be more powerful than any other man. knowbody should have the power to have someone killed. whats the difference though between an italian gang and the american law system.

for example whats the difference between fat toni giving a hit on someone and an american official giving the hit on tookie. Theres no difference.

Its wrong that execution is still around today.

What a sad world we live in!
When plane crushed into World Trade Center it made the towers collapse. Now, nobody in Al Kaida thought it would collapse and nobody thought that so much people will get killed - so that's making them less guilty? Fuck no! ''Poor'' Tookie didn't know that Crips would become largest LA Gang.. So what? It happened, and it happened with his large contribution, so please don't tell me those above mentioned stories because it doesn't make sense to me.
December 13th, 2005 - by Hituup Some of you here are real ignorant. You guys are saying he started the crips and whatnot. He was not on trial for starting the crips. He was on trial for killing 4 people. His defense team had new evidence that could prove he was not linked to the murders if the case was reopened.
(understand this dat Hituup said)

Can u understand what is said above? Then if we r talking bout drugs let's judge the secret services of america, they r the ones who put crak in the ghettos.
If we r talking bout violence lets talk bout KKK n the withe america dat do not tolerate ppl from different ethnics n made them make these gangs dat start as self protection of the peoples from the guettos (in the true meaning of the word, if u know it, dont u know??).
If u acuse Tookie 4 creating the crips dont acuse him for the actual crip gangs, but 4 the initial crip gang. Thing got out of hand n it's not all his fault. Should we blame Einstein? He created the atomic energy dat killed much more people than the crips.
If Tookie had killed some1 he did a wrong thing, but he did regret his past, didn't he? Shouldnt he be forgiven? How is supposed the to move on if we dont forgive? Anybody commit mistakes. Should we all pay in a old fashion eye 4 a eye way? Let's then kill all the american with european roots, cause they did killed millions of indians (the true americans, the native people) to steal their richies.

I dont believe in death penalty nor in human judges, he should had been given a fair judgment, n if he's not guily of the charges he should have been set free. Cause if he's not guilty on the other charges he already payed 4 his past mistakes n he was now a changed man.

R.I.P. Stanley Tookie Williams
A trial found him guilty and America has a very good justice system, wheres youre proof hes innocent? cos he said so? yes i do agree with an eye for an eye just as the bible states, but no i don't think two wrongs make a right but in tookies case i don't see anything "wrong" with implementing the justice system (in this case the death penalty) on a guilty man so the only wrong was tookies actions
Quoting Franchise2003

usa has a very good justice system? Is dat a joke?? I can name a lot of members of the Black Planters who r in prison facing the injustice dat there is in the great usa justice system, but can u name 1 member of the KKK who's in prison? Usa got a good justice system? Damn man, just 4 dat itself u dont deserve response.
But continuing, u r out of date if u do believe n state the bible, 4 the eye 4 a eye principle, cause dat his from the old testament, read the new n see 4 urself the updates in the law. In the new testament it's written dat no man has the right to kill another, dat type of justice belongs to God.
N dont u read that Tookie's defense had some proves 4 his innocence? Did u follow the case?

It's easier to say Tookie has a different man than to say his guilty on the charges dat got him killed.
I think some are confused. No matter what he wasn't getting out of jail. Yall acting like he had a chance to get out!?

He may have been reformed BUT, that doesn't reduce a life sentence. No matter what he did in jail he wasn't getting out.You don't get convicted of killing 4 people and do your time and get out of jail. Jail is for keeping those type of people from you and I. I don't know about you but I wouldn't want laws that let multi-murders out after time servered. Most aren't thinking right and are getting caught up in the hype.

Tookie did the action now time for consequence. It sucks, but life in jail and the death sentence are the law of the land. And if the laws aren't enforced then what good are they?

If he didn't get the injection then every deathrow inmate would be pleaing the same case. Tookie wasn't "Tookie" to the justice system he was just a death row inmate number. They really set an example with this one.
I know this. Some don't. See below.

Hituup said:
If Stanley Williams is to be released, I'm very positive that he can try to counter all the violence going on in the communities and rally up the real cause, which is not what the U.S-corporate American government may want. He can be the next revolutionary leader and because of this, America fears this type of positive black progressive leadership potential in the man. This is why they want to kill him. A man of his status who formed a movement, which have resulted in gangs all over, spent years in prison, written books, and becoming an intellectual in jail can do so much positive while free. This would be a nightmare for America.

FREE Tookie!!
Tony Montana said:
I know this. Some don't. See below.

For that quote you quoted, I think I may understand where he was going with it. Tookies defense team had found serious evidence that didn't link him to the case. So if Tookie was granted clemency his defense team would've probably tried to refight for a reopen case, so he would've been released from deathrow. And this could've been a possibility. Plenty of inmates have been falsely or wrongly sentenced to prison & or deathrow, so it could've been overturned. I think if he was given clemency, his defense team would've seriously did everything to get him out of jail. I believe racism was why he was sent to death due to Americas history with injustice towards blacks. And I strongly believed he was innocent because I remember a story years ago about a man being locked up and claiming innocence and then coming to find out after spending so many years in prison that he was innocent. Even lately I've heard about a story like this accompanied with a lawsuit afterwards.

If released though or stayed alive, either way he would've definitely had a strong impact and I strongly believe that he would've made a difference in the bloods & crips gang.

-Waits for members to come in and say "I'm tired of other members making this a race issue, the guy killed 4 people and deserved to die."
I'm tired of other members making this a race issue, the guy killed 4 people and deserved to die!!!

Just kidding! But seriously, yes there is a chance he is innocent. It has happened before and will happen again. Maybe he would of stepped up to the plate even more if he did avoid the death penalty but I just don't see ignorant gang members,no matter what gang, stopp gang banging because of him. I mean he had 25 yrs to undo what he created,which is IMO, impossible. But he could of keep on doing what he was doing and preventing future gang members.

The bottom line is he went to trial was found guilty and in 25 yrs couldn't prove that he was innocent. If the justice system doesn't follow through from the begginning to the end then what do we have? Nothing. It's like when your parents enforce rules sometimes and let you get away with the same thing other times. It just doesn't work. You will end up trying to get away with as much as possible and the next thing you know there is, in a sense, no rules b/c they are not being enforced. Maybe a bad analogy but maybe you get the idea.

If your on the other side of this story, which is the victims, the justice system also has an obligation to them. The system has to punish wrong doers. It can't say one thing and do another.

In our justice system the criminals have more rights to than the victims. If Tookie was guilty or innocent he still got 25 more years to live than the victims and that is the most unfair thing of all, if you ask me.
I just don't see ignorant gang members,no matter what gang, stopp gang banging because of him.
Then you don't realize Tookie's status then. Tookie is looked at by all blood & crip gang leaders as like the super OG. Tookie's voice was enough to bring bloods & crips in a room and had them settle their differences all from behind bars. Even bloods in Newark, NJ were willing to give up their guns to the government in return to have Tookie Williams live. So this man has impact on both gangs.

I mean he had 25 yrs to undo what he created,which is IMO, impossible.
Nothing is impossible. Tookie was about to be a member of the NAACP and would've worked through them to stop the gang violence if given clemency. So if you look at it Tookie was gonna make street gangs that are out here right now his focus.

The bottom line is he went to trial was found guilty and in 25 yrs couldn't prove that he was innocent.
He was found guilty, but what about his defense team finding new evidences proving he was not not the killer. All he needed was a reopened case to possibly get him free.

If Tookie was guilty or innocent he still got 25 more years to live than the victims and that is the most unfair thing of all, if you ask me.
Whether death or life in prison-Tookie was no harm to the world. A man being in prison for life is equivalent to a man being dead-poses no threat to the world whatsoever.

To me it is unfair that his trial was unfair in the first place. If you look at all the details he wasn't given a fair trial. And it's unfair to have a man that claims innocence to still be put to death without relooking over current evidences.

Could you imagine how it would feel if you had a son in Tookie's position?
Hituup said:
Then you don't realize Tookie's status then. Tookie is looked at by all blood & crip gang leaders as like the super OG. Tookie's voice was enough to bring bloods & crips in a room and had them settle their differences all from behind bars. Even bloods in Newark, NJ were willing to give up their guns to the government in return to have Tookie Williams live. So this man has impact on both gangs.
I guess I don't then. If he had that much power and was able to stop gangs just like that,then he would have not been looked at as a murderer but as some sort of savior of many lives. Guilty or not guilty he sould have done this regardless. It shouldn't have take clemency to do this great act.
If he was waiting on clemency to stop gang violence all together then that is just selfish. Instead of saving many lives of gang members and their potential victims he just died and left this great deed undone. So, IMO, in reality he didn't have the power that some like to beleive.
He may have changed the path of many people headed in the wrong way but he couldn't kill the monster he helped to create.


Well-Known Member
Tony Montana said:
I guess I don't then. If he had that much power and was able to stop gangs just like that,then he would have not been looked at as a murderer but as some sort of savior of many lives. Guilty or not guilty he sould have done this regardless. It shouldn't have take clemency to do this great act.
If he was waiting on clemency to stop gang violence all together then that is just selfish. Instead of saving many lives of gang members and their potential victims he just died and left this great deed undone. So, IMO, in reality he didn't have the power that some like to beleive.
He may have changed the path of many people headed in the wrong way but he couldn't kill the monster he helped to create.
He could of stopped gang banging. But everything else wouldnt of stopped like homicide, robbery, selling drugs and so forth cus there is still poverty. So victims of gang members would still be there, people still have to eat.

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