Snoop Dogg Supports Crips Co-Founder Tookie Williams

Rapper Snoop Supports Crips Co-Founder Tookie Williams
By Houston Williams
Date: 11/16/2005 9:23 am

Rapper Snoop Dogg is expected to attend a community protest of the looming execution of Stanley "Tookie" Williams at San Quentin State Prison this weekend.

Thousands are expected to attend the rally in addition to Snoop Dogg.

Because of security concerns, the Long Beach lyricist was denied in a bid to visit Williams, who is the co-founder of the Crips Gang.

In 1981, Williams was sentenced to death after being convicted of slaying four people in Los Angeles.

Williams, now a Nobel Peace prize nominated author, has maintained his innocence and penned a number of children's books.

Actor Jamie Foxx, another supporter, played the convict in "Redemption: The Stan Tookie Williams Story."

Williams, now 51, and Raymond Washington, a high school friend, established the Crips street gang in Los Angeles in 1971.

Many of Hip-Hop's elite, like Snoop Dogg, have been affiliated with the Crips through the years.

Williams is slated to be executed on December 13., has been erected to galvanize support him.
Man Im rooting for Schwarz. to grant Williams clemency.
I actually got a petition going around my school, and two others local schools at the moment and already wrote Schwarzenegger a letter. Althought I doubt the couple hundred petition signatures we will get will really alter the case, it may help show Arnold that the entire nation is aware of this, you know? I dunno, well see what happens.
Course Snoop's gonna support him, without the crips he wouldn't be able to push drugs with protection for years, so what if hundreds of young men got killed along the way?? Sorry to be blunt but this guy should really be fried.

So what if this guy wrote some childrens books and is sorry for what he did, if i was in jail for life cos the game caught up with me i'd regret the life i chose and write books outta boredom if nothing else. The fact remains this guy KILLED PEOPLE and was responsible for setting up an organastion which is responsible for huge drugs problems, the exploitation of women and the deaths of hundreds of people of juvinelles and the innocent.
Some of y'all need to wake up and atop supporting tookie cos the person posting above you does, some celebrity does or maybe just cos tookie lived a life which many now glorify. If this is the case sign a petition which means next to nothing and go take your kids to see "get rich or die tryin" this weekend, then maybe in ten years there also be looking at jail time....

OK rant over just sharin my thoughts, peace

Big Flipp

Active Member
After reading a bit more on it I think he should be spared his life. He should stay locked up but allowed to do the work he has been doing.
Franchise2003 said:
Course Snoop's gonna support him, without the crips he wouldn't be able to push drugs with protection for years, so what if hundreds of young men got killed along the way?? Sorry to be blunt but this guy should really be fried.

So what if this guy wrote some childrens books and is sorry for what he did, if i was in jail for life cos the game caught up with me i'd regret the life i chose and write books outta boredom if nothing else. The fact remains this guy KILLED PEOPLE and was responsible for setting up an organastion which is responsible for huge drugs problems, the exploitation of women and the deaths of hundreds of people of juvinelles and the innocent.
Some of y'all need to wake up and atop supporting tookie cos the person posting above you does, some celebrity does or maybe just cos tookie lived a life which many now glorify. If this is the case sign a petition which means next to nothing and go take your kids to see "get rich or die tryin" this weekend, then maybe in ten years there also be looking at jail time....

OK rant over just sharin my thoughts, peace
Man you sound like a real fool. Yeah, Stanley started the crips. So what-If he didn't start the crips, there would've been another gang that would've been started up by someone else anyway. People make mistakes. It's not like he knew crips were going to end up being all over the world. This guy is a peacekeeper and can actually do good for society for all the negativity he has helped bring to the world. Don't you think, he can sit down and bring together all the gangs of the world to stop the violence and rally them up for a better cause. This is why he's a threat. This man can actually put an end to this crip nonsense, which can demise the bloods. The U.S. government probably realizes this and wants him dead because if Stanley was to come out of jail and put an end to the gang movement, prisons in the U.S. will loose money because they won't have anyone gangbangers-drug dealers to lock up anymore. This guy has the potential to be the next Martin Luther King or Malcolm X because they realize the leadership qualities in Stanley. This is why they want to kill him! But that's wrong.

Anyone supporting Tookie Williams to die or stay is in support of gang violence. That's how I see it.
i think everyone should see the whole picture of this before supporting his stay or death. crips were more than just "gangbangers" when they first started. i hate that my memory is so shot, but these guys are some of the most known unknowns of the black movement. with an actual "cause" that roots back to when blacks and whites still had seperate rest rooms. it wasn't always bitches, drugs, and murder. help me out here somone...
Bhuddahhoodlum said:
i think everyone should see the whole picture of this before supporting his stay or death. crips were more than just "gangbangers" when they first started. i hate that my memory is so shot, but these guys are some of the most known unknowns of the black movement. with an actual "cause" that roots back to when blacks and whites still had seperate rest rooms. it wasn't always bitches, drugs, and murder. help me out here somone...
Exactly, I forgot all about that. The crips was a movement that was supposed to be of positive cause. C.R.I.P.S- CALIFORNIA REVOLUTION IN PROGRESS. Something among those lines, if I'm not correct. They were trying to be successors of the black panthers after it was dismantled. The crips were getting most of the local gangs in california to be apart of this new crip movement, so their movement can be more powerful. They believed in strength in numbers, so all the local gangs in Cali were crip. It wasn't until certain blocks in Cali didn't want to get down with the crip movement, which countered and resulted in the formation of the bloods gang, which then resulted to the gun violence, the colors code. and then the drugs.
If Stanley Williams is to be released, I'm very positive that he can try to counter all the violence going on in the communities and rally up the real cause, which is not what the U.S-corporate American government may want. He can be the next revolutionary leader and because of this, America fears this type of positive black progressive leadership potential in the man. This is why they want to kill him. A man of his status who formed a movement, which have resulted in gangs all over, spent years in prison, written books, and becoming an intellectual in jail can do so much positive while free. This would be a nightmare for America.

FREE Tookie!!
i think everyone should see the whole picture of this before supporting his stay or death. crips were more than just "gangbangers" when they first started. i hate that my memory is so shot, but these guys are some of the most known unknowns of the black movement. with an actual "cause" that roots back to when blacks and whites still had seperate rest rooms. it wasn't always bitches, drugs, and murder. help me out here somone...
Actually from my readings, Stanley and Richard Lee Raymond started the crips as sort of a gang protection group. Thier were lots of small gangs ravaging the area, and the Crips were strated in an attempt to protect themselves from the other gangs. So it wasn't necesarrly a maliciously birthed brotherhood, more self-defense.

Course Snoop's gonna support him, without the crips he wouldn't be able to push drugs with protection for years, so what if hundreds of young men got killed along the way?? Sorry to be blunt but this guy should really be fried.

First off, no one deserves to be "fried." Second, you sound dumb. Third, he is dieing by lethal injection, I'm fairly sure most states have outlawed the electric chair.

So what if this guy wrote some childrens books and is sorry for what he did, if i was in jail for life cos the game caught up with me i'd regret the life i chose and write books outta boredom if nothing else.
So I assume that you do not believe in second chances? You are a person that believes that the first mistakes humans make they should be reprimanded without the ability to reform themselves? That is one of the most ludicrous things I have ever heard. A man that can help bring about peace to a nation full of violence, yet he should be killed? That sounds ignorant, you don't seem to know the impact this man can have on our nation's children.

The fact remains this guy KILLED PEOPLE and was responsible for setting up an organastion which is responsible for huge drugs problems, the exploitation of women and the deaths of hundreds of people of juvinelles and the innocent

Yes, he killed people, but he was what, 20ish? Maybe? The man is at least 50 years old. 27 years in prison can reform a man. And if you read the post above, the Crips were not intended to be what they became. Not only that, how can you blame gangs? The government has basically advocated them, they are simply tools the government uses to destroy blacks and other minorities. You can't place all the blame on a directionless soul, raised in one of the worst ghettos.

Some of y'all need to wake up and atop supporting tookie cos the person posting above you does, some celebrity does or maybe just cos tookie lived a life which many now glorify. If this is the case sign a petition which means next to nothing and go take your kids to see "get rich or die tryin" this weekend, then maybe in ten years there also be looking at jail time....
Had he not reformed, I would not support him. Not only that, but he still CLAIMS his innocence, which doesn't truely mean much, but also his trial was subject to various racial injustices. Read up on the info. before you make a decision. And you may be right, my petition may not matter, but you know what? At least I took the initiative to save a man's life. A man's life who in turn may save many more lives. This petition may not work, but If he is granted clemency, or not, I will still believe in my heart I did the right thing in my attempt to help this man. Oh, and I don't have kids, or else I would take them to go see "Get Rich or Die Trying". But instead I'll just buy the movie, so when I do have kids, I'll have them watch it, how does that sound? I don't think anyone is simply supporting Tookie because soemone else is. I think maybe you just want to be different. I think you need to read into the topic a bit more before making such ignorant comments.

Have a good day.
I don't understand how can a State kill people? If the state is a killer, how can you pretend to stop the killing? WTF?!?
America is the only rich country that does that, you violent mutafuckaz! America is built on murder.


Staff member
Hituup said:
Exactly, I forgot all about that. The crips was a movement that was supposed to be of positive cause. C.R.I.P.S- CALIFORNIA REVOLUTION IN PROGRESS. Something among those lines, if I'm not correct. They were trying to be successors of the black panthers after it was dismantled. The crips were getting most of the local gangs in california to be apart of this new crip movement, so their movement can be more powerful. They believed in strength in numbers, so all the local gangs in Cali were crip. It wasn't until certain blocks in Cali didn't want to get down with the crip movement, which countered and resulted in the formation of the bloods gang, which then resulted to the gun violence, the colors code. and then the drugs.
If Stanley Williams is to be released, I'm very positive that he can try to counter all the violence going on in the communities and rally up the real cause, which is not what the U.S-corporate American government may want. He can be the next revolutionary leader and because of this, America fears this type of positive black progressive leadership potential in the man. This is why they want to kill him. A man of his status who formed a movement, which have resulted in gangs all over, spent years in prison, written books, and becoming an intellectual in jail can do so much positive while free. This would be a nightmare for America.

FREE Tookie!!
I believe it's Community Revolution in Progress. I could be wrong, too.

But, I agree with Flipp.
Hituup said:
Exactly, I forgot all about that. The crips was a movement that was supposed to be of positive cause. C.R.I.P.S- CALIFORNIA REVOLUTION IN PROGRESS. Something among those lines, if I'm not correct. They were trying to be successors of the black panthers after it was dismantled. The crips were getting most of the local gangs in california to be apart of this new crip movement, so their movement can be more powerful. They believed in strength in numbers, so all the local gangs in Cali were crip. It wasn't until certain blocks in Cali didn't want to get down with the crip movement, which countered and resulted in the formation of the bloods gang, which then resulted to the gun violence, the colors code. and then the drugs.
If Stanley Williams is to be released, I'm very positive that he can try to counter all the violence going on in the communities and rally up the real cause, which is not what the U.S-corporate American government may want. He can be the next revolutionary leader and because of this, America fears this type of positive black progressive leadership potential in the man. This is why they want to kill him. A man of his status who formed a movement, which have resulted in gangs all over, spent years in prison, written books, and becoming an intellectual in jail can do so much positive while free. This would be a nightmare for America.

FREE Tookie!!
i'm not judging ur post in anyway, i just thought that the name "Crips" came from the word cripple. I read that from some book (LAbyrinth maybe, sorry i can't remember). But i understood that they got the name from some crippled youngsters from the hood. So did that "C.R.I.P." meaning come afterwards or what's the case?
He shoudnt be freed, not sure he should get executed either. In my opinion he should never get released. He started a gang that has claimed the lives of many ppl all over america, started drug wars, terrorised families etc...

CRIPS - CALIFORNIA REVOLUTION IN PROGRESS - get the fuck outta here with that bullshit its hasnt been anything but a californian revoulution killing spree!
Hituup said:
Man you sound like a real fool. Yeah, Stanley started the crips. So what-If he didn't start the crips, there would've been another gang that would've been started up by someone else anyway. People make mistakes. It's not like he knew crips were going to end up being all over the world. This guy is a peacekeeper and can actually do good for society for all the negativity he has helped bring to the world. Don't you think, he can sit down and bring together all the gangs of the world to stop the violence and rally them up for a better cause. This is why he's a threat. This man can actually put an end to this crip nonsense, which can demise the bloods. The U.S. government probably realizes this and wants him dead because if Stanley was to come out of jail and put an end to the gang movement, prisons in the U.S. will loose money because they won't have anyone gangbangers-drug dealers to lock up anymore. This guy has the potential to be the next Martin Luther King or Malcolm X because they realize the leadership qualities in Stanley. This is why they want to kill him! But that's wrong.

Anyone supporting Tookie Williams to die or stay is in support of gang violence. That's how I see it.

ive picked your post really cos it contains many points people have been commonly making in support of tookie, the main concept for his freedom being the fact that he has shown redemption.
My first point would be questioning this itself, when you were caught doing something as a child and apologised did you ever say your sorry only for your mum to say "your only sorry cos you got caught?", i know mine did and for most people its true. Of course people mellow with age but did tookie really regret his actions until he faced jail time, was he sorry when he was making profit of illegal activites?? NO he only showed redemption when caught.
By your and other philosphy any crime is forgivable if the person shows redemption in my view thats stupid. Its easy to try to attain the moral high ground when events are distant to you but what if one of the four young men killed was your son or brother?? would the fact the killer was sorry bring them back? or make the grieving easier? I agree those who do minor crimes and show they are truly reformed should be treated more lenialently, but again this guy killed four people which have been proven and probably directly or not many more. Surely anyone agrees that the fact someones reformed can only excuse them so far? a guess its just a question of how far? for me if one person is killed in a crime of passion then it makes a difference. If like tookie its four people for just vengance then no it makes no difference he should be killed. I guess its just a question of how far you take it.
you also mention that the crips activites are okay cos if tookie hadn't started a gang someone else would, so its okay if you see a wallet on the floor and you pick it up cos heh someone else was bound to do its later anyways?? thats a stupid way to rationlise things.
As for the crips starting of being a peaceful organastion, quite simply thats wrong. yes this is the immpression they gave off to others to begin with, what were they gonna say the truth?? the nazi party was never openly racist to begi with becasue they knew they couldn't gain support that way, see thats the game you garner support then exploit it just like the crips did. But just like Hitler always knew his plans so did the crips they just weren't open about them, i know the comparsion might be a bit extreme but its the best i could think of in a short amount of time.

anyways just my opinons, feel free to disagree peace
Franchise2003 said:
ive picked your post really cos it contains many points people have been commonly making in support of tookie, the main concept for his freedom being the fact that he has shown redemption.
My first point would be questioning this itself, when you were caught doing something as a child and apologised did you ever say your sorry only for your mum to say "your only sorry cos you got caught?", i know mine did and for most people its true. Of course people mellow with age but did tookie really regret his actions until he faced jail time, was he sorry when he was making profit of illegal activites?? NO he only showed redemption when caught.
By your and other philosphy any crime is forgivable if the person shows redemption in my view thats stupid. Its easy to try to attain the moral high ground when events are distant to you but what if one of the four young men killed was your son or brother?? would the fact the killer was sorry bring them back? or make the grieving easier? I agree those who do minor crimes and show they are truly reformed should be treated more lenialently, but again this guy killed four people which have been proven and probably directly or not many more. Surely anyone agrees that the fact someones reformed can only excuse them so far? a guess its just a question of how far? for me if one person is killed in a crime of passion then it makes a difference. If like tookie its four people for just vengance then no it makes no difference he should be killed. I guess its just a question of how far you take it.
you also mention that the crips activites are okay cos if tookie hadn't started a gang someone else would, so its okay if you see a wallet on the floor and you pick it up cos heh someone else was bound to do its later anyways?? thats a stupid way to rationlise things.
As for the crips starting of being a peaceful organastion, quite simply thats wrong. yes this is the immpression they gave off to others to begin with, what were they gonna say the truth?? the nazi party was never openly racist to begi with becasue they knew they couldn't gain support that way, see thats the game you garner support then exploit it just like the crips did. But just like Hitler always knew his plans so did the crips they just weren't open about them, i know the comparsion might be a bit extreme but its the best i could think of in a short amount of time.

anyways just my opinons, feel free to disagree peace
How do you know if the guy didn't feel guilty after "Allegedly" partaking in negative things. Were you in his shoes? Were you in his mind? Are you psychic enough to know that he only felt redemption in prison? Show me where there is proof that Stanley Williams killed 4 men. This guy until this day maintains his innocence. And what are you saying??!! Are you trying to tell me you believe in the philosophy of tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye. Basically you believe that two negatives makes a right. Like you said, those 4 men will never comeback. So what good is it to take the life of a man that is a nobel peace prize winner and can possibly reverse the negativity he help bring into society. If this guy is powerful enough to spark an organization that has turned into gangs all over, then this very same man can stop future killings of millions of future gangbangers and prevent thousands to million more males from going to jail and seeing the casket. What good will killing this man do for society if the four young men, he "allegedly" killed will not come back. You seem to believe in the punishment theory rather than reformation. Prison should not be a place of punishment, it should be a place of therapy and reformation. Tookie deserves a second chance at life because I see the potential in this man. Who else do you know, besides the co-founder of the crips that can actually talk to these gang leaders and persuade them to change their life? George Bush has killed thousands & thousands of innocent people for free and has gained no cause or probably no regrets from it, but he has been given a second chance as president, so why the hell can't Tookie Williams, who maintains his innocence be granted his freedom and help save the youths from destruction.

And yes, if Tookie didn't start the crips as an organization, it would've been something else in place of the crips. That was not his basis. "If I don't start a gang someone else will, so I should start one." If that's what you are thinking, you are mistaken. And no that's not what I implied.

For the last time, the organization wasn't created on the back of negativity. What you need to understand is that the crips were trying to be another offshoot of the panthers. If C.R.I.P didn't come into place, something else would've. What I mean by this is if there weren't Latin Kings, then there probably would be the Hispanic mafia or somthing like that. At the time period of this formation, there was a hunger for some type of leadership to emerge, so eventually someone would've probably tried to gather up all the local gangs and form some type of black revolution in Cali. Incase, you don't know, after the panthers were dismantled, their were plenty of guys with guns on the streets. It just so happened that crip emerged. The formation of it becoming a was probably meant to happen, that's why it's here. If Stanley didn't exist, I'm pretty sure there would be another major gang in it's place as we speak.

Yet you want to comment on the crips organization, but from the way you sound, you don't even seem to have any true knowledge on it. You are trying to tell me that the crips was founded to slang drugs, shoot dice, show off their pistols, and killing other black men. Are you telling me that was to be the foundation of this organization when it was being formed. C'mon man. Do research. Most movements, if not all created in the 60's by blacks were to help uplift blacks in the community and put an end to their oppression. No way in hell can you compare, the crip foundation to the Nazi organization, whose purpose was to destroy an ethnicity of people.


Active Member
killing tookie wont bring nobody back. leaving him alive will help thousands get out of the gang life. i agree with hituup. they are looking for revenge. killing doesnt do nothing. the guy rehabilitated himself. thats the point of him being locked up. if he killed a family member, yes i probably would want him dead at first. but my mind would clear up and id know that killing him wont do shit. id rather he straighten himself up and helps other people. and like hituup said, the president had thousands of innocent people killed. yet he isnt in the gas chamber.
Thanks C.R.Y. I'm glad you can see things the way I do and see thatTookie being in jail won't help reverse the negativity he helped started that he is so eager to end.

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