Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre touring next year, plus some album info

Big Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre will be touring Europe next year. The tour will be the result of 2 of the biggest West Coast rap albums to date, "Detox" by Dr Dre and "The Blue Carpet Treatment" by Snoop Dogg.

Snoop performed in the UK only days ago for the Live 8 concert, and later spent an hour live on Radio 1 with the #1 Hip Hop radio DJ Tim Westwood.

Snoop announced that he will be appearing on Dr Dre's "Detox" album which is due next year, and is in production right now. Snoop also stated that his next album entitled "The Blue Carpet Treatment" will feature production from Pharell and Dr Dre! Tha Dogg Pound re-union album is also due for release early 2006.
now im happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy


Well-Known Member
Im not excited at all, i man yeah detox is comin out but its been comin out for like a good 3 years, no news there. New Snoop album, blah who cares, especially if its with the neptunes, they might make good beats but snoop does not make good songs anymore. New DPG, maybe but after hearin 213 it has me wonderin what the fuck they think they are doing to the people who have been fans since the beginning.
Pittsey said:

But why do people still let the neptunes put fucked up beats on their albums?
because its a neptunes beat ..... doesnt matter how wack or good it is its a neptunes beat ...... ppl will automatically give it a listen because its a neptunes beat.......

ps HELL YEAH cant wait for it :D


Well-Known Member
^^^Neptunes arent that tight. There shit sounds good but it aint groundbreaking or anything, its not pushin the envelope. But dont get me wrong they have talent and are listenable.
detox cant wait... dpg i wanna see what they have to offer... snoop, well, cant say im eager to hear anything from him... (p.s pharell sucks, pop ass mofo)
Leech316 said:
now im happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy
for real !!
I just got back from Snoop's concert in Glasgow, was nothing special to be honest. First off there was no support act so the crowd were left standing around for a good 2 and a half hours listening to the shitty DJ. The when Snoop did come on the set lasted barely an hour, and of that he must have spent at least half the time getting us to chant his name. An 'Up In Smoke' style tour would be the shit, and I would definitely go if only to see Dre for the first time, can't see it happening though. And I certainly won't be going back to see Snoop solo after tonight.

Aristotle said:
^^^Neptunes arent that tight. There shit sounds good but it aint groundbreaking or anything, its not pushin the envelope. But dont get me wrong they have talent and are listenable.
i dint say anythin of the sort ..... lol. my point was ppl dont pay 100-200g for nothin..... they automatically expect somethin hot .....

betchu didnt know neptunes produced gwen stefani holla back girl :D

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