*Slow Loading*


New Member
Ive noticed streethop doesnt always load up properly or when it does its Really slow(its not my internet btw,

I Think this problem is also causing the double post's etc....

Can anything be done about this?


New Member
its really bugging i know,
makes me not want to go threw thread because it takes the piss :(

I Think this problem needs to be urgently looked in to......Seriously!!



Well-Known Member
Staff member
yeah it's been hella slow. it is causing the double posts as sometimes when you hit "post reply" it doesnt do anything so people keep clicking it.
Tupac Tha Great said:
Does it cause you lose your connection or is this just my problem?
I Think thats just your connection homie but yep i think everyone whos posted here are having the same problem!

Hello Admin or someone we need some sort of reply in to wether the problems being looked in to or not.........:confused:


Tupac Tha Great said:
Does it cause you lose your connection or is this just my problem?
I Think thats just your connection homie but yep i think everyone whos posted here are having the same problem!

Hello Admin or someone we need some sort of reply in to wether the problems being looked in to or not.........:confused:



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