Slang question (again)

What's a "Stan"? - From what I can gather it's a fanboy/dickrider but where does the term originate from?

an "L"? I'm assuming it has something to do with smoking..but I'm not 100% sure.
Zero Cool said:
Yeah, smoking L's means smoking joints.
Nah. An "L" is a joint laced with cocaine. I know this for a fact because I remember back in like 98 or 99 when Trick Daddy first came out with his debut single "Nair Nigga". I remember him doing an interview for The Source back then and saying that he smoked "around 55 L's a day".
jason_g_718 said:
Nah. An "L" is a joint laced with cocaine. I know this for a fact because I remember back in like 98 or 99 when Trick Daddy first came out with his debut single "Nair Nigga". I remember him doing an interview for The Source back then and saying that he smoked "around 55 L's a day".
WTF?! He did coke (weed with coke) 55 times a day? Something's wrong with him.
H.E. Pennypacker said:
WTF?! He did coke (weed with coke) 55 times a day? Something's wrong with him.
According to the article. So, either he has an extremely high tolerance, or he was lying.

Keep in mind though, if you've ever seen the movie Blow, the average toxicity limit for humans is 1.5 - 2 grams of coke per day. George Jung (who is portrayed in the movie by Johnny Depp), who used to be the second most powerful cocaine dealer in like 5 countries, and was also Pablo Escobar's right hand man, said in the extras on the DVD that he averaged 5 grams of coke per day and also claimed that "...I once snorted 10 grams in 10 minutes".

However, with all this said, I have never done cocaine, so I wouldn't know from first hand experience.
jason_g_718 said:
According to the article. So, either he has an extremely high tolerance, or he was lying.

Keep in mind though, if you've ever seen the movie Blow, the average toxicity limit for humans is 1.5 - 2 grams of coke per day. George Jung (who is portrayed in the movie by Johnny Depp), who used to be the second most powerful cocaine dealer in like 5 countries, and was also Pablo Escobar's right hand man, said in the extras on the DVD that he averaged 5 grams of coke per day and also claimed that "...I once snorted 10 grams in 10 minutes".

However, with all this said, I have never done cocaine, so I wouldn't know from first hand experience.
How much are you willing to bet that George Jung's ties to Escobar and his status in the cocaine world was exaggerated? I watched non-fictional shows on channels like History Channel, and what you said is not representative of Jung's connections and status.

He met Escobar once. How can that make him his right hand man? Not possible. In that meeting, they talked about nonsense, and nothing important.

As for being one of the biggest dealers, yeah right. He did his own thing, and may have been well know, but he was not one of the biggest. He didn't even deal in cocaine in such large terms. He moved around coke, but that's it.

Its true he was arrested for selling drugs, but that was something small time on the street. Nothing big.

Regardless, I see your point about cocaine use.
I think Jason may have his facts a little twisted, as far as I could remember from Blow it DID portray the two as only having met once, and I've seen that movie plenty of times (own the DVD!)

But, for the most part, he was responsible for bringing cocaine into america.
How much are you willing to bet that George Jung's ties to Escobar and his status in the cocaine world was exaggerated? I watched non-fictional shows on channels like History Channel, and what you said is not representative of Jung's connections and status.
Who cares about his status with Escobar? The only reason I even mentioned that is to remind people who George Jung is. The only reason I brought him up was to reference a human being's toxicity level.

He met Escobar once. How can that make him his right hand man? Not possible. In that meeting, they talked about nonsense, and nothing important.
I don't know where you've gotten your facts, but they're wrong. The first time Jung met Escobar was to discuss starting the largest cocaine rings throughout America, Columbia and Mexico, and the first shipment they discussed was moving 150 kilos. Not exactly a frivilous convo. But anyway, you've made a post completely off topic, so if you want to continue this discussion, feel free to hit me up in a PM.

As for the rest of your opinions on Jung in this post...they're laughable. A man who makes $60 million in 5 years isn't "small time". You also don't go to prison 3 times for cocaine possession and distribution if you're "small time". He's currently got 10 years left (he'll be out in 2015) from a 60 year sentence he recieved in the late 80's for attempting to move another 150 kilos.

But, like I said, this is completely off topic, PM me to continue the convo. which I have no problem doing and I'd actually enjoy it.
I think Jason may have his facts a little twisted, as far as I could remember from Blow it DID portray the two as only having met once, and I've seen that movie plenty of times (own the DVD!)
I don't have any facts twisted as I also have the DVD. It's one of my Top 5 favorite movies and I've seen it probably 150 times. I can describe anything on that DVD in specific.

I never said how many times Escobar and Jung "met". I said Jung was the second most powerful coke dealer for many years behind Escobar, who happened to be Jung's boss. AND, like you said you'rself, THE MOVIE portrayed them as only meeting once, that doesn't mean shit. A 2 hour movie cannot accurately represent all of the important events in a 42 year old man's life. I have watched the movie on commentary over 10 times and Ted Demme himself said that the movie is more about Jung and his own battle with his inner demons and his desire to be close to his daughter than anything else. George Jung was the intended victim of car bombs over 5 times and not ONE of those times is represented in the movie. Also, don't forget that the reason Jung got so much time cut off his 60 year sentence is because he testified against the real life Carlos Lehder (who is actually the Diego Delgado character in the movie) and the reason he testified against Carlos is beause Escobar pretty much ordered him to because Escobar realized that Lehder had been fucking Escobar just like he fucked everyone else.

Like I said, I own the DVD, have watched it over 150 times and I have done my own research outside of the movie on Jung as well. I know this story in depth, in detail.

But, for the most part, he was responsible for bringing cocaine into america.
He along with Carlos Lehder (Diego in the movie) and Escobar were all single handedly responsible (as a threesome of course) for bringing coke into America.

"If you snorted cocaine between the late 70's and the mid-80's, there was an 85% chance it came from us." -George Jung


Active Member
haha let this be the thread where everyone asks about those words they dont know about and were to afraid to ask prior to this...

Cant think of any right now but theres plenty of em...damnit
Since this comes from one of his rap songs, I'll post it, because I've heard Scarface use the same slang before.

In a Kid Rock song he raps:

"I'm rollin' on vogues (sp?) w/ a hundred spokes"

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