Second guessing Eminem

Only Dre can, judge me for the mistakes I'm makin
If I'm fakin, I'm Clay Aiken

He absolutely kills this shit on Games album, but is he right? After watching the 'Ass Like That' video, I'm not so sure. He always talks that 'run myself in the ground/before I put some wack shit out' shit, but why not back it up? There are a good number of people who like his 'new' flow and delivery, but I just don't see it. It seems to me like he's just not trying, can anybody back up the opposite opinion?

DPG iz all I C

Well-Known Member
I agree his newer stuff is terrible.

hes dropped the 3 weakest verses of his career within 3 months of each other.

Ass Like That
Gatman and Robin
My Ballz.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
He came nice on that Game shit. It's the best verse I heard him spit in a while. He has been doing that weird/whacky type shit so I can't say i've been a huge fan of his lately, lol. Oh well, we will see what happens.


Little Miss Vixen
malek_5 said:
Only Dre can, judge me for the mistakes I'm makin
If I'm fakin, I'm Clay Aiken

He absolutely kills this shit on Games album, but is he right? After watching the 'Ass Like That' video, I'm not so sure. He always talks that 'run myself in the ground/before I put some wack shit out' shit, but why not back it up? There are a good number of people who like his 'new' flow and delivery, but I just don't see it. It seems to me like he's just not trying, can anybody back up the opposite opinion?
I wouldn't say he's not 'trying', I think it's just that, in order to accomodate these new flows, he has use more simple lyrics - simply because he's not adept enough with these flows yet to have sick lyrics.


Well-Known Member
He seems to take appearing on other people's albums seriously... shame he doesn't feel the same way about the majority of his new material.
i don't care for his new flow myself, but i still think even encore has SOME decent shit...most of it was slop for a man with his ability, but i still liked a few of the songs...i can honestly say that "puke" to me is a decent track, if you have had domestic disputes with a lady you love that song takes more meaning than it would to someone who is 15 or 16 and just likes it cuz it is cool to like eminem, but when he said "you're a fuckin drunkin slut i hope you fuckin die, i hope you get to hell and satan sticks a needle in your eye" i fully feel that shit cuz i have been there before with my wife

i think he backs up what he says, but as someone on here already said, i feel his is a tool for interscope, they know he sells a ton so let him make them money while he is hot, then he can drop a stillmatic type album and gain back the hardcore fans when he starts to lose the young teenie crowd
em has completly fallen off since the release of The Eminem Show... everything after that is no where near what the man is capable of.... but i still have a lot of respect for eminem, despite his recent "slump" and creating un-original, catchy pop songs. His first four actual albums were all solid and well worth buying.

He has matured a whole lot since he first stepped onto the rap scence and i believe that has a lot to do with his new style. When he first came out he was rapping about a hell of a lot of drug use and crazy shit that people got a kick out of. but he has grown and matured a lot since then. plus he has said in a number of articles that he has quit smokin weed and doing drugs and trying to stay healthy. So he is going through a lot of different changes in the way e creates his music which can really be seen in his newer stuff....

i hope to god that he does go back to his crazyself when hes making music.... but then what will people say about that?


Staff member
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
I wouldn't say he's not 'trying', I think it's just that, in order to accomodate these new flows, he has use more simple lyrics - simply because he's not adept enough with these flows yet to have sick lyrics.
You hit it right on the head. :thumb:
i think he's really fallen off lyrically.. but stepped it up as far as flow and delivery and riding a beat is concerned. his subject matter is flat and needs to be expanded... he uses the same formula for success on each album and it hasn't failed him yet, so why should he stop now? some day he'll grow up and get on the serious vibe. i thought eminem show was a definite uprising towards the more open-minded and political approach, but then encore was a total lyrical let down for me. i'm not sure what to expect from eminem anymore, but i'm disappointed in his capability as of late.


Well-Known Member
I didn't even bother to check out his new effort. Watching that new Video of his makes me think I made the right choice.
malek_5 said:
Only Dre can, judge me for the mistakes I'm makin
If I'm fakin, I'm Clay Aiken

He absolutely kills this shit on Games album, but is he right? After watching the 'Ass Like That' video, I'm not so sure. He always talks that 'run myself in the ground/before I put some wack shit out' shit, but why not back it up? There are a good number of people who like his 'new' flow and delivery, but I just don't see it. It seems to me like he's just not trying, can anybody back up the opposite opinion?
He's right and wrong. IMO, you can only really judge Eminem (or any other emcee for that matter) if you are a colleague of theirs. That doesn't mean you have to be on the same label. In other words, no, Dre isn't the only one that can judge him, or has a right to, but other rappers who have had the level of success, or a relative level of success ARE the only ones that can judge him as an artist.

Now, of course as fans, we can judge the shit out of HIS MUSIC. He doesnt say in that line "Only Dre can judge my music". He says "only Dre can judge the mistakes I'm making". In other words, he's saying Dre can judge HIM AS AN ARTIST AND PERSON.

We can all judge his music because he puts it out into the public for us. HOWEVER, we cannot judge him as an artist because none of us are in his shoes or have been. Not one person on this entire board had sold a million records, let alone 25 million. Therefore, we can judge his music, but not him as an artist or person.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
I wouldn't say he's not 'trying', I think it's just that, in order to accomodate these new flows, he has use more simple lyrics - simply because he's not adept enough with these flows yet to have sick lyrics.
Or maybe it's that he's the best in the game, he knows this, he knows he has no REAL competition, and therefore he was bored.

Remember when Em first dropped? He had something to prove. Sure, people on the underground scene knew he had talent, but at the same time, the question became "is he talented enough to become a mainstream artist.

He spent 3 or 4 years proving his lyrical expertise and the fact that he is above almost every other rapper in the game (the only one that can REALLY compete lyrically IMO is Nas). However, now he has proven that he has the talent, there are no REAL rappers who are competition for him, and because of that, he has nobody to really piss him off.

Personally, I wish someone would do a Ja Rule and put Hailie's name in a song again just to light a fire under Marshall's ass.

yak pac fatal

Well-Known Member
ass like that aint supposed 2 be a dope track
hes fuckin around on that track which is mad funny
Stop hatin even though he lyrically fell off

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