Schwarzenegger denies clemency for Tookie; last chance to save a life


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger denied clemency Monday for convicted killer Stanley Tookie Williams, who co-founded the Crips street gang in Los Angeles.

Schwarzenegger announced the decision shortly after a federal appeals court refused to block Williams' execution by lethal injection scheduled for shortly after midnight local time Monday.

Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, who met with Williams earlier in the day, criticized Schwarzenegger for deciding not to spare Williams.

Jackson said Williams, who was convicted of killing four people in 1979, had earned clemency and that Schwarzenegger's decision was about "making politicians look tough, but that does not make it right."

A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, based in San Francisco, rejected an affidavit from Williams' lawyers that suggested someone framed the onetime gang leader.

Unless the full 9th Circuit or the U.S. Supreme Court intervenes, Williams is scheduled to die by injection at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday (3:01 a.m. ET) at San Quentin State Prison, near San Francisco.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals can be contacted on 415-556-9800 and the U.S. Supreme Court can be contacted on 202-479-3360, urges our readers to take action in phoning these courts in a final effort to save the life of Tookie.

California's Supreme Court rejected an emergency request to stay the execution on Sunday. The state has executed only 11 inmates since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976.

In their appeal to the 9th Circuit, attorneys pinned their hopes on the declaration of a new witness -- Gordon Bradbury von Ellerman -- a jail trusty detained with Williams in the Los Angeles County Jail from 1979 to 1980.

In the affidavit, von Ellerman said he was the cellmate of another trusty, identified as George "Roger" Oglesby.

Von Ellerman said Los Angeles Sheriff's Department personnel provided Oglesby with documents to aid him in testifying against Williams in return for reduced or dropped charges.

"I was personally aware that Los Angeles Sheriff's Department personnel would often provide information to these inmates so that they could help frame defendants for crimes," he said in the statement.

A statement from Schwarzenegger read: "The possible irregularities in Williams' trial have been thoroughly and carefully reviewed by the courts, and there is no reason to disturb the judicial decisions that uphold the jury's decisions that he is guilty of these four murders and should pay with his life."

Williams, who would be 52 on December 29, spent part of Monday with his attorneys and family members at San Quentin.

While in prison, Williams became an anti-gang crusader, but he has consistently refused to take part in a debriefing with authorities to provide them potentially valuable information about the Crips gangs, said lead prosecutor John Monaghan.

Williams has denounced gang violence and written children's books with an anti-gang message, donating the proceeds to anti-gang community groups.

He said he was trying to prevent young people from making the choices he did, which led to a life of crime and a death sentence.

Celebrities, teachers and anti-death penalty advocates have spoken on Williams' behalf, but Schwarzenegger questioned the sincerity of Williams' conversion to nonviolence.

"Stanley Williams insists he is innocent, and that he will not and should not apologize or otherwise atone for the murders of the four victims in this case," the governor wrote.

"Without an apology and atonement for these senseless and brutal killings, there can be no redemption."

A jury convicted Williams of killing a 26-year-old Los Angeles convenience store clerk in February 1979, shooting him twice in the back with a 12-gauge shotgun while the victim was face down on the floor.

The jury also convicted him of shooting and killing an immigrant Chinese couple and their 41-year-old daughter less than two weeks later while stealing less than $100 cash from their motel.

Both cases were handled in a single trial. Williams was sentenced to death in 1981.

If you believe that Tookie should be spared the death penalty, please contact The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on 415-556-9800 and the U.S. Supreme Court on 202-479-3360 and voice your opinion -- it is Tookie's last hope.


New Member
If I was in LA I would riot and that's probably the main reason why he decided to wait so long to give his decision.

Honestly this is sad that this man is going to die. I'm wondering if he was white, would he be spared? What do you have to do to be granted clemency anyway? This doesn't warrent it?

this is a sad turn of events...if the execution is to happen, I will provide a moment of silence at 12:01...May God grant him peace...thanks to the terminator we are going to lose a man whose work to save lives is worth more than his own...
His work also killed thousands. His decision to start the Crips affected a lot of people. I will not lose sleep over this. If the Governator pardons him then that tells people that they can kill someone, and then it will all be forgotten if they do lots of community work.

L.A. will probably riot, and I'll probably be there, not because of this but because of all the injustices that occur with everything else that the Governator has done or not done.
@ Az-Tech Loc
Man, you don't understand what word redemption means...
Still, I can't believe... Tookie is a legend... And a good rolemodel!
For so called governor - I guess muscles can't replace the brain. Arnold is a nothin' but another racist. Remember words from Immortal Technique :"F*** Schwarzenegger, his father was a nazi"...


New Member
Damn, cant believe this... SHAME ON USA! Another injustice made by the withe america that can't give a fair judgement on a african. Of course he didn't snitch, he's not 50. Of course he could not feel sorry by the crime if he's innocent!
Inocent or not what better america is? Murder 4 a murder who's the worst?
Why should a man regret is mistakes if society doest forgive or give second chance's?

If the riots happen I will not feel sorry, like bush didn't feel sorry by the victims (Afro-americans) of katrina n I would take part if i could, but I'm not in america, thanks to God!

Rest In Peace King Tookie.


Well-Known Member
The county prison in my hometown (Easton, PA) is on extra security because of this. If it goes does, any city with a large gang influence is going to shake a little bit - not just L.A.


New Member
Just another thing... F**k Schwarzenegger, he should not be the terminator but terminated, hell with him if he doesn't have the nutts to do the right thing.
I have a serious question.If it was one of your family members that Tookie murdered,would you have the same opinion as you have now about not wanting for him to be executed?


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
^^ No, but if you were one of Tookies family members would you have the same opinion as you have now about wanting for him to be executed?

It works both way, thats why we must look at it from an unbiased point of view, obviously those involved are not unbiased.
^^ But the people Tookie killed had no choice of life or death, he killed them. Tookie had the choice of either fucking up his shit (cause your definately going to get heat if you kill someone) or chill on the case, but he decided to kill those people. He took the risk, he had a choice. Really though I'm not anti-Tookie or anything, but he also is indirectly responsible for the slaughter of thousands of people (black, white, brown, everything), and that there is the only outstanding point to why he should be executed. But really I think there no point of execution, solving a murder by a murder, stupidness. Solitaire confinement for life would be pretty harsh, some shit like that would be a good punishment for cases like these, cause executing him is just letting him get of this hell hole.
^^ No, but if you were one of Tookies family members would you have the same opinion as you have now about wanting for him to be executed?
The problem with this is that the people that were killed did not choose to die. Tookie became GOD and started murdering those people without any repercussion. Also to boot he hasnt repented on those murders. So if I was a family member of Tookie's I would tell him why? what gave you the right to do what you did? Like I said he doesn't sound remorseful at all.
Williams killed 4 people in the eyes of the law. It was probably more, and hundreds/thousands more that he killed indirectly, not counting the future generations that could have been.

i support the governor here...
arnold kill-a-nigga iz a racist bastard... thiz decision is completely unjust.. tookie was framed... he did not commit the crimes he is charged with... their is new evidence available... u can read bout it at in my last conversation with him, tookie wanted to let the world 2 know that he is not scared, and he hopes that the struggle will continue on even in his absence...

though we are all still praying, rallying, and hoping... his chances are very slim...

every1 please do anything and everything you can to support this brother...

Rukas said:
^^ No, but if you were one of Tookies family members would you have the same opinion as you have now about wanting for him to be executed?
I don't want him to be executed.The question I asked has nothing to do with my opinion, just for the record.I'm against the death penalty.Killing Tookie will not bring back the people he murdered(if he did).The dealth penalty is there to save the government money.It's all about money.Kill him and they don't have to "waste money"(the way the government sees it) on his living expenses.So sad
I'm a little on both sides.

A) He killed four people (maybe More) and founded an organization that led to thousands of deaths in all races, across the whole country.

B) He has spent about 10 years denouncing gang violence. I don't believe he knew forming a gang would lead to thousands of murders, but it was idea. He went in prison for 14 years before denouncing gang violence.

C) He is loyal to the streets, he will not snitch, he won't help bring down the gang he started.

D) He has shown no remorse at all, nor would he even apologize.

E) He planned to kill several COs/prison guards in an escape plot.

Maybe he should die, maybe he shouldn't. Everything happens for a reason.

He may have been a gang-banger 30 years ago, but today he is a political activist. His death will serve as a message to all others he has influenced.

On a side note: Mumia Abu-Jamal was granted another appeal, and he may be released in the next 180 days. I hope that this case and its result does not influence Mumia's appeal.


Well-Known Member
Damn! I knew it would come down to politics, Arnies more concerned about the poeple he'll piss of if he saves him than the people who'll be angry if he doesnt. I hope people contemplating rioting be smart about it instead of aimlessly damaging and hurting people. Be Strong Took.
I love how black people turn everything into a race issue. a black man gets the death penalty and its "racism". yea because no white man has ever been executed. :rolleyes:

You do the crime and you pay. (altho i dont agree with the death penalty, i believe rotting in jail is a better punishment) Oh yes, hes such a role model. This teaches kids such a good way to live life, go out and start street gangs and murder innocent people without as so much as an apology for it.

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