Reputation point suggestion

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I think there should be a limt on the number of times each individual post can be repped, or maybe a limit on how many times a post can be repped in a day. Some people are dropping d/l links and getting repped silly, by up to 20 people.
bad idea menace.
but seriusly some people are moving up real fast and all they do is drop retail tracks in the dl section. we should be repped for more than just giving up retail tracks for dl
not really ken said:
bad idea menace.
but seriusly some people are moving up real fast and all they do is drop retail tracks in the dl section. we should be repped for more than just giving up retail tracks for dl
If you noticed,only people who are really usefull to the community have more rep points than the others...Don't be jealous and ask yourself:what do you do to make this forum better and are you that usefull to other people of this board...?Then you'll have a clue about why some people have more rep points than you actually have.


Knock, Knock...
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Saaphir said:
If you noticed,only people who are really usefull to the community have more rep points than the others...Don't be jealous and ask yourself:what do you do to make this forum better and are you that usefull to other people of this board...?Then you'll have a clue about why some people have more rep points than you actually have.

That's not true. If you check what people get repped for it's uploading tracks.

I think that's sad.
Pittsey said:
That's not true. If you check what people get repped for it's uploading tracks.

I think that's sad.
Sharing deserves rep points,that's normal,I don't know what's your point?People aren't repped for free posting or for posting lame jokes...
Saaphir said:
Sharing deserves rep points,that's normal,I don't know what's your point?People aren't repped for free posting or for posting lame jokes...
what he means is...

ne fool can get lots of rep points by just uploading tracks that are wanted...what he probably wants to see is...Ppl get repped for dropping some actual knowledge...
one mc on dj said:
what he means is...

ne fool can get lots of rep points by just uploading tracks that are wanted...what he probably wants to see is...Ppl get repped for dropping some actual knowledge...
Then only Dante would be repped...
PaulyPac said:
is this really a big deal ??
It's different types of reputation....

One might wanna get a good rep of droppin some real talk...others want to get love for dropping the latest songs...

In the end ppl that repped you will remember you in the way you wanted it doesn't really matter...

keep saying what you want keep posting what you want it's up to those who rep you to do it or not...
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