Rappers you used to dislike...

DrugBa11ad said:
Lol to be honest, I can't say I like Biggie that much either, I can feel a couple of his songs, but his style i just can't feel it.

Don't give away too much, you might get verbally attacked by paulene hahahahaha. But yeh, I don't feel his music neither, never have, never will :)
Jay Z- when I first heard him I thought he was aight, I liked him, then a couple of bubble gum singles came out, esp. that "sunshine" video which made me hate him, but after blueprint I thought he was ok.

Lil wayne- i used to hate his voice and flow but now he is getting better.
Robbo1984 said:
Its called my opinion you clown! You like artists I dont, and what? Exactly! And I don't like one song Biggie has done, and what? Nothing. Its people like you who annoy me on here. You attack people for not liking an artist you like.
oh im a clown ? stfu dude how can you not like one biggie song, both albums he did while he was alive are classics, how am i attacking you ?
did i insult you ? pfft

seems to me you are a pac nut hugger

Robbo1984 said:
Don't give away too much, you might get verbally attacked by paulene hahahahaha. But yeh, I don't feel his music neither, never have, never will :)
you a joke son
PaulyPac said:
oh im a clown ? stfu dude how can you not like one biggie song, both albums he did while he was alive are classics, how am i attacking you ?
did i insult you ? pfft

seems to me you are a pac nut hugger

you a joke son

Maybe because I don't like Biggie? That's why I do not like one Biggie song! And because I do not like Biggie, that makes me a Pac dickrider? You have your opinion, I have mine. I don't have to like shit you you like! Don't throw a paddy because I don't like an artist you like! How old are you? Because your acting like one of these youths on here! And don't start talking about post quantity! It doesn't mean nothing! At the end of the day, I don't like Biggie, because I DON'T like him, not because Pac had beef with him. If you read back, I even said that, because I knew some twat like you would reply with bullshit like that! I like a couple of P.Diddy songs. He had beef with Pac, so whats what? The best thing you can do is shut up and not replying with that bullshit I see all the time on here! I'm not a P.Diddy fan, but I do like a couple of his songs. But with Biggie, I can't stand him! In my opinion, he's well over rated! I'll probably get verbally attacked for that too, but at least I aint following a band wagon, because alot of people like him! I'm me, my own person. I don't follow anyone, so yeh! I can't stand Biggie, and what? Nothing.

You like him, I don't.....Get over it!
Robbo1984 said:
Maybe because I don't like Biggie? That's why I do not like one Biggie song! And because I do not like Biggie, that makes me a Pac dickrider? You have your opinion, I have mine. I don't have to like shit you you like! Don't throw a paddy because I don't like an artist you like! How old are you? Because your acting like one of these youths on here! And don't start talking about post quantity! It doesn't mean nothing! At the end of the day, I don't like Biggie, because I DON'T like him, not because Pac had beef with him. If you read back, I even said that, because I knew some twat like you would reply with bullshit like that! I like a couple of P.Diddy songs. He had beef with Pac, so whats what? The best thing you can do is shut up and not replying with that bullshit I see all the time on here! I'm not a P.Diddy fan, but I do like a couple of his songs. But with Biggie, I can't stand him! In my opinion, he's well over rated! I'll probably get verbally attacked for that too, but at least I aint following a band wagon, because alot of people like him! I'm me, my own person. I don't follow anyone, so yeh! I can't stand Biggie, and what? Nothing.

You like him, I don't.....Get over it!

represent your pac cds man, fuck the haters :rolleyes:
Robbo1984 said:
Maybe because I don't like Biggie? That's why I do not like one Biggie song! And because I do not like Biggie, that makes me a Pac dickrider? You have your opinion, I have mine. I don't have to like shit you you like! Don't throw a paddy because I don't like an artist you like! How old are you? Because your acting like one of these youths on here! And don't start talking about post quantity! It doesn't mean nothing! At the end of the day, I don't like Biggie, because I DON'T like him, not because Pac had beef with him. If you read back, I even said that, because I knew some twat like you would reply with bullshit like that! I like a couple of P.Diddy songs. He had beef with Pac, so whats what? The best thing you can do is shut up and not replying with that bullshit I see all the time on here! I'm not a P.Diddy fan, but I do like a couple of his songs. But with Biggie, I can't stand him! In my opinion, he's well over rated! I'll probably get verbally attacked for that too, but at least I aint following a band wagon, because alot of people like him! I'm me, my own person. I don't follow anyone, so yeh! I can't stand Biggie, and what? Nothing.

You like him, I don't.....Get over it!
ahahahaha you just making yourself look more stupid
PaulyPac said:
dude go back and read that reply you just made, how the fuck am i making myself look stupid ? wtf stay off the drugs homie

It made perfect sense to me! I have to break it down for retard users like you. Anyway, I ain't replying anymore. I've got better things to do, than argue with a twat like you.

im a twat ? now you being stupid, you tell me im attacking people and all you can do is insult like a bitch, you a fool

ahaha im the retard ? get the fuck outta here
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
And yet 20 minute later.....(see above)
No, I werent going to reply to the shit anymore, which I didn't. I don't get why dudes on here have to start shit all the time. All I said is that I don't like Biggie, whats up with that? I am just being honest man lol, I aint gonna lie just to suit you lot lol
how the did i start shit you dumbass ? read through your replies, you the one that came out with clown and shit, i did not insult you in anyway before that dummy
PaulyPac said:
how the did i start shit you dumbass ? read through your replies, you the one that came out with clown and shit, i did not insult you in anyway before that dummy

The reply to my post when i said i dont like biggies music man lol

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