Rap songs you enjoy most

What kind of rap songs do you people in here prefer? Your typical songs about ghetto life with guns, drugs and shit like that? Songs about how much money you have, how many cars and boats you have? Songs that tell a story like Brenda's Got A Baby or or Don't Come Down? Songs where the rapper brags about how good he is and why he is so great? Political songs? Songs with an awareness theme (i.e. Changes)?

The reason I'm asking is because I have write a few songs to submit to various people who want to do some work with me. I have several concepts in my head, but I figured I'd come on here to find out what kind of content people look for in a song.


Well-Known Member
Straight fire songs such as Nas - NY State of Mind, good lyrical performances all the way through.

Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC
used to be horrorcore until that got played out

now its hard beats with hard raps, regardless of the genre (gangsta, horrorcore, battlerap etc)
Bank Robber said:
used to be horrorcore until that got played out

now its hard beats with hard raps, regardless of the genre (gangsta, horrorcore, battlerap etc)
When it comes to metal, are you one of those guys that's into death metal? Your comment about the "hard beats no matter what genre" lead me to think it.

Ok...so you're talking stuff like "Street Fame" off Better Dayz or Eminem's "Till I Collapse", Ice Cube's "Ghetto Vet"?

See, that's the good thing about my life. Most people wouldn't, and and most usually don't believe I can write about gang shit or ghetto life because I'm white and grew up in the suburbs. But, my grandmother and 2 uncles live in one of the worst parts of Detroit, one of those uncles is a cop. My former best friend who I was friends with for 10 years is from Detroit and wasn't in a gang but very much gang related.

It may not appear to be so by looking at me, but once you start getting into my life's stories, people know I've seen a lot of shit. I've almost been killed 3 fucking times in my life, two times almost shot and once I was almost stabbed. I've been everywhere from country clubs to crack houses. And don't get me wrong, I'm not bragging at all, because I usually don't talk about the bad shit, but I'm just saying that because of what I know I apper to be and the type of person I come off as. Pull my card and test I guess basically is the point.

But yeah, that's one of my favorite aspects of writing songs, is trying to find NEW subjects that would fit into the realm of storytelling in rap music and different ways to tell those stories.

Thanks Robber.
Silleone said:
i dont think u the type of rap i like, anyway, im into all diffrent types, so i cant give u a reponse.
Dude, I perform every type of rap. Check my website, I hae about 15 or so songs listed on there that are examples of my writing. You can tell by what's listed there that I have seen and witnessed many things in life and I can literally write about anything and be writing it from a first hand perspective.

In other words, I don't perform only one style of rap music, I do everything except for shit like Just Lose It or My Band.

So...now I've told you that, you're welcome to give me examples of what you like. I might not know some of the artists, so let me know what kind of raps as well.
well most will prefer the ones that rapa bout "bling" and why they are teh best rapper alive but some of the greatest songs are teh ones that are mostly political or telling a story...although some good ones are those typical ghetto songs.
I like a bit of everything.

I suppose it is very difficult, but the best artists can make songs which incorporates ghetto life, storytelling, knowledge, politics, awareness & bling.

Take Rakim for instance. He's got quite a few songs like that.

tHuG $TyLe

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Also, Coolio made love for 2Pac. You didn't know?

Originally Posted by THISLIFEILEAD
Coolio knew Pac was innocent he has made love for Pac.
Lmao! hahaha!

Anyway i dont mind rappers bragging, for example Jay-z "Im so far ahead of my time, im about to start another life, look behind you, i just passed you 2wice"
i love to listen to creative songs like me and my girlfriend, rewind, i gave u power etcccc but the deeper the song in my opinion the better, i feel that the more creative and opinionated the person is, whether it be with politics, hardships in life, and other subject ares, the more the music draws me to listen to it, i also like other songs that u can jus vibe to or songs that u can put on in ur ride and drive forever, u kno what i mean..


Well-Known Member
depends on the mood, but the three basis are:

1. songs witha positive message (i.e. "Keep Ya Head Up")
2. hard songs (i.e. "Ballad of a Dead Soulja")
3. songs that flow so well it seems like Dre composed the lyrics on his boards (i.e. "Ambitionz Az a Ridah")
Actually upon thinking about, I've decided that I probably lean more to personal experience-type songs.

Not neccessarily 'ghetto' just heartfelt songs.

Like Ghostface's All That I Got Is You. While set in the ghetto, there was little gangsta about this song.
Pacaveli-T said:
well most will prefer the ones that rapa bout "bling" and why they are teh best rapper alive but some of the greatest songs are teh ones that are mostly political or telling a story...although some good ones are those typical ghetto songs.
I will NEVER write a song where I talk about how much "bling bling" I have. I've already made that promise to myself.

Besides, I've never been the jewelry type.
jm5471 said:
i love to listen to creative songs like me and my girlfriend, rewind, i gave u power etcccc but the deeper the song in my opinion the better, i feel that the more creative and opinionated the person is, whether it be with politics, hardships in life, and other subject ares, the more the music draws me to listen to it, i also like other songs that u can jus vibe to or songs that u can put on in ur ride and drive forever, u kno what i mean..
Regarding your comment about "Me And My Girlfriend", I'm currently working on a song I'm calling "Oxycontin" that is gonna be like that.
AmerikazMost said:
depends on the mood, but the three basis are:

1. songs witha positive message (i.e. "Keep Ya Head Up")
2. hard songs (i.e. "Ballad of a Dead Soulja")
3. songs that flow so well it seems like Dre composed the lyrics on his boards (i.e. "Ambitionz Az a Ridah")
Ambitionz is twice as hard a song as BOADS.

Street Fame twice as hard as both of those.
I have to be in a certain mood for story telling rap. All that how many car boats i have is good for dancing thats about it, usually its just Blackstar, A Tribe Called Quest whatever you want to classify that as.

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