Random white kid gets "MADE" into a rapper tonight


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You can't blame the dude, he likes rap and wanted to become a rapper. He shouldn't of said rapper, he should of just said a battler or freestler. He obviously won't have much talent if he doesn't know what anything is. Having a good flow, delivery and all that is what you need. You can rhyme words all day, but it's garbage if it sounds like shit. He just sees rap as rap and probably knows shit about it. He sees people on tv and he wants to be like them.
I cannot believe how mean you guys are. Some of you haven't even seen the kid, and you already trashed him left and right.

Let me make this very clear: freestyling is extremely difficult and it requires a lot practice. Its not weeks or months of practice. It is years. This kid had a sincere intention to make something of himself, and I have nothing but respect for him. I do not expect him to be on the same level as Eminem, and there's no doubt he still needs to work on his stuff. The fact that you guys all said "he's whack!" shows ignorance about what freestyling really is. He just started out and you're already pulling the whack card? Unbelievable.

I look back at what I wrote way back, and its terrible. There's always room for improvement. The same goes for everyone, including the kid.

Stop hating, and find a talent for yourself. Give the guy a break. Imagine someone saying to Shakespear, when he was in his teens, "You suck, William, just give up..you'll never become something!" Today, Shakespeare is considered the best writer of all time.
oh please. I am laughing my ass off at your comment pennypacker. As far as I'm concerned Tupac Shakur looked down from the heavens on this kid and FROWNED! (no dis meant to pac)
This kid should NOT be taken seriously. He is a got-damn fool and should be shun. A rich white kid from the suburbs cannot talk about the hood. It doesn't look like he can talk about pain, dysfunction, or anything else meaningful. "The storm is coming!" Get the hell out of here. Fuck that guy. If u can't relate to people about struggle at least find something meaningful to say. The image or persona he aspires to be is a disgusting misinterpretation of rap. Yeah, The storm is coming alright. ITs called the death of real hip hop and its thanks to MTV!
^^^...You can rap about anything you want, not just struggle or whatever. You don't have to be from the hood to have something to write about. Its better to have a great emcee who raps about burgers than a rapper from the hood that sucks.
Give me the artist who has something unique to express but hasn't developed his talent over the Talented voice who only aspires to rap about burgers or material things.

LMAO and yes your right, I do bet he posts on this board.
SunTzu420 said:
oh please. I am laughing my ass off at your comment pennypacker. As far as I'm concerned Tupac Shakur looked down from the heavens on this kid and FROWNED! (no dis meant to pac)
This kid should NOT be taken seriously. He is a got-damn fool and should be shun. A rich white kid from the suburbs cannot talk about the hood. It doesn't look like he can talk about pain, dysfunction, or anything else meaningful. "The storm is coming!" Get the hell out of here. Fuck that guy. If u can't relate to people about struggle at least find something meaningful to say. The image or persona he aspires to be is a disgusting misinterpretation of rap. Yeah, The storm is coming alright. ITs called the death of real hip hop and its thanks to MTV!

1) when did he talk about the hood?
2) why is pain and dysfunction meaningful? pain and dysfunction are both pretty much wut every rapper talks about everyday.
3)yea im sure because one person wants to become a rapper, its the death of real hip hop.
4)i didnt think anyone could bring up pac (but knowing the faggots on this board) u were the first one do it! ding ding ding congratulations u are the biggest faggot on the board!

your points are shitty and so is your attitude of holding other people down. hater
btw did anybody catch how ghetto C Rayz apartment looked...DAM! he's better off going back to robbing people...that way he'll probally get a decent place to live
kdogg said:
prolly a wigger from this site
i still think its bullshit that wigger can be dropped but the N bomb cant on this board, both are derogatory to a person of either white or black race but i guess its a double standard.
two187pac said:
i still think its bullshit that wigger can be dropped but the N bomb cant on this board, both are derogatory to a person of either white or black race but i guess its a double standard.
being white, i have no problem with the word (but im not a wigger either) i think if one can be sed, the other can be sed also, however wigger is a type of person (goth, punk, emo, etc) but a *insert n word here* refers to a race of people, therefore something they cannot help
two187pac said:
i still think its bullshit that wigger can be dropped but the N bomb cant on this board, both are derogatory to a person of either white or black race but i guess its a double standard.


na it aint a double standard, your just a guy that whines about everything, what are u a fucking girl, man, everytime i read one of your posts its like your on your damn period.
Aww... pples feelings r getting shooked up... No matter what, this kid is whack, yeah he has heart, but hes not a rapper. I bet that half of the people defending him are only doing it because this kid gives them hope...

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