Random #1: Talib Kweli is ass


Well-Known Member
Ass may be an exaggeration, but he pretty much sucks as an MC. His delivery sickens me. This guy CANNOT flow to a beat. He's pretty new to me, i downloaded some of his shit, namely his album Quality - deemed his best. But it sucks. In songs like "Talk To You (Little Darlin)" just prove my case. A beat isn't really evident here, but despite this, he tries to fit in too many words into one bar. And it infuriates me. And i CANNOT understand why everybody was on his dick like half a year ago, when he has a god-aweful flow to every beat (minus Good To You). i guess people hopped on his banana cos of his "political consiousness", but nevertheless, his shit flow makes listening to this very unenjoyable.

Agree? Disagree? Drop your thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Quality is not his best though. Anyone who claims it is has hearing problems.

Check out Mos Def & Talib Kweli are Black Star and Train of Thought (with producer Hi-Tek as 'Reflection Eternal'). He was dope back then, despite his flow being somewhat shitty. But now ...
It IS an exaggeration that he is ass. He's a talented writer and has made many meaningful songs.

You are right, however, that his flow is very weak. He definitely tries to fit in too many words into one bar. He also lacks charisma. He's like to polar opposite to a 50 Cent. 50 has got the flow down but mostly says nothing. Talib says a whole lot, but has difficulty making it listenable.
Agree but disagree lol. Quality wasn't all that, but Black Star showed that he does have mad skills. Maybe blowing up like he did made him less hungry, like what happens to 99.9% of rappers when they make it big. He's not ass though
I like Kweli so I would disagree personally. I think if you merge the best songs from Quality and The Beautiful Struggle you would get a very good album. Anyone its about opinons and personal tastes, correct?
his the one rapper i like that i suggest switching over to ghostwriting atleast for his fans let enjoy a rapper with presence and mic skills


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Quality was not his best, IMO, it's possibly his worst.

Like Chronic said, check out 'Eternal Relfection'. It's a great album. Especially the track 'Too Late'
Agree...I was seriously rooting for this dude after "Get By," but he just can't get it right. To the dude that said he has no charisma, you're right. He isn't a negative influence in rap, but he isn't much of the positive, conscious influence that he portrays himself to be through his lyrics.

I was hopin he'd turn out more like Common -- charismatic, confident, positive. Common sometimes uses too few words in a line, which pisses me off. But it's better than Talib who sounds like he's struggling to read every word he wrote down rather than take the time to reach you.


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Staff member
I've always liked him, although I was never a huge fan. Alot of shit everyone else is saying in this thread is true. The dude can write and come with nice shit, but he just doesn't sound great most of the time.


Well-Known Member
No. His flow is fine. If you have ever listened to jazz you can relate it to that. Plus that is his style his steez how he gets down, that is what he does. But no, the flow is on point, if you relate it correctly.
Amazing writer
Great lyricist
Average flow

The reason I say average and not "ass" is because his flow is very similar to KRS-One's style. If you listen to a full Kris album, you'll notice a few tracks where he'll jump off the bar to put in his message, sometimes taking up two bars with one line. It may not be what everybody likes, but that's also why Kweli doesn't sell 5 mil when he drops right? It's more of an acquired taste than anything else.

The only problem Kweli has with that style is that he tries to fit the format laid out by the rest of his peers which is "One line, one bar." If he learns that he may not necessarily need to use only a single bar for a line, he can have the comfort of knowing that he can write whatever the fuck he wants.

Kweli overall as an MC - 8.5/10 (his lyrics make up for his flow tremendously)
Aristotle said:
No. His flow is fine. If you have ever listened to jazz you can relate it to that. Plus that is his style his steez how he gets down, that is what he does. But no, the flow is on point, if you relate it correctly.

^ Be-bop.

Shibbidy doo wah type shit. Just speaking really.



Well-Known Member
^^ That, also that every sound doesn't come on beat, it could be between beats or something, it is almost random, but it still has rhythm, it doesn't need to fit every single sound and say it has the go now, it is Jazz, it can come late it can come early it could skip it, thats what makes and made Jazz so great, groundbreaking. Kweli' style is almost the same, just cus it doesn't follow he trend doesn't mean it don' flow, listen to the flow and the beat, you almost have to fill in sounds for yourself to go, shit it flows.
I think rap fans will back up an artist every way they can. Kweli is an average writer, he has his concepts and his songs are considered "meaningful" by his fans, but personally I think that his lyrics are nothing above average, and neither is his flow or voice.
tamilflames said:
I think rap fans will back up an artist every way they can. Kweli is an average writer, he has his concepts and his songs are considered "meaningful" by his fans, but personally I think that his lyrics are nothing above average, and neither is his flow or voice.

I would like to know who you think has "above average" lyrics. Maybe if you're listening to Canibus 24/7, then I'd agree with you. But, I'd like to know from you who has these "above average" lyrics you speak of.

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