R&B Singer Houston claims the devil made him do it

Az-Tech Loc said:
Was it really mental illness or his PCP addiction, or just a way to cope with the stress of his life? Either way his peeps should have looked out for him. Well, I gotta go. Take care Artistic.

P.S. Thanks for not saying that to insult me. :)

So he really smokes dust? Well that's it then. Dust will really fuck with your head. No wonder he did that...
do you think it has anything to do with this passage in the bible, if he is a devote christian?

Matt 5:28-29 (NIV) [Jesus:] "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell."

i'm not implicating anything,. just a thought
I'm with Oxycotin, smokin animal tranqs will only lead to mental detorioration. Couple that with a very spiritual person and it's not really surprising. I wouldn't say the dude is crazy, more that his mind is full of chemicals and new experiences of fame that aren't being properly digested in his stupor. But, then again, what do i know.


New Member
smoking pcp makes u do every crazy thing u can imagine. like eating your girlfriend (like that rapper did), killing your parents, ripping your own balls out with your hands (some guy in prison did that)
just some examples so if I was you artisticgurl... I'd suggest you stay away from him/her.
Houston's former manager said that he was diagnosed as a schizophrenic. But Houston's family denies that Houston has a mental problem but a 'spiritual' problem and that his former managers are trying to slander him. His former manager also said that Houston's family spends all his money and he is left with nothing. Basically it is he says she says but one thing is for sure Houston has a mental illness.

I used to have a friend...a very good friend that came from a very spirtual family. He was basically normal until about the 9th-10th grade when he started acting weird and then finally diagnosed as a schizophrenic. His family was so spirtual to Christian beliefs that they sent him to some type of prayer session. You see some Christian people believe that mental illness is caused by demon possession and basically that prayer session was designed to drive out the demon. It wasn't an exorcise but something similar. Let's just say he didn't change. Also, he also tried to take his life several times and claimed that he heard voices from the devil telling him to things like cut himself and etc. It was sad and even sadder to see that I couldn't help him. So in a way I get what Houston is going through especially when he exhibits almost the exact same symptoms as my friend. Basically saying that the devil is telling him to do things and etc. This guy is definitely schizophrenic and the fact that he comes from a very spiritual background would cause him to conjure spirtual delusions. Also, my friend was doing weird things and trying to take his life before any drugs were prescribed to him. So you can't automatically blame drugs in Houston's case although by taking drugs it could definitely exaggerate his symptoms.

Hopefully this kid gets well. What he did was very crazy to people who don't understand the context of his actions. But honestly it isn't crazy at all to me especially knowing he was diagnose a schizophrenic. Sadly though there is no real cure to this mental disease I believe. Even now my friend is still having problems and even placed in a mental institution now and then for violent actions to himself and even his family. I don't know how serious or what level of the mental disease, Houston is at but this is no joking matter. Anyone trying to get their kicks from this is simply immature.
Seko said:
smoking pcp makes u do every crazy thing u can imagine. like eating your girlfriend (like that rapper did), killing your parents, ripping your own balls out with your hands (some guy in prison did that)
just some examples so if I was you artisticgurl... I'd suggest you stay away from him/her.
There was a rapper to turned into a cannibal? Who is it? I never heard of this before.


Well-Known Member
I remember it was sum guy in LA somehow affiliated with Suge but who isnt.

so if I was you artisticgurl... I'd suggest you stay away from him/her.
If your refering to my friend I spoke about, he doesnt smoke PCP he smokes weed and I dont see him much anymore.
K D said:
Posted Feb. 7, 2005-


R&B singer Houston now says that the devil really did make him do it.
I can believe that, 'cause it would't have been his Optician that made him do it.

What the hell did he use? God damn.
I met Houston last year. He was signing autographs at a local mall. Since I met him, I decided to go buy his CD, and it wasn't too bad. I hope he gets through this episode, as he has a bright future ahead of him.

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