Q : who is Marie Banks ? & what is MVP ?

If you don't know who or what they're talking about, then why the hell do you listen to it? I hope you don't listen to an Eminem song and come back and ask us who's Kim and Hallie?

how would he know it games first album
Dogmatic187 said:
If you don't know who or what they're talking about, then why the hell do you listen to it? I hope you don't listen to an Eminem song and come back and ask us who's Kim and Hallie?
Don't blame him you shithead...he has explained why he doesn't know what they are talking about...And it's ok because he is trying to learn and that is something alot of other ppl on this board should seriously start doing...HE has the fucking balls to ask or he is just trying to act stupid..if it is it is working allright...but..hm..Now he knows..all he has to do is start searching on www.google.com for info about marvin gaye instead of asking...Proves once again that rap fans are not only stupid but also lazy...so lazy ppl don't even look shit up ne more..I bet the most of you don't even read or have never read a book about hip hop...and im not talking about pac's bio lol or sum groupie shit...
Am Fucking embarrassed by all the rap fans..on this board!

Fuckin idiots...
one mc on dj said:
Don't blame him you shithead...he has explained why he doesn't know what they are talking about...And it's ok because he is trying to learn and that is something alot of other ppl on this board should seriously start doing...HE has the fucking balls to ask or he is just trying to act stupid..if it is it is working allright...but..hm..Now he knows..all he has to do is start searching on www.google.com for info about marvin gaye instead of asking...Proves once again that rap fans are not only stupid but also lazy...so lazy ppl don't even look shit up ne more..I bet the most of you don't even read or have never read a book about hip hop...and im not talking about pac's bio lol or sum groupie shit...
Am Fucking embarrassed by all the rap fans..on this board!

Fuckin idiots...
stay off the internet for a day or 2 doggie

just because you're both idiots doenst mean you have to stick up for each other
hewsdaddy said:
stay off the internet for a day or 2 doggie

just because you're both idiots doenst mean you have to stick up for each other
Why am I a idiot? And why do I have to stay off the internet?

Because I say rap fans are stupid? :eek:
one mc on dj said:
lol marvin gaye i hope ur kiddin man
one mc on dj said:
Perhaps we could break down some intelligent lyrics damn lol...
one mc on dj said:
Don't blame him you shithead...he has explained why he doesn't know what they are talking about...And it's ok because he is trying to learn and that is something alot of other ppl on this board should seriously start doing...HE has the fucking balls to ask or he is just trying to act stupid..if it is it is working allright...but..hm..Now he knows..all he has to do is start searching on www.google.com for info about marvin gaye instead of asking...Proves once again that rap fans are not only stupid but also lazy...so lazy ppl don't even look shit up ne more..I bet the most of you don't even read or have never read a book about hip hop...and im not talking about pac's bio lol or sum groupie shit...
Am Fucking embarrassed by all the rap fans..on this board!

Fuckin idiots...

Seems odd....


Well-Known Member
The guy is from the middle east so he doesnt know who Marvin Gaye is? Maybe his not so big in that part of the world, wow I wish some people can just reply with some kind of intelligence instead of trying to impress some groupie internet geek with their witty remarks.


Well-Known Member
Marvin Gaye is r&B and Soul, he is the artist, he touched more people than pac did, any artist in rap looks up to marvin thats for damn sure.

most valuable POET, lmao at the shit internet kids come up with.
haunted said:
Seems odd....
you seriously need to hop off lol..I dunno what your problem is with me..but when you said I was annoying you must have forgotten the way you act right now is annoying too...so that makes you and me alot a like...

Hm...First I actually thought the guy was kidding but than he explained to me why he doesn't know who marvin gaye is and I could understand that...So ur point?

And uhh the people on this board are actually stupid..because whenever i say something about the ppl on this board im suddenly dissing the board and I should leave...and I get shitty replies like that all the time..but all rap fans are the same and they are all fucking stupid so it doesn't matter what board I go to..they will always be stupid..so uhh to you to stay the fuck out don't reply to me...shut the fuck up..Are there ne more ways I can make clear I don't wanna read shit from you again about my opinion? If you know some feel free to add em to my lil list...thank you :thumb:

Now you tell me rap fans aren't stupid I have made several posts about why I think rap fans are stupid...and I would love to explain it again.. :rolleyes: But you can always try and use search if it works...

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