Q : who is Marie Banks ? & what is MVP ?

in The Game song : Hate It Or Love It :

[The Game]
Go'head'n envy me
I'm rap's MVP
And I ain't going no where
So you can get to know

what hte meaning of MVP ?

and who is Marie he mention her in the same song ?
Isnt Marie Bank his mothers name? At the end of the last verse on that song he raps

"I think what if Marie Bank had got that abortion?
I love you ma"


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
His mum.
MVP = Most valuable Player.

No excuse in not knowing this, I'm from the UK and have never watched a basketball game in my life.
Thanx All Now i know it but i have also other Q :
in the same song :
I wanna know what's going on like I hear Marvin
No school books
They use their wood to build coffins

who is Marvin ?

and what the meaning of :
the under dog's on top
2Pac-arab said:
Thanx All Now i know it but i have also other Q :
in the same song :
I wanna know what's going on like I hear Marvin
No school books
They use their wood to build coffins

who is Marvin ?

and what the meaning of :
the under dog's on top

lol marvin gaye i hope ur kiddin man
2Pac-arab said:
no man i,m not kidding because i,m not from US or Uk i,m from middle east i don,t now those people who is marvin gaye ?
Then I'm surprised you know 2pac ;) .
Marvin Gaye is one of the best R&B/Soul artists.
ch0ppa said:
Isnt Marie Bank his mothers name? At the end of the last verse on that song he raps

"I think what if Marie Bank had got that abortion?
I love you ma"

his speech isn't that distorted, i guess ppl THINK everyone talks like fitty wit a BUSTED JAW
2Pac-arab said:
no man i,m not kidding because i,m not from US or Uk i,m from middle east i don,t now those people who is marvin gaye ?
If you don't know who or what they're talking about, then why the hell do you listen to it? I hope you don't listen to an Eminem song and come back and ask us who's Kim and Hallie?

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