Please read for mods and members

This is a question no offence to any one? i am just trying to understand the board. if u gonna be a dick wad and start posting bullshit go take ur anger off in your bathroom.

Why is this board mostly ran by aussies and europeans.

How come we dont have any american administrators or African American MODS are administrators.

I some time feel like this board is controlled by another white group.



Knock, Knock...
Staff member

SicC isn't Aussie or European.
Jon isn't Aussie, European.
Rukus isn't Aussie, I don't think. I think he just lives there.
No-one else runs the board in any way, mods have no input.
This is type of bullshit i am talking about.

I just want to know why, is it because there are a lot of americans not being involved.Mods if u dont think this is a right thread to discuss about in this board please CLOSE it.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
prasad said:
This is type of bullshit i am talking about.

I just want to know why, is it because there are a lot of americans not being involved. if u gonna be like and a mod if u dont think this is a right thread to discuss about in this board please CLOSE it.

You have an attitude problem. I have an attitude adjuster in the glove box of my car.
Why u gotta be like that.

I dont have an attitude. I was reading this board for an year now.

Attitude Adjuster in your car.(thats the wierdest bullshit and the worst joke i heard)

See if i piss u off u ban me.

Oh thats fair and equality. If i am pushin ur buttons, take a stand, I aint jumpin you.
i dont know what colour or group the mods/admins are...2 b honest as long as they dont ban my ass i cudnt give a fuck, they could be germans schemeing sum plot up with deathrow to take over the world for all i care, it dont phase me, is the mods and admins not allowed 2 be white? lol....this thread is racist lmao....prasad? how u know ALL the mods/admins are white? ahhhh dude u say u been reading for a year right? wel before this was hi jacked there was loads of mods....yo pittsey was any of them not white just for the satisfaction of prasad?

[no offence to germans, or deathrow :p :thumb: ]


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
prasad said:
Why u gotta be like that.

I dont have an attitude. I was reading this board for an year now.

Attitude Adjuster in your car.(thats the wierdest bullshit and the worst joke i heard)

See if i piss u off u ban me.

Oh thats fair and equality. If i am pushin ur buttons, take a stand, I aint jumpin you.
It's a dumb post.
You are Xenophobic. Who cares what nationality anyone here is. And for the record I think you'll find that the admins aren't european or Australian.
The simple answer is go to a site that you prefer, the evil foreigners aren't forcing you to stay.

And not that it matters, not all the mods/admin are white. A large amount are black or mixed race. And were also before the board got hacked. I'm out, this thread is dumb.
Did I Say All Are White.
All I Said Was Why Dont We Have More Of A Mixed Environment.

Why Most Threads Are Posted By Some One Else Than Americans.

Pittsey Just Close This Thread.
Dude all u talk about admins and mods.

OK great u answered my big question.

What about members that actually start threads. i read some great posters getting banned. Why are few americans on this board. I want to concentrate this thread are americans forgetting pac.

There are posters like me that just want to know why.

Why dont we start a thread mods inform us why u ban some people.

Dont ask me for names. I cant remember them all.

I might just be a another asshole member u could ban and forget about. But hopefully if u do that makes u feel real big and happy inside.



Knock, Knock...
Staff member
prasad said:
Dude all u talk about admins and mods.

OK great u answered my big question.

What about members that actually start threads. i read some great posters getting banned. Why are few americans on this board. I want to concentrate this thread are americans forgetting pac.

There are posters like me that just want to know why.

Why dont we start a thread mods inform us why u ban some people.

Dont ask me for names. I cant remember them all.

I might just be a another asshole member u could ban and forget about. But hopefully if u do that makes u feel real big and happy inside.

Because you asked about the admins and mods.
You're confusing me. Have you had your mental health checked?

And last time I checked I was unable to influence Americans into being 2pac fans. Maybe I could release a subliminal song, but I'm not sure how many people would buy. If you can guarantee distribution and give me a million advance, I'm up for it.

And there's too many cocks on here to start a banned thread, there isn't time to list them all, and no reason to.
Also as long as you keep within the guidelines you won't be banned, you're weird, but I don't see that you've broken any rules. Also have you had a bad day today, or are you just on a 2pacboard crusade?

Look i hope i did not get on your bad side. I havent had a bad day. My day just started. I did not understand what u were speaking about.

Please put it to me very simple.


This board used to packed before what suddenly changed.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
prasad said:

Look i hope i did not get on your bad side. I havent had a bad day. My day just started. I did not understand what u were speaking about.

Please put it to me very simple.


This board used to packed before what suddenly changed.

I don't have a bad side.
I'm all sweetness and light. lol

Yeah the board is going through a transition. There's a lot of new members, and a lot of idiots came here, but most got a banning last week.
Things are still a bit hectic from the hacking, and maybe some people are still looking for the old domain, but not many.
But then to be honest I don't know too much, I'm only a mod.
But I think the best is still to come though, and remember 2pac said "after every dark night, there's a brighter day".
7hug.Life said:
does it really matter who the board is run by?

Big Easy?

if your not racist why does this matter?

Well this is about reply to my last question that u posted.

I just wanted to know why we dont have any decision makers from the black community. NO i dont mind having all white mods and admins. But why dont we have a black mod or admin.
Pittsey said:
I don't have a bad side.
I'm all sweetness and light. lol

Yeah the board is going through a transition. There's a lot of new members, and a lot of idiots came here, but most got a banning last week.
Things are still a bit hectic from the hacking, and maybe some people are still looking for the old domain, but not many.
But then to be honest I don't know too much, I'm only a mod.
But I think the best is still to come though, and remember 2pac said "after every dark night, there's a brighter day".
Thanks Pittsey.

Look i felt a lit bit of oppression for a second.

I am sorry i caused u a headache.

Oh yeah i bought a car.
Brand new one too
Chrysler 300c(hemi) AWD.

Will post pictures.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
You have a point (to an extent). While the race and background of members here isn't really an issue, it is important to have Americans on the board to offer their perspective or understanding of certain subjects touched on in hip hop that may not be relevant to others, especially outside North America. For example, when Pac mentions the Slausson swap meet, the Shaw, Pete Wilson (yeah I’m listening to to live and die in la) non-Americans might not necessarily immediately understand what he’s saying. Some of us saw him live, brushed shoulders with those who knew Pac, or have personal experiences that can contribute to others’ interests. Hey, hip hop started here so having Americans active on the board is important – I’ll grant you that. It’s not very fair to judge the board’s mods and admins right now since everything is still upside down from the takeover attempt. I was a mod in life and fx, and an admin every now and again (I still am one technically, but completely powerless). Really when you think about it, Canada isn’t that different than America because of a large degree of cultural homogeneity (I can’t believe I just said that), and the UK isn’t far behind. Getting caught up in geographic differences is both short sighted and self defeating. Pittsey knows more about hip hop than most of the TRL, Nelly buying Americans, with his tea drinking ass.

Something you may be neglecting to consider is that the foreign perspective is in many ways just as relevant as the American one. True Pac’s music was mainly about the challenges American, lower socioeconomic black people face, but the content and themes of his music can be analogized to almost anyone else. …Not to mention, we as Pac fans should encourage interest in his music, since even though some of it is over 10 years old, it’s still better than 90% of the rap music being produced today.

I can appreciate your thoughts, but you have to expect a reaction like the one you got when you’ve just dissed at least ¾ of this board.
Dante said:
Really when you think about it, Canada isn’t that different than America because of a large degree of cultural homogeneity (I can’t believe I just said that),
i have a lack of education and do not understand this particular please? :) :confused: :thumb:

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