Oppinions on 'The Massacre'

its actually not that bad of an album. it has decent production, catchy hooks, and decent flow. the only thing that i don't like is 50 lyrics and how he raps about the same exact shit over and over. he has very little range and he has some of the worst lyrics ever IMO. still for what it is (a club/party album) it's not that bad. peace

tHuG $TyLe

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dont like it much, beats are ok, lyrics are below average.

A poor album, which shoudnt be selling as much as it does.
GRODT and the Massacre are about the same. Soild albums but not great. Both have hit song on them.The only thing I don't like about the Massarce is it had too many songs. 50 should have cut down 2 about 14-16 tracks. Music wise GRODT is better 50's flow is better on Massacre so they are about the same 2 me Holla!!!!!!!


Wishes he was on probation
i cant wait to hear it, ima buy it today hopefully. I dont think its gona be as good as "power of the dollar" and his mixtape albums...but should still be good. The man has talent, even if he has fallen off slightly.
I downloaded the album, didnt have time to listen to it on the comp, so i quickly burnt it on a cd, listen to it on the way to college and on the way back, ive never heard such shit music in my life, i use that cd now to put my cups and mugs on it, shittest thing to grace my hard-drive :thumb:
1.1 Million in 4 Days !? fuck dammm we Can´t be wrong !!!
The album is very Good, even better than GRODT for me, the album is not easy listennig, it grows on you !!! an is a gr8 fuckin´album !!!

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