**Official** knowledge of slang origin Thread**

Slang Orgin is an Aspect of Rap/Hip-Hop I have always had a great deal of interest in, So I feel I have a pretty good knowledge on the subject, and wanted to help others.

At the same time there are some that have troubled me for a long time and would love to solve them.

I will get the ball rolling, post any that you feel are not Obvious or ask questions for one's you ponder.

1) "Fuck the Police and a 502"-NWA

Many may not know but "502" is in refrance to the old California code for DUI.

2) The Orgin of "Gat"(as in gun) came from Eazy-Z, who actully owned a Gatling gun,


What is the Orgin of "Wolf Tickets"(See;The Click-Game Related-"Wolf Tickets")?
Zimbabwe said:
not to sound naive but i have heard this a heap of times what does a "pot to piss in"
well that is more of a general Slang term, But it basicaly means you don't own shit, or you are simply broke.

back before indoor plumbing people would piss in pot's or Bed pan's overnight so they would not have to go out.

if you don't got somewhere to piss, damn you hard up! lol


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Harry_potter said:
well that is more of a general Slang term, But it basicaly means you don't own shit, or you are simply broke.

back before indoor plumbing people would piss in pot's or Bed pan's overnight so they would not have to go out.

if you don't got somewhere to piss, damn you hard up! lol
thanks , i knew it had something to do with the bed pan history
not sure the origin of the saying "dime" when talkin about females...but it took me a few months to have any clue what people were talkin about in songs when they said they had a dime...i can be slow sometimes
dedbrd said:
not sure the origin of the saying "dime" when talkin about females...but it took me a few months to have any clue what people were talkin about in songs when they said they had a dime...i can be slow sometimes
not sure of the exact Orgin myself but it just means a Perfect 10, a Dime=10 cents.
What's a dub?


"Got an Astin Martin leanin' on dubs"


this line (Game) confused me. It's not an exact quote.

"Mics (? spelling?), Dubs, and 6-4's nigga"

I think I know what 6-4's (impala?) are, but...the rest. Dunno.

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