Obama Wins!


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
We're not a political site, so I will keep this short, but incase you haven't heard already Barack Obama has just been elected the 44th President of the United States of America; by a landslide.

StreetHop.com ran a poll asking who our visitors wanted to see become President and Obama was the favorite amongst both US visitors and international voters, a trend that was proven in the official electoral polls, which saw a record number of youth voters participate.

Tupac Shakur once rapped on his posthumus hit "Changes" that "we aint ready, to see a Black President." Well now in 2008, we finally are. We are finally ready for a world where the color of one's skin does not predetermine what they can or can't be. Race will no longer hold someone back from their ultimate dreams and no longer dictate what accomplishments they can or can not achieve. We are all equal.

As I watch Obama and family come out for his acceptance speech, I am reminded that Hip-Hop has always struggled not just for African American recognition, but for social equality. And that is exactly what Obama represents not just for the US, but for the youth of the world. Equality, acceptance and change.

I only hope that President Obama lives up to the potential that he has as a leader, but without a doubt, today marks a new and improved world, one that the youth has had a bigger voice in shaping now more than ever.

And if that ain't Hip-Hop, I don't know what is.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
^^ The fact that he is President, is already a change. The record number of youth voters, is already a change.
^I think a normal intellect would understand what i was talking about when i said "change." I wasn't talking about the history behind today's election, I was talking about the "change" that is not much different from what we have now.


Well-Known Member
its a dark day in america, he aint changin nothin. all the obama supporters think he's gonna change the country in months time. (AINT HAPPENIN).

George Washington is rollin in his grave.


Well-Known Member
no its not.. change is fixin the economy, keepin the jobs from going overseas. gettin the troops home. its all about our messed up government they call the shots.

Democrats won Ohio before... Billy won OH, in both terms. Obama barely won Ohio tonight


New Member
you guys are pretty cynical. you cant get anywhere and promote change if your mentality is that you're a victim. i know theres bigger heads controlling shit but they only control a nation who allows it. "change is fixin the economy, keepin the jobs from going overseas. gettin the troops home. " what do you think obama has been talking about throughout his whole campaign, its exactly these things. im not so optimistic to think obama is going to change anything in a few months, thats just idiotic, but i do know this is a step in the right direction. theres a sense of patriotism in the air thats been lacking for a long time.

Prize Gotti

Boots N Cats
Staff member
Snowman, Obama hasn't even had a day as President, in the few hours past, the worlds economy has drastically improved. So stfu.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Obama has the potential to become the greatest US president of all time. I predict his face will be up on mount rushmore in 50 years.


Such overwhelming cynicism will get you nowhere. If you can't at least hope for change and give it a chance, I don't really see your motivation for going on. If yesterday didn't give you at least a glimmer of hope for a better, more fair world then your spirit must be dead. Will all racial profiling end? Hell no, because corrupt bigots didn't stop existing. But use yesterday as a sign that the majority of people of all races aren't okay with that and that it really isn't you against the world.


Well-Known Member
How can you even see the slightest negative aspect in Obama becoming President or talk about "Notthing has changed"? Rukas is right when he says Obamas election itself already represents a part of this "change".

The Immortal Technique quote is garbage too. Of course the President doesnt control the economy. That doesnt mean hes useless and has no impact on its development.


G Font

killuminati and em listen up, quick economy lesson:

why is the economy such a mess now? two of the main reasons is that the US spent trillions of dollars for the war in the Mid-East and the price of oil. That money goes in the pockets of weapon manufacturer and oil companies. Thats where your money goes to.

It is a political decision to stop the war, that is up to the prez. So yes, HE CAN stop the flow of money to those companies and put it to (for example) education or health or new energy so that your ass can be smarter, healthier and your car cheaper to fill.

That is change.

And in regard to racial profiling...homie I live in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn, the cops are on us all day. Yesterday night we was out celebrating, you should see their faces. They didnt do anything. They MUST change now.

They are racist cuz they dont know better. It's all in their head, and having a black prez is now in their head.




The economy is really in a downturn because the banks have been loaning out money they know people cant pay back. They have been feeding off the greed of people. And if you don't realise that im afraid your not so bright and you can argue all you like.

Regarding Immortal Technique's song he is totally right. Yes Obama will try to repair the economy, but he doesn't control it, America is a free market economy and will be years before it will repair itself.

On another note, it doesn't really matter whos president, because we all know the president doesn't really run the country, its the people behind the scenes. The Freemasons.

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