Name Change Request Thread

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Amara said:
^ Yep, like I said, better things to do. He has a right to post just as anyone else, he doesnt have to respond to petty requests merely because they are asked of him.
i got an idea. why don't YOU stop speaking for him. Thanks.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Guys, for fucks sake.

Your name is a privalage, choose one and fucking stick with it. We offerend name changes for people after we removed the mod so that people could go back to normal after fucking with their names for so long. We took the mod down because you all got out of hand, but didnt want to leave you stranded so to speak.

It is not your RIGHT to demand a name change. It is a privalage we gave you for a while, but now frankly I am sick of you all bitching and moaning about it.

Get over it.
how about why? if you guys are too busy with other shit and theres a bunch of people wanting their names fixed or changed back, or to something different, why not let me help out with something everyone wants
ThaHeartless said:
Even better idea. Come up with arguements that are LOGICAL. Stop acting like a groupie just cuz he's admin and australian lol.
lol yeah thats a good one, seeing as I used your argument!! Australian groupie..... pfft, lmao, gotta add that to my sig :rolleyes:
Amara said:
lol yeah thats a good one, seeing as I used your argument!! Australian groupie..... pfft, lmao, gotta add that to my sig :rolleyes:
why else would you come and speak for rukas in a random thread saying he's sooo busy and doesn't have time for people's "petty" requests? Next time, shut up and let him answer.
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