My Toy Soldier

tHuG $TyLe

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KosimO said:
"LOL" is the gayest shit you could say, How the fuck can you seriously use online slang shit like that? How lazy can you be to just type "haha" or "thats funny" not some little kid ass "lol" man this society is fucked up and you're an idiot.
oh no someone said "lol" society is fucked up, the world is ending. :rolleyes:

Also your signiture where it says "if you bought rap music in the lat year, you have bad taste" is dumb.

You know it wasnt just Eminem, Game, Ja Rule making releases in the past year.

On that note i just bought Krazyie Bones album :thumb: good album
"Piggybank" is looked at as the new "Hit 'Em Up"
LMAO...Piggybank is being "looked at as the new Hit Em up"? Since when? You gotta be fucking kidding me.

Dude...Razor...I like you so I ain't gonna be harsh here, but, c'mon...what moron actually said Piggybank was even remotely near the level of Hit Em Up? I'd like to know who said that because I want to quote them in my sig because that is one of the stupidest comments a person could make.
one mc |one| dj

jason_g_718 said:
LMAO...Piggybank is being "looked at as the new Hit Em up"? Since when? You gotta be fucking kidding me.

Dude...Razor...I like you so I ain't gonna be harsh here, but, c'mon...what moron actually said Piggybank was even remotely near the level of Hit Em Up? I'd like to know who said that because I want to quote them in my sig because that is one of the stupidest comments a person could make.
I think the dude meant *if i remember correctly* that banks a while ago said that shit was goin 2 be hot but I think he said it was gonna be sumthin like ether..but I am not sure..

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