My fellow heads, a little help please

1. How old are you?26
2. Do you live in a large city?yes
3. What is your occupation? own a business
6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis?Murder Dog Magaznine
7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly?
8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground?Only magazine i would buy
9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi)Yea but only because i like it.


Well-Known Member
1. How old are you?
2. Do you live in a large city?
Kinda, not massive but not small.
3. What is your occupation? (Student or at school can apply here.)
4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture?
I dont do any of the 5 Elements, but I listen to alot of Hip Hop.
5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop?
I think of artists who arnt as well known or watered down as mainstream rappers, although some are terrible all the same.
6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis?
Used to be The Source, but not really anymore. I buy mags when they have an artist I like in there - And for the pictures so I can draw them.
7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly?
None really.
8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground?
If its good and is well balanced, probably (if fairly priced too)
9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi)
Not really I cant get brand on a budget :p but Coke tastes alot better than Pepsi!
1. How old are you? 18
2. Do you live in a large city? Yes
3. What is your occupation? (Student or at school can apply here.) Student
4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture? Not at all
5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop? Lesser known artists, many times more talented than the mainstream
6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis? None
7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly? None
8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground? No
9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi) Yes. Once i get used to something i generally stick to it
1. How old are you? 31

2. Do you live in a large city? Columbus, Ohio...state capital

3. What is your occupation? retail management

4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture? haven't really lived it

5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop? to me it is anything that isn't mainstream

6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis? none too regular

7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly? ...

8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground? probably not

9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi)
yes, i always buy adidas, i have a lot of old navy, and diet mountain dew
Im ressurecting this to try and get some more last minute opinions. Assignment is due in on Friday and yup, I've left it the last min as always. :)

All input appreciated, and everything the people have said already is being used. Thanx.
1. How old are you?


2. Do you live in a large city?

Approximately 50.000 inhabitants, so not that large

3. What is your occupation? (Student or at school can apply here.)


4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture?

Not at all

5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop?

Everything you don't see on MTV

6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis?


7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly?


8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground?

Perhaps, depends on its definition of 'underground'

9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi)

Yes, I try to, as much as possible. Not because I think the brand is cool or something, but because experencies in the past have proven that I like it the best.


Well-Known Member
1. How old are you?
2. Do you live in a large city?
3. What is your occupation? (Student or at school can apply here.)
4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture?
5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop?
6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis?
7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly?
8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground?
9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi)

1. 18
2. Relatively large, no Philly or NYC tho
3. Student / Deli Associate
4. Other than the music, not at all really.
5. When I think of the underground, I think of the rappers who haven't blown up yet or who have been overlooked. There's so much talent that doesn't reach the radio waves because they don't fit this stereotypical image that's been created by the media.
6. None, I think most of them are the biased opinions of people with agendas. I'll skim through a few, but I'd prefer to form my own opinions.
7. I don't visit any regularly, only when I have the time or am looking for something specific.
8. If I liked what the Table of Contents offered.
9. No, I eat, drink, wear, or whatever anything that appeals to me. I like Pepsi better than Coke, but I like Barq's (Coca-Cola) better than Mug (Pepsi). I love Dr. Pepper (Coca-Cola), but Cherry Pepsi is better than Cherry Coke, whereas Lime Coke is better than Lime Pepsi :D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
1. How old are you? 20
2. Do you live in a large city? I live in the smallest state, so i'd say no, lol.
3. What is your occupation? none atm.
4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture? a very lot. I don't know anybody that loves hiphop music more than I do.
5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop? great music.
6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis? none.
7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly? none.
8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground? absolutely.
9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi) no.
1. How old are you?

2. Do you live in a large city?
yes Glasgow

3. What is your occupation? (Student or at school can apply here.)

4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture?

5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop?
Immortal Technique, stuff not on MTV

6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis?

7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly?,

8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground?
yes would take a look at it

9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi)
1. How old are you?
2. Do you live in a large city?
No. I'd venture to say I'm probably one of the only posters here to come from a town under 500 population.
3. What is your occupation?
Various @ First Choice Home Medical Supplies.
4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture?
I wouldn't say I've lived it at all. I do enjoy the music but I don't think I've lived the culture at all.
5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop?
Ill artists that go unknown to the majority of mainstream hip-hop fans and don't get the recognition they deserve.
6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis?
7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly?,, &
8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground?
Probably, but it all depends on where it's sold. Through the internet? at shops? etc.
9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi)
Nope, been raised to take whatever I can get.
Rosco said:
1. How old are you?

Rosco said:
2. Do you live in a large city?

Rosco said:
3. What is your occupation? (Student or at school can apply here.)
I currently attend secondary school (High School for all you Yanks out there).

Rosco said:
4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture?
Hip-Hop is probably my favourite musical genre. I sometimes speak the lingo but as to "living" the Hip-Hop culture, the answer is not much. Hip-Hop is what I listen to most but it's only a part of what I listen to. I'm in it for the music, not the lifestyle.

Rosco said:
5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop?
Harder beats, more graphic subject matter, truer to Rap's roots.

Rosco said:
6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis?
The Source, Q and XXL.

Rosco said:
7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly?, and Rap News

Rosco said:
8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground?
Probably not.

Rosco said:
9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi)
Not particularly. If I trust a brand I will purchase it on a regular basis but I'm always willing to try new things.
1. 107
2. Just outside of one
3. At college and work part-time in a factory
4. I lsiten to rap, produce and write. I am not active in most other areas, but I live around them
5. 'Alternative' fans
6. The Source when I see it at a friends, but I don't buy it myself
8. No
9. No, that's pathetic
one mc on dj said:
1. 17
2. I live in Holland that's a small country and I live in The Hague that's a pretty big city here..
Ah ein Holländer, keine Angst ik will dik nit dissen, was heisst eigentlich "peypen"? Fuck oder nit? lol, Ik hab Cousins in Enschede, lol,
1. How old are you? 16
2. Do you live in a large city? St. Louis, it sucks because everybody tries to be like Nelly when all they really need to do is hone their skills on the mic and learn to Move the Crowd like Rakim said
3. What is your occupation? (Student or at school can apply here.) Student
4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture? I've been a part of Hip Hop since I was six years old. I started listening to it when a cousin of mine flipped MTV on and there was all this stuff from guys like BIG and Pac. I haven't stopped listening since. And I personally don't think listening is enough, you have to live this stuff. Not by dressing like it, but by simply perpetuating what it truly stood for almost 30 years ago: to have a musical outlet that your parents didn't listen to. Later it became a political voice for inner city youth, but actually had very heavy influences from Punk Rock and New Wave and also influenced both of those categories as well.
5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop? I love the undergound. IMO, it's the purest form of Hip Hop because artists who don't want commercial fame will try anything to make a tyte sound. MF Doom is a prime example of this, because you'll never hear samples from movies in the 40s-60s on any 50 Cent or Game album, only Scarface material. Underground Hip Hop is something that should definetely be more exposed...but that wouldn't be underground huh?
6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis? None, they're mostly all bullshit. I stopped reading them and tried to get back into them this year. I knew I was done forever though when I picked up The Source and saw that Fabolous got 4 mics. The Source is something really fake because it wasn't started by somebody who was DEEPLY rooted in Hip Hop. The guy who started it is a Harvard graduate who just happened to like the way a bunch of colored guys sounded when on a track together.
7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly? and Pretty much anything as long as it's unbiased and provides good information along with greatly written articles
8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground? HELL YEA
9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi) No

Okay, that's 9 answers...Rep me
2. Yes Vancouver BC
3. Student
4. Depends on how you describe lived, i havent been shot or stabbed (brick city go oooh oooh oooh ooooh), but i represent hiphop in arguements about music and shit like that, i am a hiphop artist but not really i guess.
5. When I hear underground I think of potentially sick MC's that havent broken into mainstream music yet, artists as local as the MC's down my block to people like Immortal Technique. MC's that havent been recognized.
6. I read XXL on a regular basis, i love that magazine.
7. I dont go to any other hiphop sites.
8. All depends, if i like the artists they are presenting and want to support and shit yeah.
9. No sir, not brand loyal.

hope it helped

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