My fellow heads, a little help please


New Member
OK I have to design a magazine for a uni assignment and naturally I've chose to do mine on hip-hop, or more specifically Underground hip-hop. The majority of it involves research so I'm hoping y'all can answer a few questions for me. :)

Some of them seem a bit random I know but bear with me, all inputs are appreciated, even if you only answer one question. (Don't make the one Q the first one though!)

1. How old are you?
2. Do you live in a large city?
3. What is your occupation? (Student or at school can apply here.)
4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture?
5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop?
6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis?
7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly?
8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground?
9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi)

Thanx in advance people, I may even rep people that give me the most detailed responses. :p


Well-Known Member
1. 18 years, 1 month and 3 days (enough detail??) :p
2. Yes, I live in Manchester, one of the biggest in the country.
3. I'm a full-time student (i'm at college right now)
4. I listen to hip-hop music a lot and some of the clothes I wear are influenced by hip-hop, thats about it.
5. Talented artists that have the skill to make it but are either unlucky or don't have the right connections.
6. I don't read any music magazines, the internet is all I need to keep up-to-date with the news.
7.,,, .
8. Probably not.
9. Yes, I would consider myself brand loyal, I usually buy the same brand clothes, pepsi max >>> coke though.


Well-Known Member
Rosco said:
OK I have to design a magazine for a uni assignment and naturally I've chose to do mine on hip-hop, or more specifically Underground hip-hop. The majority of it involves research so I'm hoping y'all can answer a few questions for me. :)

Some of them seem a bit random I know but bear with me, all inputs are appreciated, even if you only answer one question. (Don't make the one Q the first one though!)

1. How old are you? 21

2. Do you live in a large city? nah, huge country Brazil but i live in a small Island...400.000

3. What is your occupation? (Student or at school can apply here.) College and Workin as Sales Executive

4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture? Hm, im always going at Rap shows, bumpin my Cds all the time, sometimes i hang around with this grafitti crew from my city. Right now im more into study and work, but when I was around 17 i was 100% into Hip Hop Culture, underground scene, bombing the city walls and stuff.

5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop? Thats not mainstream :D you know, not on MTV and that kind of shit, that mostly is done with love, and struggle, im not saying that the mainstream cats dont do with love or didnt struggle...but theres a huge difference now. Cats are sellig their souls to make a couple more $$ .

6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis? Unfortunaly theres only a couple of hip hop magazines over here, but theyre wack. So i used to read Vibe when i was in L.A. cause my homie used to buy it.... now im checkin the news over the net.

7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly? DubCnn i guess, but its mostly Streethop and hitemup (pacboard)

8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground? i guess it wont be selling in brazil aight ? :D

9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi) Kind of...i have lets say, 3 or 4 brands that im "loyal" not one...

Thanx in advance people, I may even rep people that give me the most detailed responses. :p
i deserve one rep point for each question ive answered right ? :D
Rosco said:
OK I have to design a magazine for a uni assignment and naturally I've chose to do mine on hip-hop, or more specifically Underground hip-hop. The majority of it involves research so I'm hoping y'all can answer a few questions for me. :)

Some of them seem a bit random I know but bear with me, all inputs are appreciated, even if you only answer one question. (Don't make the one Q the first one though!)

1. How old are you?
2. Do you live in a large city?
3. What is your occupation? (Student or at school can apply here.)
4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture?
5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop?
6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis?
7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly?
8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground?
9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi)

Thanx in advance people, I may even rep people that give me the most detailed responses. :p
1. 17
2. I live in Holland that's a small country and I live in The Hague that's a pretty big city here..
3. Student
4.Nothing I don't represent any elements but I do listen to hip-hop a lot. I can't live 1 day without hip-hop music tho so I kinda use it to live.
5.When I hear the term underground hip-hop I automatically think of a difference in hip-hop but besides the money there isn't really any it's all just music. Rap music.
6. None but I sometimes..Like once in every 6 months buy A XXL and the Source issue. Most of the time I buy em because I am bored.
7. I go to Dutch websites and share what I know and what I like. Hm..I used to go chatrooms and just talk hip-hop and bullshit but not anymore. Sometimes the troublesome forum I don't know if it is still alive. Hmz..I also once in a while check out the Babygrande Records website for new info about artists as jean grae JMT and Canibus.
8. I would like to purchase a magazine that does all without any bullshit. It doesn't nessecarily have to be underground hip-hop although I listen more to what ppl call underground hip-hop than mainstream.
9. Not really.
office worker,
id say half my life if u mean listened to hip hop,
purity comes to mind,
used to read the source and rap pages,,
maybe if it was covering all aspects as opposed to only positive/negative or a certain bias similar to the other mags have. no im not brand loyal,
ive got an open mind.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
1. How old are you?
2. Do you live in a large city?
3. What is your occupation? (Student or at school can apply here.)
4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture?
5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop?
6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis?
7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly?
8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground?
9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi)

1.) 18 years young (18 and 10 months to be picky)
2.) Not by US standards. My city counts about 90k inhabitants. Its medium by dutch measure.
3.) At school almost final year
4.) eh, well, ive never slung crack :D. but i listen plenty of hiphop and dress hip-hop i guess :confused: a decent amount of my mates listen to hiphop. specify what you mean with "living the hiphop culture, tho"
5.) all the artists that put out hiphop music but whose names arent shown on the media (the mtv's etc). plus, when i think of underground hip-hop i think of "real" hip-hop. no bullshit bling bling stuff but tracks on some MC shit.
6.) none
7.) none really. other than :p
8.) not really...unless it was really fairly priced. im not that much of a reader.
9.) no. when i dig it i dig it, whatever brand it is i dont care

hope this helps, dog. hit me up with what youre tryna achieve with this



New Member
^^ Basically a big part of this project is finding the right target audience and marketing it accordingly, theres a helluva lot more q's I could be asking, tryna keep it as short as possible though as I kno people won't take the time to read through 50 mundane questions. So I'm gonna take what I get from here and from other people I speak to and create my 'stereotypical reader', if you will. :)

As for your query on question 4, I mean do you take part in the various aspects of the culture (MC'ing, DJ'ing, Graffiti etc.), does the music and it's artists influence your choice of clothes, the films you watch, your political views etc.

Hope that makes things a bit clearer for you man.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
aaah, nah i dont really be busy with that shit. got homes that make a few beats here and there and i write the odd text when im bored in class, yknow. but nuttin on a major scale.

choice of clothes: yes
political views: not really. hip hop artists dont really influence me. when i hear Technique rappin bout conspiracy theories i disregard it as BS, even though i love him as a rapper.
choice of films: nah, ill watch anthing that looks dope.

peace dawg, g'luck with yo assignment :thumb: if ya got any further questions ill be glad to help (perhaps its useful havin the answers of some1 from holland y'know. plus i got same stuff type assignments which requires me to ask tons of questions so i share ya pain ;) )

hit me up tho

aint got anything else than msn


New Member
2-Yes, Phoenix is about tha 5th biggest in this country
3-Student/Random Job Worker
4-Listen to music, where some Hip-Hop shit, I tagged up a wall at the school a while ago, I do beatbox and rhyme when we fuck around at school, I don't breakdance
5-Underground is the true shit, non-sugarcoated/non-mainstream affected, raw form of hip-hop
6-Elemental Magazine, The Source, XXL, Billboard, Vibe,,,, [isn't up right now]
9-Somewhat, I always buy Adidas shit
1. 14
2. Toronto
3. Student
4. I listen to music all the time and wear the clothes.
5. I think of freestyle battles and amazing artists that arent rich yet.
6. Not on a regular basis (mostly internet)
8. Maybe
9. Yah but depends on the product.
1. 18
2. No, I live in a small city in the Netherlands called Hengelo
3. Student
4. I only listen to it, so not much I guess
5. First and foremost acts like Jedi Mind Tricks and Non Phixion. I consider music underground if it has that raw edge, if you know what I mean, or if the music gets no/very little exposure (like Foreign Exchange).
6. None, I own 2 XXL's (The making of All Eyez On Me and of Makaveli editions)
8. I'm not likely to buy any magazin regularly
9. Nope, I do have brands I don't settle for though. Like Pepsi max and Heineken.

Hope this has been helpful, otherwise you just wasted 3 minutes of my valuable life :p
1. How old are you? 17
2. Do you live in a large city? yeah
3. What is your occupation? Student
4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture? nah, hip hop 'aint cool' here
5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop? under-appreciated artists
6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis?XXL, Vibe, The Source
7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly? Dsb, ThugzMansion, Thugboards, Troublesome96
8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground? yups
9. Are you brand loyal? not when it comes to beverages, normally clothing yeah


Well-Known Member
1. 19
2. Vancouver, BC. Yes
3. Student in college & part time Security Guard
4. None
5. Unrecognized Album/MC by the majority of "Hip Hop Fans"
6. None
7. I only visit this site & on a regular basis
8. If I see it on the street & I have a couple of bucks in my pocket that I dont need...maybe.
9. No I am not.
1. How old are you?

2. Do you live in a large city?
yes............. Phoenix, AZ

3. What is your occupation? (Student or at school can apply here.)
good cuz that's what I'm gonna put....... student :D

4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture?
I live, breath, sleep, think and love the hip-hop culture

5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop?
I think of the artists that aren't mainstream because they won't make bullshit singles

6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis?

7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly?,,

8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground?
probably not cux I'm cheap

9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi)
The only brands I'm loyal to are Corona and Bud Light :D

Now where are my rep points :confused:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Base_D said:
1. 18
2. No, I live in a small city in the Netherlands called Hengelo
3. Student
4. I only listen to it, so not much I guess
5. First and foremost acts like Jedi Mind Tricks and Non Phixion. I consider music underground if it has that raw edge, if you know what I mean, or if the music gets no/very little exposure (like Foreign Exchange).
6. None, I own 2 XXL's (The making of All Eyez On Me and of Makaveli editions)
8. I'm not likely to buy any magazin regularly
9. Nope, I do have brands I don't settle for though. Like Pepsi max and Heineken.

Hope this has been helpful, otherwise you just wasted 3 minutes of my valuable life :p

Hengelo? Ha, i lived in Enschede for like 7 years.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
1. How old are you?


2. Do you live in a large city?

Not really. I live just outside London.

3. What is your occupation? (Student or at school can apply here.)

Electrical Engineer at Heathrow Airport.

4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture?

Depends what you mean. I have had problems throuhout my life with poverty and other struggles. I've also been very troublesome. However I'm white so I haven't experienced racism. What is the hip-hop culture? I don't tag or break. I don't rap. But I do DJ.

5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop?

Hip-hop that isn't played on commercial radio, sold in high street shops, or played on MTV.

6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis?
XXL, Source, Scratch.

7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly?


8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground?

Don't know. I am interested in the underground. But it depends on the mag. I would probably buy the first copy and decide from there.

9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi)

Pretty much. If I like something I tend to return to it.


New Member
1. How old are you?
I'm 22 years old
2. Do you live in a large city?
Naw... Depends on what you call large, I live in Utrecht, Holland, which has like 800.000 inhabitants
3. What is your occupation? (Student or at school can apply here.)
University student
4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture?
I don't really live the hiphop culture, I just listen to ALOT of hiphop, I also visit hiphop concerts, but I'm not really 'living' hiphop, although it depends on your definition... Hiphop is on my mind alot and certain albums/songs/lyrics by certain artists influence my life for sure.
5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop?
The non-mainstream hiphop artists, by which I mean all the artists that are not perticularly famous in the hiphop world or the regular world. So guys like Cormega, Masta Ace, Non Phixion, Immortal Technique etc. I call underground because when I ask my friend about Ras Kass he'll have no idea what I'm talking about since he's not a hiphop head like me. When I mention Tupac, Nas or Jay-Z though, he definitely knows them by name. I think keeping it real has nothing to do with underground, cuz even when you're famous and sell millions of records you can still keep it real...
6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis?
7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly? (Dutch hiphop site) and
8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground?
Nah.. not nessecarily.
9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi)
I do buy Coke and never Pespi but the only reason for it is that I like Coke alot better than Pepsi :p I really don't care about clothing brands or anything. Sometimes I stick to a brand because I'll know for sure it's good though
1. How old are you?
- Im 16 years old

2. Do you live in a large city?
- I would have to say no. Although its considered relatively big in Canada

3. What is your occupation? (Student or at school can apply here.)
- High school student

4. How much would you say you 'lived' the hip-hop culture?
- Not too sure what you want as the answer, but I talk, listen, watch and read a lot about hip hop, I dont intend to get in hip-hop business or stuff like that, um....didnt grow up around hip hop culture environment....hope that helps :)

5. What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'underground' in refererence to hip-hop?
- Something that is not well known or have not yet got the chance to be well known, doesnt nesseccerily mean not good

6. Which (if any) music magazines do you read on a regular basis?
- Dont read any magazines only because i dont have the money

7. Other than here and Streethop, which hip-hop websites do you visit regularly?
- I visit etc for any recent news and i visit a lot of artists official websites to learn more about them regularly and also visit fan sites often as well

8. Would you be likely to purchase a magazine dedicated to the Underground?
- if i had the money, yes id love to

9. Are you brand loyal? (I.E. Do you buy the same make of things all the time, for example always Coke and never Pepsi)
- not for food, clothing somewhat, electronics somewhat, but i dont buy well known brand stuff cause other people do but cause they usually last longer and are better in quality

hope my info helps and good luck with the project :)

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