[MP3] Jin responds to the Tsunami Song. please listen and pass on.


Well-Known Member
Its not just asians who are pissed, everyone is, this is a WORLD tragedy. Its a slap to the face to every man, woman, and child on this planet. Think of all the people donating their time and money, volunteering and what not. Then for the weak ass shock jocks trying to boost ratings cus they know they have no significance or respect in the hip hop world, what a joke. These no talent clowns can be easily replaced, and hopefully they will be.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
/\ you mean miss jones. miss info was opposed to the song from the start, then miss jones argued with her about it.

fuck miss JONES

BIG UP to miss INFO
LuvinAlize said:

Heres a link to the entire beef.. miss info and miss jones really get into it... looks like miss info saved her job..miss info just sounds entirely ignorant... and racist...
excuse me...miss JONES just sounded entirely ignorant and racist in that link....lol... its funny listening to that audio and hearing how everyone was kind've arguing with miss Info about not being involved in this, and then look where they all ended up...


On probation, please report any break in the guidl
I hope immortal Technique stomps that fat bitches ass. he will have some strong views about this . fuck that hoe.

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