[MP3] Jin responds to the Tsunami Song. please listen and pass on.


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/\ dude, go to my site, www.desirock.com, check out the forum, the full story is there, there was a whole song made with racial slurs and everything. hot 97 has indefinately suspended her show.


New Member
the realeast in the game? lol

I dont think he really needed to make a track. He could have just said what he felt in an interview or whatever
i can understand that people are pissed of with all this... but imo its only a joke. it may just be me but i find joking about situation is funny (if somthing happened to me too) but only with freinds who you know wont take offecne.
but i dont think she should of played it out on that scaled
^^^ nah... the track was good... glad he made it... asian people always gettin shitted on and disrespected... fuck that... that song was so ignorant... they called the people chinks when the shit didnt even hit china... argh.. at least get ya racial slurs correct... and i couldnt believe dude was on the station talkin about 'im a start shooting asians'... that shit is jus fucked up...
Miss Jones and her crew are damn stupid. Remember when she made fun about Aaliyah when she passed away?

That wasn't Miss Jones, it was Star from the Star and Bucwild show. Everytime someone mentioned Aaliyah name, Star would play a sound of a plane crashing down.
good, fuck her and the radio station, racist bitch can go suck a big dick, making fun of people like that is fucking sick, what the hell made them do it? is it because she got her ass beat before the song, and felt she could only do herself good by mocking 1000's of people's REAL problem? well whatever it is, she needs to be hanged, and have a public seeing, and they can all piss on the fucking bitches corpse, FUCK MISS JONES! AND HOT 97!

hell, if she jumped in the water, the bitch could cause another Tsunami

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