Mos Def is The Mad Rapper


New Member
Fuck y'all. All Roaches does is hate on everybody. Kinda funny you're all on 2Pacboard, and 'Pac was just as contradictory as all tha guys you talkin' about.
roaches said:
* Pulling the conscious bandwagon, than jumping away?
* Claimed he was a down-to-earth dude when Rawkus cockblocked his band, but post-The Love Below dropped The New Danger (on which he didn't even have the balls to go all the way, and especially lmao at how half-ass it is after listening to "Rock and Roll" off of his first album)?
* Repping Islam, than bragging in interviews about eating pork?
* Changing the words to "Umi Says" to make some Nike money?
* The GMC commercials? (How're you going to make "New World Water" and then write a jingle to help sell some trucks?)
* His guest appearances in the past couple years... he's said no to everyone except Kanye West and the Neptunes (and General Motors)

He says a bunch of shit and calls people out, but starts sweating when he's held to the same standard. He wants to call out Lil Jon, but I bet he didn't have any problem with appearing in a movie where Halle Berry and Billy Bob Thornton played to white men's antebellum fantasies.

Black Star = wack. Mos Def can't put himself to the same standards he likes to hold other people too. Talib Kweli will diss the Game in an interview, and then put him on his Official Mixtape like a bitch.

*Blasts "8 Steps to Perfection", exits post*

- roaches is the mad poster

I have to say though that he did leave them high and dry for 5 years almost like he was reluctant to take a stab at being a contender for the king of NY (after BOBS) damn you got some points sad to say, so I'll just keep peeping BOBS and Black Star, but yep he does sound like a hypocrite (just like Nas), doesnt mean I wont stop peeping his music though
roaches said:
Yeah, everyone will forgive Mos Def if he drops another hot album.

Kinda fucked up.

Even the just are unjust in a way, like I say if he want to talk like a a leader and change hip-hop not do a damn commerical(which he appears in the new ones) for a damn Denali, the black mans pipe dream. That something I want my kids to reach for, that after they become big time ballaz
roaches said:
It means exactly what it sounds like it means.

Mos Def is a hypocrite, he sold out, and he makes wack music.

Fuck him.
Why anyone respects your oppinon has always puzzled me and now I think you are nothing more then....
Harry_potter said:
Why anyone respects your oppinon has always puzzled me and now I think you are nothing more then....

he has a point though thats a fact man, I like Mos Def too (like Nas) but dont be preeching one gospil and then doing the other
PDT said:
Everybody fucks up, don't mean you should turn on 'em.

thats true to depending on the circumstances and given that Mos Def is nothing in relation to me but an entertainer him flipping the switch doesnt matter to me as long as he continues to make some decent music, I still bump Brown Sugar (very fine) everyday
Tito said:
"Lil Jon--I love his music. But why are the East Side Boyz' names Big Sam and Lil' Bo? What the fuck? What's next, Kunta and Kinte? The South should know better. This is the same country that ran up in Fred Hampton's crib and shot him in bed with his pregnant wife. You think the rules changed cause niggas got No. 1 records? What are we supposed to tell our kids? After Malcolm, Martin and Dubois, we got Sam-Bo? What, I'm supposed to be down with that 'cause it makes me dance?"
Why the fuck should it even matter what their names are? He's lookin to much into it.

WayCide-Ridah said:
I could never trust a man who was in The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy...or that lame ass brown sugar...or a gmc commercial...
Good one! :D :thumb:

But I disagree with you on Brown Sugar cause that was a good ass movie there.

7 Syns

Well-Known Member
Who cares what he said or does or didn't do? Doesn't affect y'all in any way, dude is being himself.. If he contradicts himself it's just due to the fact his human.

If you like his music (past or recent) I know you'll come in here and support this thread, if not then you won't. But it's all opinions based on anothers opinion.. (our opinions based on his opinions from his interview).

By judging him or anyone we are the idiots.

7 Syns said:
Who cares what he said or does or didn't do? Doesn't affect y'all in any way, dude is being himself.. If he contradicts himself it's just due to the fact his human.

If you like his music (past or recent) I know you'll come in here and support this thread, if not then you won't. But it's all opinions based on anothers opinion.. (our opinions based on his opinions from his interview).

By judging him or anyone we are the idiots.


it is not judging, per say, but analyzing a problem that black rappers have. There are too many saying that black people need to rise up (speaking like they for the people) but not doing shit about it.If he wants to talk like a leader, be a damn leader. Do what MLK and espcially,ESPICALLY, Malcolm X wanted us to do, even 2pac to an extent understood that. By him judging others in hip-hop and in general, he is the idiot according to your logic.

This was too good of a discussion/thread to let it just die away
roaches said:
* Pulling the conscious bandwagon, than jumping away?
* Claimed he was a down-to-earth dude when Rawkus cockblocked his band, but post-The Love Below dropped The New Danger (on which he didn't even have the balls to go all the way, and especially lmao at how half-ass it is after listening to "Rock and Roll" off of his first album)?
* Repping Islam, than bragging in interviews about eating pork?
* Changing the words to "Umi Says" to make some Nike money?
* The GMC commercials? (How're you going to make "New World Water" and then write a jingle to help sell some trucks?)
* His guest appearances in the past couple years... he's said no to everyone except Kanye West and the Neptunes (and General Motors)

man i fuckin hate lil john and hiz musik....and im still wonderin why he iz famous.... ^roachez doez make some good points no denying that^

He says a bunch of shit and calls people out, but starts sweating when he's held to the same standard. He wants to call out Lil Jon, but I bet he didn't have any problem with appearing in a movie where Halle Berry and Billy Bob Thornton played to white men's antebellum fantasies.

Black Star = wack. Mos Def can't put himself to the same standards he likes to hold other people too. Talib Kweli will diss the Game in an interview, and then put him on his Official Mixtape like a bitch.
roaches said:
Black Star = wack.
roaches you talk a lot of shit, and no matter how much you can talk and argue and draw on facts and drop your opinions, that is a serious statement. black star is responsible for some of the best songs in hip-hop music period. respiration is in my top three rap songs of all time, c'mon, tell me i have bad taste i know your going to. i used to love talib but i think he has fallen off incredibly, with that whole new album and the single off it, and mos's the new danger was a weak one granted. but you can not step on black star, and walk away without having lost total respect from a lot of different posters. yeah, this is an internet forum sure, but you sir, are officially a hater.


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