More emoticons? Please?

Wait a second..... if I recall, you were complaining about their usage!

Just use this one..... :rolleyes:

I find it suits all occasions. hehehehe ;)
Amara said:
Wait a second..... if I recall, you were complaining about their usage!

Just use this one..... :rolleyes:

I find it suits all occasions. hehehehe ;)
I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!


Yea, these two need to become one emoticon! :):thumb: you believe this guy always uses this combination of emoticons? He even does it on MSN Messenger!
I hate that rolleyes smiley, i swear that shit pisses me off. Sometimes i throw my mouse because i get so pissed.

we need these ones:



Well-Known Member
lol i think those are kinda gay, makes the forum look like a circus. but yeah, i hate the rolleyes one too lol.
haunted said:
I hate that rolleyes smiley, i swear that shit pisses me off. Sometimes i throw my mouse because i get so pissed.
So, I am not the only one?! All this time, I thought I was the only one who hated that thing.

Amara, I am starting a club...only for those that hate....uh, I don't want to use it.
I love the rolleyes, it's so useful!

And stop complaining, there are other boards that don't even have the :thumb: and it's so annoying, but I think ours are fine. The only one I don't like is this :eek: , it doesn't look like embarrasment to me.
H.E. Pennypacker said:
:) :thumb: you believe this guy always uses this combination of emoticons? He even does it on MSN Messenger!
Kamikazi do the same thing and these 2 lil' really annoy me.
I'm against that, just keep the current smiles imo. All such kinda superfluous smiles turns the board into a kindergarten and we already have enough unripe members yet! Infantiles + super child play smiles = Deadly Combination. It's like throwing water on a goutted man's feet.
yeah we need the ones on forum has. they siiiiiick. and i think we seriously need more active emoticons. as opposed to stills.
noooo no more emoticons that will make it a childish board, u can express yourself with words u don´t need these
That's a weak argument because the Internet is totally different. Emoticons are used to clarify words, because people often misunderstand others.

All such kinda superfluous smiles turns the board into a kindergarten and we already have enough unripe members yet!
I was't looking for emoticons so I could spam the board. I only asked for more emoticons to express more emotions. I don't say that you should add ridiculous emoticons. I am only asking for more emoticons to represent more emotions.

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