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ShArpEnUrSwOrD said:
yeah that one time got him hooked for life.... bullshit.... you stfu and get ur mouth off of X... if he wanted to quit smokin crack he would stop or get in a detox or rehab center until he makes an effort to do something then none of us should give a fuck. u gotta an absolute retard to think that after smokin a blunt laced with weed it got him hooked for numerous years... crack is an addictive drug but shit u gotta have some self control
Although I agree I dont think someone could get addicted after one time of smoking it, once the person is hooked its a massive personal battle to get off it. Its not so easy and this is why a person needs strong people around them to kick. Hopefully DMX sorts out his life and lives to teach his kids some lessons.
ShArpEnUrSwOrD said:
yeah that one time got him hooked for life.... bullshit.... you stfu and get ur mouth off of X... if he wanted to quit smokin crack he would stop or get in a detox or rehab center until he makes an effort to do something then none of us should give a fuck. u gotta an absolute retard to think that after smokin a blunt laced with weed it got him hooked for numerous years... crack is an addictive drug but shit u gotta have some self control
before i rebut, i would like to say "fuck you" for insulting me twice in that post you worthless peice of shit.
now, i dont know X and you dont know X and we dont know what type of person he is. if it makes you comfortable to call him a crack-head then go ahead. maybe he has some kind of problem and thats what makes him keep going back to it. im sure that he has already recognized that he has a problem and yes, he should get into a detox or rehab center but thats up to him to figure out.

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