Technology Modern Warfare 2


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Yeah, I remember. You also had a few endings, depending on the number of Little Sisters you save/kill.

You don't play as Jack from the first one though. This is a whole new character within Rapture I believe.

It's quite a difficult game, I generally will go through games like nothing on Medium/Intermediate difficulty. Here, on medium you take damage quick, especially from the Big Sister, and have limited ammo.

It's quite intense.

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
yea i saved all of them :)

yea i know its a differenct character but it is an actual big daddy or just a person in the suit?

ill check it out later. when it comes down in price.


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I think it's a person in a suit. I'll find out more as I play. Up to date, I've just tango'd with a Big Sister, and she fled as I was drilling her ass. (No sexual)

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
There seems to be a big dispute arising between Activision and Inifinity Ward. The founders of Infinity Ward were fired by Activision earlier this week and now they are suing Activision over unpaid royalties.

not sure how this will effect future Call Of Duty games but bear in mind that Infinity Ward have developed the best Call Of Duty games in the series i.e Call Of Duty, Call Of Duty 2, Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2. Treyarch developed Call Of Duty 3 and Call Of Duty-World At War which are inferior to the other Call Of Duty imo.


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I heard that MW3 is already in production and are trying to push for a Christmas 2010 release believe it or not.

I used to like IW cause of the first and 2nd Call of Duty which were amazing games, but since they screwed over PC gamers by removing dedicated servers and the ability to mod games for MW2, they've gotten a bad rap. For anyone that PC games, they know that one advantage we have is the ability to Mod games to our liking and create a whole new game. Games like Counter-Strike come from a bunch of kids taking Half-Life and modding it, and it got picked up by Valve and Gearbox.
The same for dedicated servers, I like having my servers with sound clips when someone gets headshot you hear someone yell HEADSHOT ... or when you knife someone, you hear GET RAPEEEED. lol. Also, it's almost impossible to find an online game now where you don't get timed out / lagged or has hackers. IW fucked up with that. Treyarch's next Call of Duty game is in production also, apparently Vietnam based.

As for all of this legal jargon, Activision claimed that Call of Duty games are still a central series to their line-up and will be releasing the game. Keep in mind, IW has more than 100 employees at Activision - Only these few senior members got fired. It just depends how involved these members were and from what I read, they were quite involved. lol


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The 2003 game? Yeah, I played it for a bit. It wasn't too bad. Recently played at World At War vietnam mod - it was very well made, only multiplayer though.

They haven't done many Vietnam War games that were really good, wonder why.

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
Vietcong was full of glitches. i stopped playing it half way through.

I remember there was a part where you had to go into an enemy base and rescue a POW or something while the sniper guy in your team was to take out the enemies from the top of a mountain while you fled. But he fell of the edge of the mountain and got stuck in the side of it lol. something like that anyway. It made the mission impossible to complete.

yak pac fatal

Well-Known Member
split time between this and world at war. this games 2 frustrating with all these campers. its was fine when i first got it but like 2 weeks after that shit in the game was getting abused. hopefully less camping in black ops.

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