Maverick Banned ?

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SicC said:
who cares what the reasons. guy was a loser
That comment was unnecessary, half the people on this forum are losers, if people like Big L RIP Bro and Jon Peatas still roam the forums under different user names, why ban Maverick? Just because Rukas has personal beef with him isn't a good reason to ban him, his site started as a joke, and its unique style brung in members, and whuddaya know, the name of the website is censored when you type it: *************.com... and Rukas is trying to say that he was banned because he has beef with mods, look at people like Trump Tight who diss Dante everytime he gets a chance to.

I think we all know now why he banned Maverick.
Technically: His actions on THIS BOARD aren't what got him banned... I dont think a member should get banned because of actions on another board... its no where in the rules, and if you cant call this unfair, then what the FUCK is unfair? I dont care if he was banned 8 times.. fuckin I dont care if he was banned 1,000 times, thats beside the point, I personally know that Maverick sent Rukas a PM saying sorry for previous actions and giving mad respect for what he does with Streethop and 2PacBoard. Alright.... what is going on is wrong, and thats real. Not to mention he actually payed for VIP, something not alot of people do... It's easy for Rukas to turn the table around, ban Maverick, and call him a biter because of his jokes over at Troublesome. It's easier to do that because this way, it'll not only make Maverick look weak, but it'll make him look like what he was doing is "biting".. when really he just wanted to make a joke...


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
^^ Blah blah blah its Maverick against the world.

Mav was banned cause he broke guidelines, beefed with mods, and tried to clown on me. News flash. THIS IS MY BOARD. Even if I only banned him cause I didnt like him, which I didnt, its my RIGHT to.

If I wanted to ban Mav just cause I didnt like him I would have done it months ago. If I banned people cause I didnt like them, you'd be gone right about now.

As for other users that are banned and come back, drop their names in Last Words and Ill ban them too.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
It's easier to do that because this way, it'll not only make Maverick look weak, but it'll make him look like what he was doing is "biting".. when really he just wanted to make a joke...
Even Mav admits hes a biter and tried to be sly to us and deserves to be banned. Case closed.

Move on. Mav admits it and you cant? LOL.
Rukas said:
^^ Blah blah blah its Maverick against the world.

Mav was banned cause he broke guidelines, beefed with mods, and tried to clown on me. News flash. THIS IS MY BOARD. Even if I only banned him cause I didnt like him, which I didnt, its my RIGHT to.

If I wanted to ban Mav just cause I didnt like him I would have done it months ago. If I banned people cause I didnt like them, you'd be gone right about now.

As for other users that are banned and come back, drop their names in Last Words and Ill ban them too.
I've seen SicC clown on other members, just because he's got a godly position doesn't make it any more fair

I'm done now, I'm afraid I'll be banned because of my opinions
Rukas said:
Even Mav admits hes a biter and tried to be sly to us and deserves to be banned. Case closed.

Move on. Mav admits it and you cant? LOL.
I said I was done, oh well

What I'm saying is it's he's biting in a humorous manner, he's not actually serious about biting, he doesn't do it to get his site more members, he does it so him and close friends like myself can laugh, it's all for fun, you're taking it too serious
Rukas said:
^^ Blah blah blah its Maverick against the world..

Ever know what it feels like?

Rukas said:
Mav was banned cause he broke guidelines, beefed with mods, and tried to clown on me.

What mods? Dante? Who doesn't beef with Dante, c'mon get real.


Wtf? Since he's been on the board as Maverick he hasnt really broke any so called rules other members dont do themselves on a daily basis, you just hate Mav more because he's one of the more popular, and he clowned on you with a joke that was taken to a place other than 2pacboard. You should keep in mind that it was hardly Maverick's doing. His avatar, half the ideas, and half the jokes were made by other people. He's not the only one who runs that site, he just represents it. Half the members on this board talk crap about you and actually mean it, unlike the picture Maverick has acquired since all this shit you've made it out to be.

Rukas said:
News flash. THIS IS MY BOARD. Even if I only banned him cause I didnt like him, which I didnt, its my RIGHT to.

True. BUT, he shows respect to you directly. He PM's you with respect, and tries to make peace with you. If there was something you didnt like about his site, you could have contacted him personally. Just because this is YOUR board, you have to realize that without your members it is nothing. Doesn't matter what you may think of Maverick, or what other members think of Maverick, he has the right to come on here and post, and socialize with the members of, Whether or not he likes YOU, the one with the most power, out of 22,000 or so other members. I mean c'mon. People only come here because its the largest 2pacboard on the internet. People only choose to like you because you have power. Without that power youd be just another name on the screen. Maverick didnt do anything on this board that should deserve a banning to where he cant come on here and chill with friends.

Rukas said:
If I wanted to ban Mav just cause I didnt like him I would have done it months ago. If I banned people cause I didnt like them, you'd be gone right about now.

Ok. You have power, you technically can ban whoever you want, and we know that. But we also know your a normal person just like anyone else on this board. i think you should have looked at the situation more clearly and thoro before getting trigga happy and banning him. And why do you hate me? For expressing my thoughts on what i think is a FUCKED up situation?

Rukas said:
As for other users that are banned and come back, drop their names in Last Words and Ill ban them too.

Haha, damn. Well, i guess that means a couple of OGs and about half the population here. Sometimes I wonder, is there so many members because of banned members coming back 6 or 8 times? I mean shit, I know at least a visible fraction of the active users as of right now are previously banned members, on their return.

I can understand Maverick having his ban lifted in a month maybe, but he doesn't deserve to be banned for life. He sounds pretty sick of the registering game, I'd at least let him on after a short sentence, and dont come at me with that, "I gave him a bunch of warnings" blah blah, and told him that if he fucked up again it was for life... whatever man, you know what I mean.

One More Thing

Rukas, Maverick has no problem with you, this is whats fucked up. He actually does respect you, and thats real.



Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Mav can respect me all he wants, hes still an idiot.

I may unban him. You're not helping him any, if anything, you're making me want to keep him banned just so I dont have to hear his name over and over.

No idea why the thread was closed, wasnt me.

Didnt you say you were going to drop this already? Mav is banned. Get over it, move on, log out, or join him.


Dying Breed
Staff member
That comment was unnecessary, half the people on this forum are losers, if people like Big L RIP Bro and Jon Peatas still roam the forums under different user names, why ban Maverick? Just because Rukas has personal beef with him isn't a good reason to ban him, his site started as a joke, and its unique style brung in members, and whuddaya know, the name of the website is censored when you type it: *************.com... and Rukas is trying to say that he was banned because he has beef with mods, look at people like Trump Tight who diss Dante everytime he gets a chance to.

I think we all know now why he banned Maverick.
he could have been banned at any moment for all his previouse user names we had to ban. But we didnt do it to him because hey, we thought maybe, just maybe he deserved a chance, he got his chance and blew it. ask 7 syns who we banned, he had beef with rukas, but rukas didnt ban him due to that he banned him because he was causing problems all over the board. Now hes back, he works for and got promoted to a mod. If rukas really banned people caus he had BEEF with them then why does 7 syns work for us now? Er maybe caus we let him post under his new name, and why, because he contributed to the board in a positive manner dropped the lame act and grew up. maverick has been banned more than five times and cant seem to figure it out. are u so niave to think he was banned because rukas didnt like him, shit i hate the fool but i didnt ban him i let him stay and post, why caus at the time he didnt break any rules. i dont like u much either right now but ur still here posting away now arent u?


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