Listen To Jay Z Stealing Everybody's Rhymes

and u guys say game is bad for bringin up least he don't take lines from rappers in all his songs. this clip is just a short taste of the shit hes took..SHORT
Vaudeville said:
well who the fuck credited him as the best alive? some fucking bitcches on TV?? fuck them and fuck jay-z it's the public who speaks not some fag TV people who all they care about is looking good and getting some money.
I said he's "one of the best living" key words "one of".
But anyways, like I said before some lines aren't bitten, its just that Jay-Z used the same words and so 2pacnbiggie believed it was biting.
"OMG Jay-Z said "cat" that nigga biting Dr.Suess"
The others lines, like I previously said, are common phrases, "I drove by the fork in the road and went straight/", "Hard dick and bubble gum", etc.
So please, give Hov a rest.He has alot more lines that aren't "bitten", so please Either Love Him or Leave Him Alone.
First off some people need to get a life. If you take the amount of lines he's bitten and put it against the amount of total lines he's spit the percentage is going to be small. Another thing is he rhymes off the top of his head so it's not surprising that shit he's probably listens to are going to show up in his raps. Lastly, take a look back at early rap and you'll see that it's common place. Jay-Z is not the first, only, and not going to be the last to take lines from other rappers that influenced them.
Infamous Josedy said:
If Jay is such a biter and untalented why is he always credited as one of the best living and in the Top 10 of All Time?If he has no talent how did he, start from the bottom by making his own label and climb the charts higher and higher with each release, until it got to the point where Mr.Started Out His Trunk reached the roof just to put his roof in his trunk?
Whether YOU like him or not, Jay is one of the most successful rappers EVER and now he is one of the most successful businessmen in Rap.He is extremely wealthy and he did that by doing what he enjoys, making music.So stop Envying him...
Do you know how many people *SAMPLE* and change up lyrics?ALOT of them do.Im pretty sure you can make this, and half of this shit is just coinsidence.
"I went by the fork in the road and went str8/"
Do you know that this IS a common saying?
And some others are just things that sound similar.I think you have wayy too much time on your hands.
Who said that Jay-Z is one of the best? You only think that because he calls himself that all the time.


Even XXL Magazine labeled him the biggest biter on the frontpage of one of their issues like 2 years ago.

Look at all this evidence!

And now how the hell are you gonna tell me it's coincidence? First off Pac had beef with Jay Z. Why would he say "I'm not a biter I'm a writter For myself and others" if he doesn't even like Pac?
I think that in some instances Jay is biting but there are other times when I wouldn't consider what he does as biting.

Like, for example, in 'The Ruler's Back' (obviously a rip-off/remake of Slick Rick's song) Jay spits the lines,
'Well in these times, well at least to me
There's a lotta rappers out there tryna sound like Jay-Z'

Slick Rick had spit an almost identical line with 'Ricky D' in place of 'Jay-Z'.

While some may consider this biting, I don't. Any rap fan knows that there are several lines throughout that song that are those of/close to those of, Slick Rick's original & while I wouldn't necessarily consider this a homage to Slick Rick, I would say that it's so blatant that I doubt even Slick Rick considers this biting.

& for those that would consider this biting, is Snoop's remake of 'La Di Da Di' biting?

What about 2Pac's line in 'Got My Mind Made Up'?
K D said:
WoW.... ignorance! First off prasad get 2pacnbiggie's dick out your mouth and grow up.. ''gay z bad boy killa'' its getting tiresome.. second of all he is successful because he stuck around biggie? was big there for vol 2? vol 3? and so on? big was alive for reasonable doubt .. thats it! third.. the rap fans after 2pacnbiggie passed away? they all died because 2pacnbiggie was bringing the ''truth''? shut the fuk up JAY Z IS A FRAUD!?? now come on little boy tricks are for kids .. n 2pacnbiggie i seen countless amount of threads about jay z biting rhymes .. let it go .. 2pac would of been proud.. now let it go

And lets not forget that the Outlawz have literally made a career off of 2pac.

There are rappers that I dislike, but 2pacnbiggie, you need to lighten up. You are taking your complete hatred way to far, and it's really truly making you look like one pathetic person. Go get laid, sit back, relax and realize that he's not doing anything to you personally. He's entertaining us. Yes, he uses lines from other rappers, but look at his work. He's put out an album a year for 8 years. He does numerous guest appearances. He's going to occasionally pay his proper respects to rappers. You do it by stealing 2 rappers names for your log-in name, he does by stealing peoples rhymes. Stop talking.
WessideThuggin said:
Who said that Jay-Z is one of the best? You only think that because he calls himself that all the time.


Even XXL Magazine labeled him the biggest biter on the frontpage of one of their issues like 2 years ago.

Look at all this evidence!

And now how the hell are you gonna tell me it's coincidence? First off Pac had beef with Jay Z. Why would he say "I'm not a biter I'm a writter For myself and others" if he doesn't even like Pac?
lmao i aint know he got the xxl award lmao

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