i'll drop my two cents on the old school debate as i am incredibly bored at the moment.
the term "old school" is relative. a lot of people don't realize this, but our generation is sort of special in that a LOT of stuff has happened that has revolutionized society. for some reason we look at what older generations have been calling "old school" for years and we called it "old school" too. and it is, but the thing is that when people started calling 80s shit old school it wasn't a lot older than 15 years, so per definition anything that's around as old as that is old school to us. but instead we have "old school" which is pre-90s, the "golden era" that is the 90s, and now we have the new shit that is post-2000.
why this is i don't know, but i agree that the shit linx posted can be called old school.
that said, i never were able to get the biggie and oc demo tapes and i bet they are down by now. any chance for a re-up?