Kurupt had ghostwriter for entire album?!

It's not hard to realize once you listen to his original Death Row era stuff and compare it to his more recent stuff. Before, his style was laid-back and more lyrical with multi-syllabic rhymes and pretty good metaphors and similes. Nowadays, his style is louder and kind of sloppy, and he tends to use the same word over and over, and Xxplosive tends to be the most accurate example. But he can still drop nice verses, and Against the Grain is a good example of that. He's still a long way from his original Death Row days, though.
Ricardo_Brown said:
mmm dunno exactly what happend but if you compair kurupts work on death row from 1992-1996 to his work in 1998-2004 there are a huge diffrence. his flow where crazy back in 1995 now days it feels like he is stuck mentioning the same word over and over again etc bitch bitch type of stuff but i got to give him credit the songs ive heard so far from ATG have been of the hook way better then what i expected. same thing happend to snoop he is no way near as good now as he was on doggystyle made it was becuse they where all new then hade to prove them selves to the rap world..
Yea, snoop definetly is no way near as good as he was back in the days.

I guess i need to listen to kurupts early work more to learn the difference.

K1NGP1N KuRuPT said:
compare it yourself

listen to something on against the grain

and then listen to this. kurupt's is the second verse after snoop

Dogg Pound - Smooth
I'll get the new album as soon as its in the stores. i went today at local BestBuy and they didnt have it.

Thanks for the song.
heres a heads up..... its not ghostwriting if the person is credited.
ghostwriting = when the person is paid under the table, and this fact is hidden from the public.

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