Kanye West Takes Off In New Video For Spaceship

Kanye West Takes Off In New Video For 'Spaceship'
02.22.2005 8:55 PM EST

Rapper directing clip that shows him working dead-end mall job.
Kanye West (file)
Photo: Getty Images

Kanye West isn't just sitting in the director's chair for his next video — he's also going back in time. For "Spaceship," the hip-hop artist is revisiting the time he held a minimum-wage job in a mall, how small that made him feel, and his

dreams to get away.

"Spaceship" starts in a mall parking lot, where a man lies on the ground, unconscious. Then, according to the treatment, the video flashes back to an earlier moment, when another man — later revealed as West — arrives for work and punches in his time card, just a little late.

His relationship with his boss unfolds in small moments, like when his manager hovers over him as he folds khaki pants, as if West isn't capable of the task. Not that his manager is that hardworking himself — his boss takes time out to play peeping Tom when attractive girls change in the dressing rooms.

West's relationship with his co-workers isn't much better. When it's time for lunch, West takes a break, sitting away from the rest of his crew, eating food he's packed in a brown bag himself, which only earns him smirks from the employees at the fast-food court. During his break, he daydreams, staring at the ceiling, which becomes a starry sky in his imagination. He also calls a number listed in an ad in the back of a magazine, which has a scientist in a white lab coat and a rocket ship on its cover.

When it's time to get paid, West gets shortchanged. He tries telling the manager, who refuses to listen. Angry, West knocks over rack after rack of clothing, jumps on the register counter and then runs out of the store, with the manager in hot pursuit. Once outside the mall, he tears off his uniform, looks up and sees the rocket ship that's going to take him away.

The ship's steam and sparks knock the manager to the ground, unconscious. From there, we're back where we began, as security guards rush out, someone helps the manager sit up and GLC and Consequence — who appeared earlier as a co-worker and a customer — can only smile.

For more on Kanye West, check out the feature "In The Lab With Kanye."

— Jennifer Vineyard
Kanye gets a lot of my respect, he a different type of dude, someone we need more of. Instead of all of the fake rappers trying to make it mainstream by doin the same shit over and over.

Kanye comes at you sideways and i cant wait to see anything new he does, I might not like it but i garuntee that shit will be a breath of FRESH air
naaah actually i like this song espically the beat but i cant even watch him on tv, he feels like he is above the world, almost looking down on people, i watched something the other day where he won an award and didnt say thanks 2 the fans jus his manager, fuck him
jm5471 said:
naaah actually i like this song espically the beat but i cant even watch him on tv, he feels like he is above the world, almost looking down on people, i watched something the other day where he won an award and didnt say thanks 2 the fans jus his manager, fuck him
u just hate him becuz hes black and rich. :thumb:
Who knows if it will even come out.I remember when MTV News showed clips of the Making of the Two Words video and that has yet to come out on regular tv, I saw it on the internet, that woulda killed the charts.


Well-Known Member
video sounds tight., dont expect his album to come out anytime soon. maybe 4th Q of thisyear. or 3rd. there is no way he would drop his album around the same time he drops commons album. thats just dumb
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Originally Posted by jm5471
naaah actually i like this song espically the beat but i cant even watch him on tv, he feels like he is above the world, almost looking down on people, i watched something the other day where he won an award and didnt say thanks 2 the fans jus his manager, fuck him

u just hate him becuz hes black and rich.

ur jus an ignorant fuck who jus talks so keep ur mouth shut n i hate him cause hes fuckin cocky n isnt as good as he feels he is, so go back to ur lil computer games n shut ur mouth


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Cocky is good.

Kanye is right, he's good. There's no such thing as too much confidence.
Without it Kanye would never have been succesful.

I'm a big Kanye Fan, he may not be the best producer but he's my favourite. And he's refreshing, in a rap world of guns, bling and gangstas, it's nice to have something different.
ShArpEnUrSwOrD said:
Kanye gets a lot of my respect, he a different type of dude, someone we need more of. Instead of all of the fake rappers trying to make it mainstream by doin the same shit over and over.

Kanye comes at you sideways and i cant wait to see anything new he does, I might not like it but i garuntee that shit will be a breath of FRESH air
thats so true, just teenage kid whingin cause his music isnt "hard" enough
kanye is ok, probaly my fav commerical rapper
Aristotle said:
I still don't see why people consider him cocky. He never says anything like that really.
i know, same people callin him cocky are the ones listeing and stikcking up for 50cent.

LMAO at your signiture, something short and true that needs to be said on this forum

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