John Cena


New Member
I like Cena, he ain't that great of a wrestler but he's cool, ain't no way I'm buyin' his album. He's pretty clever though. He picked Big L's "Big Picture" as one of his top5 albums, that was cool.
WWE is the worst product on TV, so dude has a point about how slow he recites his shit. I can't watch WWE, but when I see Cena's shit when I'm 420ing at my friends (I must say, it's pretty pathetic that I can be ripped off my ass, and WWE programming is still absurd and not entertaining at all.), see pauses for like five seconds before the next line, because that's how fuckin' wrestlers talk. They are stupid, just like their fan base. IQ of 81.
I don't think anyone can definitively say whether Cena is a legitimate rapper. The album will be a good indicator. But since he's coming from such an unrespected tool as Vince McMahon, he could have twice as much talent as Tupac himself and it really shouldn't matter because Cena will always be seen as a shill.
PDT said:
I like Cena, he ain't that great of a wrestler but he's cool, ain't no way I'm buyin' his album. He's pretty clever though. He picked Big L's "Big Picture" as one of his top5 albums, that was cool.
When did he talk about his top 5 albums? interview or something?
to bad thiers like 10 writers puttin his lines down on a piece of paper backstage at these wrestling events.....every promo that wwe does are scripted...cena just memorizes the lines then goes out to the ring cuts his promo then wrestles
cena writes his own promos, just like the rock wrote his own promos, and the undertaker wrote his own promos. they just have to get consent from the backstage scripters to use the material that they write, thats all.
Trickster said:
The Undertaker had promos? When did this happen ? Surely you wouldnt call saying " Rest in Peace" along with a few other evil phrases a promo.
You never remember the great promo he done when he came back on Raw just before Wrestlemania 14 after being put in the casket by Kane at the Royal Rumble? Where he said he would finally fight Kane and had went to their parents grave to ask for forgiveness.
Kane is in the ring and The Undertaker is on the stage.
*Kanes pyros go off on the stage and 'Taker walks right through them* "I will walk straight through the fires of hell to face you Kane" lmao, classic!
ElMarroAfamado said:
haha i heard Esoteric from 7l and Esoteric gets payed to write all his this

Its true that Cena has said some of Esoterics old rhymes on TV and its not true that he gets paid to write all his rhymes, But why cant people see that rapping is not just part of a gimmick for Cena. Him Trademarc, 7L, Esoteric and a few others were rapping and in a crew before John made it wrestling. Esoteric and 7L werent gonna take money from him for producing "Basic Thuganomics" but Cena insisted on making sure they got paid.

Ill try to find that interview were I got my info from, I think i have it saved somewhere.
Heres that interview with Esoteric
How did you hook up WWE wrestler John Cena?

A long time ago, before 7l & Esoteric, before God Complex, we were in a crew of emcees. John's cousin, Trademarc was part of the crew, along with 7l and Karma and my man Elliot Ness. We actually have a lot of older songs together that you will never ever hear if I can control it. But anyway, we were all good friends and we were a crew, the name is too wack to even put in this interview but Trademarc would bring his cousin around every now and then and he was always this diesel muthafucker, John. Then all of the sudden he was in the World Wrestling Entertainment jumpoff and Trademarc
told me he was spitting my old lyrics in the ring! So naturally we hooked up and 7L produced his ring music. The shit the crowd goes wild to every Thursday night on Smackdown, that's a 7L beat. John is mad cool and down to earth and really has never changed since all that fame has hit him. He is actually a very gifted, hard-working, ambitious writer and entertainer so expect big things from him in the future.

Did the WWE hook you guys up with anything for hooking up Mr. Cena?

Yes. It's kind of an awkward thing, because I would never charge a really good friend who has been supportive throughout the years for verses, and I didn't feel comfortable taking the money, but John was really like look: it's the WWE, they got money. The record is coming out through Sony, they got money. I'm making money in the ring, don't be a fool. So yeah, we got paid. I'm on his album and 7L got some beats on there. Check for it in a few months, it's gonna be dope.

Have you seen Fahrenheit 9

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