Jin Says Hip-Hop Career Is Over

Jin Says Rap Career Is Over, Records 'I Quit'

Rapper Jin has revealed that he is throwing the towel in on his rap career and is putting his job as an emcee on hold, while he explores other options.

The fate of the rapper’s record deal was the subject of rumors over the past month and while the label never officially dropped the rapper there was no need, as he announced today that he is calling it quits.

“No more studio for me,” Jin said. “Them 2F2F (The “Too Fast, Too Furious” movie which Jin had a major role) checks weren't too bad and going to movie premieres was pretty fun. Maybe I should seriously devote myself to an acting career. The opportunities are definitely there.”

Jin hit big with the novelty song “Learn Chinese” in 2003, but Ruff Ryders failed to capitalize on the single’s success. After several delays, his debut The Rest is History finally saw the light of day, but suffered due to lack of promotion, despite production from Swizz Beats and appearances from Kanye West, Wyclef and double R crew member Styles P.

“Maybe what needs to be focused on is what I have accomplished (which in my heart is a whole lot and I'm damn proud of that) with my time as opposed to what I haven't accomplished yet," Jin stated. "For what it's worth, I know that the 100,000 (give or take, since some of you went and bought like 5 copies) of ya'll that went out and bought T.R.I.H. did it solely because you were supporters of me and my music…and not because the radio or TV brainwashed you into thinking I'm the hottest sh*t out there, being that I was barely on either one.”

Jin signed a deal with Ruff Ryders Records, after consecutively winning BET’s popular Freestyle Friday competitions on the countdown show 106 & Park.

The rapper recently released a song explaining his decision titled “I Quit.”

That sucks, I hope he's drawn back to Hip-Hop because I really liked him. But, whatever, maybe he'll have a good acting career or something.

tHuG $TyLe

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Damn that sucks, his album was actually a good album, too bad it sucked sales wise, he recently recorded a track with Juggy D, the first Chinese-Indian track here in the UK. It was pretty good.

Hope he returns.

Props for the link Fatal :thumb:


New Member
Yeah I read about this last night, too bad cos I liked what he was doing. I guess he wont be coming back to the UK again :(
So I'm sort of sitting here pondering a few things.

First off, maybe I should explain the motivation behind the song itself. I wrote "I Quit" because its what the track told me to do. Yes, it sounds sort of odd, but once my ears heard that instrumental, I felt like it was saying to me.."this is the path you must follow.." and then I sort of just let the pen and my heart do the talking. Not my brain. It gives me the the utmost honor to see how some folks are so adamant about me not quiting..or "giving up". Trust me, I am not giving up. Quite a few of you have expressed sentiments such as "you cant give up, you havent even done this or that yet.." Maybe what needs to be focused on is what I have accomplished (which in my heart is a whole lot and I'm damn proud of that) with my time as opposed to what I haven't accomplished yet...Some folks even feel that maybe I'm feeling this way because I feel I've "failed" (record sales, or having to deal with "haters", etc.) That's the farthest from the truth. For what it's worth, I know that the 100,000 (give or take, since some of you went and bought like 5 copies lol) of ya'll that went out and bought T.R.I.H. did it solely because you were supporters of me and my music...and not because the radio or tv brainwashed you into thinking I'm the hottest shit out there, being that I was barely on either one.

Nonetheless, I've always said this and I'm sticking by it: I have the illest fans in the world and those of you that have ever met me or interacted with me know I am grateful for each and everyone of you. My goal since I started doing this was no more than to represent for hiphop and represent for my people. Which I will never stop doing, whether I'm in the game or not.

Before I lose my train of thought, I just wanted to clear up some of the misconceptions and rumors. "Jin" is done. No more studio for me. In all reality, it's not like it's a big deal. I'm sure MTV NEWS or BET.com aren't exactly gonna be flashing bulletin boards that say "JIN RETIRES!!!". Hahah. Matter of fact, if some folks were to hear the news they'd probably react like "who gives a shit?" or maybe even.. "Jin's retiring?..shit, he never even dropped an album!" lol and thats the damn truth. However, for those of you that are true JINatics and some that I even consider my friends, I thought I'd share my decision with ya. Be happy for me.

No matter what, I know that 10 years from now, when we have more than enough representatives within the entertainment industry in general, people will always trace back and be like.."damn remember 10 years ago, that chinese kid was on BET..the one that signed with the R...yea he had that Speak Chinese song!" hahah. That puts a smile on my face.

If you really wanna know what I'm looking forward to its this: www.yofam.net Support that!

*Just a thought* Them 2F2F checks weren't too bad and going to movie premiers was pretty fun. Maybe I should seriously devote myself to an acting career. The oppurtunities are definitely there.

"Jin" has left the building...but the emcee will always be here.

Just remember: I wasn't the first. And I certainly will not be the last.
......some more text for yall
Saaphir said:
He can quit,nobody will miss him.

So you enter this page, read that he quit and skipped over 10 people saying that they'll miss him and you form the opinion that "nobody will miss him". Interesting.

Anyways, I wasn't a fan, he had some nice songs, but he's not a rapper that I was waiting on or anything. I gotta assume that he'll keep doing mixtapes though, he'll just say fuck doing albums.
Saaphir said:
He can quit,nobody will miss him.
i agree didnt really care for him...thats my opinion though he wasnt that big i dont think if he kept rappin he would be..just cuz hes asian dont mean shit..im not racist but thats wut most of u expected the next big rapper to be him cuz of color of skin..dont count on it...one album and already thinkin of quitin :thumb: keep up the good work lol

damn and I was thinking about his work lately and was hoping he would blow up soon cause he has talent and a lot of potential.I would like him to remain in the game but nonethless I still can't blame him you can't sit there forever waiting, at least he's trying to take initative somewhere else.

anyways I didnt expect him to pursue acting but hell to each their own.
good luck to him.
ShadowSoulja said:
i agree didnt really care for him...thats my opinion though he wasnt that big i dont think if he kept rappin he would be..just cuz hes asian dont mean shit..im not racist but thats wut most of u expected the next big rapper to be him cuz of color of skin..dont count on it...one album and already thinkin of quitin :thumb: keep up the good work lol

Jin actually has skills his battling skills are obviously better than his writing skills...but the dude has skills the fact that he is asian doesn't have ne thing to do with this...

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