I think its funny, sounds like he's sat on some nasty shit and just realised. But the question thats begged is, 'is it more annoying than Lil' John's 'Whaaaat?!' or even worse:
Jazzy 'Fizzle's' - 'Ladies and Gentleman'. Man I hate him, he ruins good tracks, eg, Biggies new album.
If I was asked the question, 'What would I rather do than listen to that c**t all day long', my response would be as follows:
"I would rather jump in a failed parachute dive, whilst wearing a barbed wire thong, and then have my landing cushioned by a factory of rusty Stanley-Knives, which in turn slit my testicles before I run out side and fall into a pool of vinegar before being swiftly hit by a speeding train...... repeatedly."
But hey thats just me.